Video Game Deadliest Warrior Episode Two: Adam Jensen vs Commander Shepard

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Princess Celestia, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    For those of you who have not seen the show Deadliest Warrior: Its a way of comparing two warriors who have never met on the battle field, and comparing them against eachother in a fair and reasonable way and in turn figuring out who is the deadliest.

    I dont want this thread to boil down to "Well ______ is stronger than _____ because he's epic!" It would be more reasonable to list thier powers and abilities and limitations. Its good to point out your weaknesses in your oponents abilities. Also, source any material you post. For example, don't say, "_____ is imortal because he can't be killed!" but instead, "_____ is importal because on chapter xxxx of part xxxx he did this, and revealed he couldn't be killed.

    In this matchup, we will compare two warriors from a different science fiction future. Adam Jensen of Deus Ex Human Revolution. From the year 2027, an ex police man, who became mechanically augmented to becoming a superhuman cyborg, against Commander Shepard. Since Commander Shepard is customizable, we will take his default profile. John Shepard, the Earthborn, Sole Survivor, Soldier.

    In this matchup, we will compare:
    Short Ranged Combat
    Long Ranged Combat
    Tactics and Strategies

    Honestly, I have not played either game (Thank you Deus Ex and Mass Effect Wikia for helping me write this). As such I feel a bit unqualified to judge and write the ending, but with popular vote I will. I would also like you to bring out which each characters strenghs and weaknesses as if you are explaining it to someone who has never played the game.

    Since neither of these warriors universes have never crossed paths, they will never meet in combat, now, WHO IS DEADLIEST! *plays intro music*
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Readyyyyyyyyyyy?????? FIGHT!

    I'm gonna be sticking to the games that are already out (not future, as yet released games in the series) because obviously none of us know quite what will go down in a game yet to be released, so no Mass Effect 3 stuff... Anyway, on to business...

    Short Ranged Combat:

    Commander Shepherd - Though a specially trained soldier of the Alliance, seems to have no concept of up close and personal fighting. His mighty melee skills comes down to one attack, the 'elbow slap'. Reapers cower as Shepherd moves his elbow in a forward direction. Shepherd will lose easily every time he gets close to enemies.

    Adam Jensen - Augmented with dual long blades kept within his arms, as well as higher strength , Jensen has access to both lethal and non-lethal attacks that can take care of his enemies quickly and efficiently. And you have not seen a perfect takedown until you've seen Jensen take out two guys standing next to each other at once. Lethal or non-lethal, he is Badass. Unfortunately, the only drawback is that takedowns can only be used after sufficient energy has been built up, slowing it down somewhat. But Jensen has a special card to play in close quarters, the TYPHOON System is a short ranged 360 degree arc of miniature explosive that can take ANYONE in its range down in one hit, killing them easily. Even the bosses can't stand this attack, and will easily die. BADASS!

    Winner? Adam Jensen

    Long Ranged Combat:

    Commander Shepherd - Boasting a wide range of weapons to pick from, Shepherd's main guns to pick are his pistol, assault rifle, shotgun and sniper rifle. These come in all shapes, sizes and advantages, but they'll but wait, his ace in the hole is a special gun type where he has access to a grenade launcher, a flamethrower, an 'electric' gun and most devastating of all... a mini nuke gun. Few things can handle this amount of bullets and nuclear fallout.

    Adam Jensen - Set in the year 2027, not much in terms of long range weaponry has improved considerably with the classic pistol, shotgun and assault rifle being staple of Jensen's armoury, with rocket launchers and heavy rifles also being classics, there are some more unconventional warfare weapons such as a stun gun, tranq rifle, crossbow and a pulse gun being more exotic additions. As effective as this guns are in the right hands, Jensen can only carry a limited number of them around as his inventory is limited. And being a drunk, he has 6 beers in his inventory slots that could instead hold a revolver. What a drunk.

