Vampire, Werewolves, the undead....untrue?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    XD I know. I was exaggerating with my example, but my point still stands.
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    ^ SPAM ^


    There is stuff in the world that we don't know about. And to be honest, we may never know if there's really supernatural beings on Earth with us. So for now, I'm going with the evidence, and that points to no werewolves, living dead, or vampires.
    That includes Edward Cullen, fangirls. >_>
  3. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    As for undead? Completly farfetched,
    the fact that there gonna get up and go bite humans, creating more undead. Or any of that stuff is completly out there.

    If there dead there heart would stop beating, no pumping blood no oxygen to the brain, so the brain would be dead too, which nulls the whole 'shoot em in the head' thing.
    Also the fact of how the survive, some movies showed the zombies just... kept living, not sure which one but the zombies mearly just stand around if there aint any humans to eat, for one thing theyd have to be getting some form of energy into them, there pretty much got there own unlimited energy source otherwise. Some movies showed they actully did starve after a while, but lets face it? Why humans, there are plenty of animals they could of devoured, heck why didnt they go for each other.

    The closest thing we would ever get to zombies would be something like that 'Rage virus' which just makes someone go completly of the rocket and want to kill ****. Tho they wouldent be considerd 'undead' this way theyd be alive just... very insane.
  4. vampires are our friends Merlin's Housekeeper

    vampires and werewolves

    i don't really "believe" that vampires and werewolves are "real"
    but i more or less "hope" that they are real
    i love vampires and werewolves
    and want them to be real
    they could be real and living secretly among humans
    but that is just a sick fantasy of mine

    so, i want them to be real
    but there isn't much proof that they are real
    so it's a possibility that they are real
    but , as far as i know ,
    i haven't met any

    i believe aliens are real
    it would be weird if earth was the only planted inhabited by living beings
    so i am certain that aliens are out there somewhere

    "The truth is out there" agent Moulder.
  5. Wisdom Form Guy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Sunset Horizons
    You like them?But both of them are evil.Vampires try to suck your blood and werewolves bite you and turn you into a wolf.>_>
  6. vampires are our friends Merlin's Housekeeper

    you're wrong

    i like the good vampires and werewolves
    like Remus Lupin from Harry Potter
    and Edward and his family from Twilight, etc.
    not all vamps and weres are evil
    and even some of the bad ones are good
    i admit to liking some of the bad ones too
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Remus Lupin isn't real, Edward and the rest of the Cullens are not real. Don't mix fiction with reality o_o;

    Besides if vampires etc do exist then for all we know they are NOTHING like how the media and the world of literature portray them to be xD for all we know, they could be the most vile, evil, creatures we come across.
  8. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Watch out, CtR, the Cullen fangirls may try to kill you for that statement.

    And yes, in folklore, werewolves are savage beasts that basically hunted for humans, despite being human themselves.
    Vampires turned into bats, flew to houses, and attacked. Bats are sometimes considered evil now because of their assumed ties to vampires.
    And zombies...well...they're zombies. They want to kill you anyway, simply because they don't have a will or any "intelligence".
  9. vampires are our friends Merlin's Housekeeper

    :)Are you trying to ruin my sick dreams?
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions

    I know that Remus and Edward and the rest are all fake.
    I know that my daydreams are fake.
    But i like to write so
    please let me enjoy my alternate realities,
    i need them when my real life sucks(which is often).
  10. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    Vampires...yes...but there acutaly humans that just like to drink blood (rirutal) werewolfs...only the really REALLY hair people that cant controll how much there hair grows :P

    ghost...yes ive seen them, been contacted by them...and yea

    undead -unreal
  11. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I'm stating facts.
    I think the vampires we're talking about are the actual "fly around and suck blood from the poor defenseless peasants" sort of being.

    Hypertrichosis is called werewolf syndrome simply because of the excessive body hair. Those with that condition don't actually go around and kill people.

