"I did my best, I have no regrets!" ~ Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha (Pokemon) "I love everything about Tokyo, even the things I hate." ~ Rhyth (Jet Set Radio Future) "Although he was not the man I once knew... Kinoc was still my friend, Seymour! YOU WILL PAY FOR HIS DEATH!" ~ Auron (Final Fantasy X), in what is probably the only instance of him flipping the fuck out
Lol Dane Cook >> "I've been having these strange thoughts late*shot* "In this world, there are things that people mustn't touch. Who cares?!" ~Kalas, Baten Kaitos "It's unthinkable! To act against the empire?!" ~Lyude, Baten Kaitos "Us heroes, we have so much to do." ~Mizuti, Baten Kaitos. I just got done rewatching the intro<3