    Winner? Commander Shepherd

    Tactics and Strategies:

    Commander Shepherd - The elite of elite, Shepherd has risen the ranks and received recognition from his days as an N7 soldier to the legendary intergalactic SPECTRES. With training from the best humanity has to offer, he has become the best humanity has to offer, and is able to tackle any situation thrown at him, if you want the job done get Shepherd. Shepherds tactics in combat involve him being a great leader of his squad, able to give out orders to change the tide in his favour. Out of combat, Shepherd has the fire of persuasion behind him and with skill is able to convince anyone to do what he wants, with past experience in talking down a group of extremists ready to kill hostages, and he's even convince a half mind controlled individual to kill himself. That is one hell of a silver tongue.

    Adam Jensen - A lone wolf when it comes to the action, Jensen has training from his days as a member of SWAT and as such, he's able to easily plan ahead his deadly actions for any situation. His tactics range from hacking terminals to access new data or open new paths, using his combat abilities to fight through to his goals, using the ancient art of stealth to avoid or takedown silently whatever he has to face, and the art of persuasion in which he can convince others to give him access to secrets, reveal plot elements and even diffuse a deadly situation, giving him an upper hand when need be.

    Winner? Tie


    Commander Shepherd - Not only having access to Medi-gel and advance Shields to survive the onslaught of bullets, tech and biotic attacks that will surely come his way, even if that fails and he is somehow thrown into space with no oxygen (like that would happen right?) he can be rebuilt. Mass Effect 2 opens with the Shepherd dyeing and being brought back to life, so even after dyeing and leaving little remains behind, Shepherd is brought back in all his glory. And this guy has some survivability behind him. He has taken anything thrown at him and survived, collapsing ruins, deadly ancient insect people, a Reaper-Turian hybrid, the wrath of Cerberus, and a guaranteed suicide mission where he escapes with his head held high. This guy has a tale to survive any situation thrown at him, and not many people can say they've died more than once.

    Adam Jensen - Before being augmented, Jensen has been able to handle hails of bullets as ex-SWAT and plenty of back door politics as head of Sariff Industries Head of Security. Jensen has survived nearly dyeing after Sariff Industries was first attacked, though at the heavy cost of most of his original body parts and relying on augmentations. After this, Jensen is able to upgrade his augments to survive deadly gas, massive falls and concussive blasts, as well as upgrade his armour to survive more directly deadly attacks. He is indeed tough as nails, but with enough bullets he can be taken down.

    Winner? Commander Shepherd


    You're fighting the Reapers, an ancient alien Ai race that has killed advanced civilisations for eons and eons in Mass Effect. The main plot in Deus Ex would simply be a side quest for Commander Shepherd, he has the combat range, team work and survivability to take on almost anything.
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I love playing devils advocate. :)

    Is it possible that maybe say, in an urban setting, Jensen would ambush Shepard? Or perhaps use his hacking skills to otherwise gain an edge? Also, if your basing Shepards superior strategy in tactics on the way he interacts with others, perhaps in 1 on 1 situations this coul be neutralized. I'm basing this counter arguement bsed solely on your post.
  4. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    No contest. Don't forget that Jenson can regain energy with consumables.

    I agree.
    This one I will agree with. While Jenson may be able to make the best out of any situtation by hacking, shooting, being stealthy, and any using any means nessearcy to complete his task, Shepard is a leader. He is leading a squad, and always has to do what it takes to win without kill his squad members. (Unless he's a ****** and has them killed in the second game) They both excel in different ways, neither one having the upper hand.

