How weird is it that, in the 1800's, a girl who was plump was considered pretty, but now, if a girl is any size above a 2, she's automatically fat and unattrative?
I don't think that rule applied just to women. I believe it's because in the olden days, being hefty was a sign of wealth – and marrying into a wealthy family meant you would become forever prosperous and have a high social standing. I'm talking from my experience in history class and having recently watched Pride and Prejudice on T.V.
^ this person speaks the truth. Plumpness= enough food= wealth, and everybody liked wealth :v For example, in Tudor times, Henry VIII was drawn so huge and broad to show his vast wealth. Besides, preference in appearences changes all the time- perhaps in a few decades, it'll be "good" to be plump again~ Your post was a bit of an exagerration, by the way- size 2 is hardly a limit before you become "fat" :l
I still think most people (men) who are searching for a real relationship prefer a more chubby girl. My mom says it's because chubby girls can get healthier kids, and men's instinct tells them they need that... Or something like that.
I can say that I do not really like what I call 'twig girls'. I can't find a girl attractive that looks sickly thin to me and gaunt. It can be expected that some girls as teenagers are going to be pretty toothpick thin. However, women shouldn't be and it just looks like she's not eating healthy etc if she doesn't have some muscle tone and meat on her bones. Can't say I really care for a 'chubby' girl necessarily, but I do like a girl to look healthy and fit and if I had to choose between a chubby girl or a twig girl, I'd go with the chubby one. Twig girls just seem too weak to do much of anything.
You know, actually curves are already on their way back in and have been for a couple of years now. The trend changes all the time, and doubtless it will change again and again and again over the coming years. Personally myself I don't think it should come down to fat vs skinny, it is about healthy. As long as you are at a healthy weight for you, then who gives a ****? I'd rather be a bigger size and not have to starve myself than stop eating so that I could go down to a 2. If some guys find skinny girls attractive then I don't really care to be honest, similar if someone is attracted to people who are uh, rather a lot bigger, then that is their own choice. I for one am happy with the way I am, I curve in the right places without having to throw up after every meal.
It's true that the bigger sized women is seeing a return in recent years. However in the 50's, most 'beautiful' women weren't usually thin, actually beauty competition usually consisted of plumper middle aged women. Youth and skinny wasn't the in style. Models such as Twiggy in the 60's, and other ultra small women sparked the new fad of being pencil thin which I believe led to the modern day of 'fat is bad'. Fashion is one of many things that constantly change over time, from old to new, to style and trend and can even come full circle. Some Modern-day male wear use to attributed to old men's clothing in the 50's, and most women's clothing is turning back to th 60's in fashion choice. In the end, fashion can be a statement to what your personality is like, used for praticality, because we're too lazy to choose or even just to attract the opposite sex. When we pick our clothes we always have something in mind. Hey, if it works for peacocks, it works for us.
^Thank you CTR for sparing me a long and lengthy post by saying exactly what I was going to say. Might as well add that I've met plenty of fellows out there who prefer a "chubby" girl to a pencil thin one for a variety of reasons. And I work with a large group of Spanish speakers (mostly from Puerto Rico and South America), who hang around and talk and flirt with me, a slightly more...ahem...built girl than my skinnier co-workers, simply because that's their culture right there. I guess to each their own...