    I have to disagree on this one. First of all, let's get this out of the way. Adam is a cyborg, half human, half robot. Shepard's thick skin can't compare to Adam's actual metal limbs. Shepard may have seemed like he could take a lot of damage, but that was because the lower the difficulty, the more health you have, the less damage you take, and the dumber the enemies are. Play on Insanity and see how many shots he can take. Yes, Shepard was part of a lot of close calls and overcame a lot of tough odds to achieve his goals...but he also had a lot of help. Shepard had the most advanced human spaceship in the galaxy, one of the best fighter pilots in the galaxy, an asari justicar, a krogan warlord, a pure krogan, one of the best theives in the galaxy, a brilliant scientist, an extemely powerful biotic experiment, and many other extremely talented party members of all type of combat specifications. He was a high ranking officer in the entire earth's space defense force, and eventually became a spectre of the concil, which entitled him to an unlimited supply of help and resources. What did Adam Jenson have? Adam Jenson had Adam Jenson. He had a helicopter pilot and Pritchard. That was the extent of his help. He discovered and foiled the Illuminati's plans all by himself. No dropships, no all-powerful spaceships, no crew of animals waiting to kill anyone for him. So you wanna talk toughness? I would love to see Shepard do the things Jenson did on his own. It's more likely that Jenson could have led that team to do the things they did in Mass Effect, than for Shepard to do what Adam Jenson did in Deus Ex:HR.

    I remeber putting Mass Effect on it's highest difficulty, and if I got ambushed by enemies, and my team members died. I was done. I put Deus Ex: HR on it's highest difficulty and I beat the game without setting off an alarm. Adam Jenson is much more of a "super human, super soldier, super badass" than Shepard is.

    I would hardly call the main plot in Deus Ex: Human Revolution a sidequest. He's fighting Belltower, every gang in Detriot and Heng Sha, T. Y. Medical, and mostly impotantly? The illuminati. Fighting the illuminati isn't a battle bewteen, "Hey, is my laser bigger or is yours?" No, it's the most powerful secret society in the world. They control EVERYTHING. Every branch of government, every corperation, every scientific discovery is taken over and controled by them, they control the media, they also control who lives and who dies. They can just as easily wipe out earth's population of civilization as the reapers can, and if you don't believe me, play the original Deus Ex, if you haven't. In Mass Effect 3, shepard is going to have to gather the help of every organic and syntheic civilization in the galaxy. It's proportioned. So saying Shepard is defeating the reapers isn't true.

    Also, Shepard has been in two games, and is going to be in another one soon. Jenson has been in one.

    Short Ranged Combat: Adam Jenson
    Long Ranged Combat: Commander Shepard
    Tactics and Strategies: Tie
    Toughness: Adam Jenson

    Winner: Adam Jenson

    There also should be five categories next time.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Ok, now to compare how each weapon would respond to the other and how muc damage it would do. How would each person, including body armor and how effective it is to use. Also, include whether they would be eliminated from the fight (lose concious or lose control of limbs), and or die. Start at what they use as primary weapons and work your way down. I want t get more into it befre we call it, as it seems close.

    Also, I said added an "X-Factor" category since I don't know either character very well. I might let this thread g longer than the last since I don't know either we'll, its best to be thorough.
  6. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Well, to keep things fair, I'll leave out the wicked powerful crowd control weapons.

    All energy weapons.

    Assault Rifle
    Submachine Gun
    Sniper Rifle
    Heavy Pistol
    Grenade Launcher

    No upgrades or attachments, but more powerful variants of each.

    Adreniline Rush
    Warp Ammo (For biotic barriers)
    Armor Piercing Ammo (For armor)
    Incendiary Ammo (For organic enemies)
    Medi-Gel (Healing)

    Full suit of body armor w/helmet

    Adam Jenson:

    2 foot retractable metal blades of claymore width and thickness attached to forearm.
    Silenced 10mm Pistol w/laser sight & armor piecing rounds
    Silenced Sub machine gun w/laser sight & heat seeking bullets
    Combat Rifle
    Sniper Rifle
    Plasma Rifle
    Grenade Launcher
    Stun Gun

    See through walls
    Jump 9m
    Silent Footsteps
    Super Strength

    Cybernetic Arms, Legs and Torso
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Unfortunately, the X-factor of Shepherd I believe is his ability to lead people into the gates of hell and keep them going.
    Jensen i'm not sure (sexy, deep voice?) so the X factor may not work for this.

    I'm not really going by the game difficulty setting, I thought we were going more based on the lore of the games universe? If we are then yeah, I agree Insanity is insane for Mass Effect whilst Hard can be managed after a time. But that is kinda based on the style of the games, not the individuals of Shep and Jensen.
    Btw, when Shepherd was brought back to life in the Lazarus project, he was barely recognisable, and his body was modified with mechanical parts as well, so he himself is technically a cyborg. You go full Renegade he's pretty much the picture of evil cyborg from the Terminator films.
    He's also the Sole Survivor back story, he survived and kept his cool as his squad was being obliterated by Thresher Maws on Akuze, he faced down Saren, considered the toughest SPECTRE of his day, completed a suicide run on the Collector's Base facing off the Human-Reaper, hell, he died but came back to life. he's face the worst the galaxy has to offer and has come back from it with a scar and a story. He's tough as nails

    Adam Jensen had backing from Sariff Industries to do the opeartions to kill gansters and the competition, the head honcho David Sariff himself gave Jensen augmentations. Without having help from Sariff he would've died at the start of the game. Sariff gave him Pritchard to use as an offsite analyser and tech expert, he also gave him access to a pilot (what's her name, can't spell it) and chopper to travel the whole world.
    I won't deny Jensen was easily the one in control in the field, but back home in Sariff industries, he was David Sariff's biatch, without him he couldn't get to the field to show off his badassery.

    I don't think Jensen is a leader. He's got the lone wolf thing down to a tee that makes him a zen master of it. Put him in charge of a team and I don't think he could do it. Shepherd has the talent, the traning and the tongue to lead others.

    I would hardly call the main plot in Deus Ex: Human Revolution a sidequest. He's fighting Belltower, every gang in Detriot and Heng Sha, T. Y. Medical, and mostly impotantly? The illuminati. Fighting the illuminati isn't a battle bewteen, "Hey, is my laser bigger or is yours?" No, it's the most powerful secret society in the world. They control EVERYTHING. Every branch of government, every corperation, every scientific discovery is taken over and controled by them, they control the media, they also control who lives and who dies. They can just as easily wipe out earth's population of civilization as the reapers can, and if you don't believe me, play the original Deus Ex, if you haven't. [/quote]

    Bad choice of words, I was getting tired after writing all that arguement down.
    Yeah, but wipping out the galaxy, not just Earth I would consider to be a more destuctve enemyto face. I'm not saying the Illumanati are a walk in the park, they're easily a extremely deadly force, but ancient evil is the worst type of force to face.

    Yeah, but you know when playing the games, without Shepherd known of the races would be able to get their arses out of their back sides in order to face the Reaper threat and would be killed easily. Shepherd's the finger, and the races of the galaxy his trigger for the gun.

    I think one thing we can agree on. Commander Shepherd and Adam Jensen working together. BADASSILLIANT!!!!
  8. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    Commander Shepard
    As good as Adam is at stealth, combat and firearm equipment. His augmentations in general put him in a very good position.
    But at the end of the day Commander Shepard simply has the superior technology.
    The concept of Biotics allowing Shepard to be able completely dominate Adam.
    Literally, the dominate skill can allow Shepard to completely control Adam.
    And the warp skill can nullify Adam's regenerating health.

    Shepard's armor fully upgraded allows him to be able to completely restore his health if at a critical level.

    Shepard's weapons use thermal clips which unlike normal bullets will burn Adam. In the Deus Ex series being burned will do continuous damage to the player even if you are not being fired at.

    So all in all though Adam could hold out for a while, Shepard's biotics would quickly overpower him.
  9. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    I would have brought up the biotic element into it, but in the first post, he said that his class was soldier for this 1 on 1. I don't know if that's fair to do, but that's what I went off of.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Agreed Soldier Shep has no biotics. And we are going off the Soldier for this battle. With Earthborn and Sole Survivor as his background.

    Whichever way this goes I think it'd be pretty close.
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    The thick urban streets were clear of anything living. It was desolate spare for a few fires burning refuse in the winding streets. The sky high towers on each side of the road blocked what little sun there was out at Dawn. Commander Shepherd walked cautiously in the street, past the crashed cars and stillness in the air. A rustling is heard far away in a bush, Shelherd quickly reacts to pull his trusty pistol from it's holster as it fits comfortably in his hands, and a visor for his left eye activates to scan the area. All is quite again. He hears footsteps approaching faster and faster towards his position, he squints his eyes and sees a shimmer coming towards him. He fires at it, causing the shimmer to disappear and reveal Adam Jensen quickly advancing as he shrugs off the bullets. Shepherd quickly attempts an elbow slap, but Jensen dodges and counters with a fierce punch to his face, knocking the Commander of his feet and sending his pistol flying. Adam wants to end this here and now, extending his arm blades and slams his arm down to Shepherd... But in a split second Jensen is knocked far back and off his feet by Shepherd who, by the skin of his teeth, was able to pull out his Shotgun from the back of his waist and shoot in Jensen's direction, though only partially hitting him, it caused little damage. Jensen activates his stealth shielding again before Shepherd can get on his feet for another attack.

    Now the game of cat and mouse begins anew, but with both side losing a little bit more of themselves. Adam Jensen recovers quickly in a shed nearby, inside it houses a large security mech, which gives him an idea. Shepherd in the mean time has equipped his sniper rifle, and peers down the scope to scout locations ahead of him. Nothing out of the ordinary. Or more precisely nothing he's looking for. Until he hears a buzzing sound as if a generator was starting, and looks towards the noise to find a ten foot security mech walking into the centre of the street. Jensen has hacked into it's controls and sent it on it's way to take care of Shepherd, whilst he has jumped from ledge to ledge till he awaits and watches from his perch above the street. The Commander ducts behind the cover of a concrete slab in the street and peeks round to assess the situation. The glowing red eyeball must be it's weakness, but as he thinks so the mech opens bullet fire hitting Shepherd, but thanks to his kinetic barriers protects him from any damage as he ducks back behind cover. He takes a deep breath, ducks above the concrete slab and aims up his shot. Time slows with his heightened reactions, and before the mech can fire again, the loud blast of the rifle is heard, followed by a crack, before the mech finally falls down. Dead.

    Jensen has taken this time to line up his sights with his own sniper rifle to lain a headshit on Shepherd. BOOM! Direct hit! But no, his kinetic shields shrug off the bullet, all it did was take out the shield for a time till it recharges. Jensen knew that he had to take the shield out for good. He drops the rifle on the ledge, jumps into the air and hurtles towards the ground. But thanks to his augmentations he lands like a feather near Shepherd's position and before the Commander realises what's happening Adam Jensen stands right next to him. He knocks the sniper rifle from Shep's hands, and relegating the shotgun from before instead of going for a direct approach launches the TYPHOON Explosive System launching mini explosives all around him, and before Shepherd can react they explode before him.

    Jensen knows that it's over, no tough guy has ever survived it. But he never had to fight Shepherd, who may have lost his shield completely and with bits of shrapnel in his face comes back into the fight quickly, taking out his Assault rifle, whilst Jensen is stunned by his survival, Shepherd fires the gun point blank into Adam's chest.

    The cyborg falls back from the hail of bullets, with his innards both mechanical and natural are on display for all to see. In a desperate attempt Jensen attempts to stab the Commander's stomach, but anticipating this move Shelherd dodges and fires one last time into Adam Jensen's face. It's over. Commander Shelherd walks away uttering his last few words, "I'm Commander Shepherd, and this is my favourite way to win."

    Bottom line: Commander Shepard had too much technology. Shield Technology, Military training, and weapons with 150+ years of technology was just too big a hurdle for Jensen to overcome. I liked Jensen, but Shepard was just too much.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Easily a close call. I think that if Jensen starred in another game he would've won, but Shepherd had the advantage of more experience from ME2 to draw on.
  13. axel. Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 28, 2011
    In my house watching anime o.o
    that was AWESOME great battle dude