    Ghosts fall under the category of undead, by the way. Though ghosts seem to be the only undead thing humans encounter.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Well you are allowed to have your daydreams and your fantasies, no one is denying that, and if you like to write then that is great, but if you will mix fiction and reality then please post in creativity instead. This thread is meant for an intelligent discussion (yes I know hard to believe sometimes D: ). So you can enjoy your alternate realities as much as you want, this just isn't the place for them.
  13. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    As mentioned before, they are fictitious. So you only like vampires and werewolves because you've read about them in fiction.

    As for me, I don't really believe in any of it. If there is solid proof then I probably would believe in it. But Im not saying its not possible. It just depends on what would come out in the media (though I'm not sure how much I would believe of that )
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Vampires and werewolves do have a lot of interesting things about them that draw people towards it. Vampires in modern fiction have that lure of being unable to age, immortal and bonded to a curse of existing, which of course at first doesn't seem such a bad thing to some of us who have fears of growing old etc. The only compromises are that you can't walk in sunlight and that you have an insatiable blood lust and must feed on the living. What a compromise! So yes, they hold intrigue in popular fiction and movies, as well as some RPGs.

    Werewolves are often depicted as beings of power and synergy with the earth, crazy in their way and yet also often are seen as long lived or just 'more than human' with some cool powers. It's like connecting to an inner beast, the side of people that is raging. They also hold a great lure for people to relate to.

    However, there's been really no proof of either even as some people claim to be vampires or werewolves and just sight that they can't change or be eternally young now because the blood lines are weak. Vampires have been heavily altered from what they once were, which is more like zombies in popular fiction and movies. Zombies themselves also were not as they are seen today and were more raised from the 'dead' to serve as mindless servants to the person who did a ritual to the person, leaving them buried for 1 to 3 nights. The legends etc have become rather scrambled as vampires became creatures of beauty that are tormented and yet sentient and mostly calm thinkers.

    As much as some people may wish they were real, we just have no evidence to prove such a thing and with how werewolves and vampires have legends now of several types that do not even coincide often with one another, for now I just have to call them fake and say that the legends grew out of some things that have happened to people that were unexplainable back in the past. There certainly isn't anything wrong though with reading the books, etc and thinking they are quite interesting, but they do seem to be entirely fictitious and perhaps so scary and yet intriguing because they are 'human monsters'.

    I've never classed ghosts as undead because they are bodiless. Usually most people only would class vampires and zombies as undead for the reason they are not forced out of their bodies and can walk amongst people rather freely, though there's obviously some conditions of their bodies that we have 'signs' they aren't one of 'us'.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    And I would rather say that the limitations that we put on to whether these species exist in the biological sense. By this I mean that vampires shouldn't be turning into bats instantly when they want, but they could have a inherit disease of being allergic to UV in sunlight, or that they can't get the proper nutrients and so on from normal food but blood has certain properties that helps them live and so on.

    I don't believe in the older versions of people like Dracula who could turn into a bat, wore a cap, lived in Tansylevania (sp?) and so on. Like a werewolf that is crazed by the moon, or the ghosts that lookwhite and see through.

    I do have to say that if any sub-human species existed it would probably have morality and so yes, we would most likely have good and bad vampires and werewolves, because one way or another they would still be humans of some sort. So yeah I agree with your statement. unless the sub-species went frenzied with no rational thought at all, than there would be no good or bad vamps, etc.
  16. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually i read somewhere that werewolves really do exist's not what you think. it's actually supposedly a psychological disorder where a person THINKS they are a wolf and acts like one. they dont' appear like one, they dont' become rabid when the moon is full, they just act like one and look like a bunch of wierdos while acting that way.
  17. Ampex Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 9, 2007
    the origanal fail
    That was during the Ice Age, right? In North America, we had giant Beavers, wolves, tigers, lians, mamoths, slothes, and, of course, cavemen (shut up Ampex).

    Anyways, I belive in ghosts. There's just too much evidence and they could be escapees from hell, or people whith goals not met in life. Or, Hey, everyone needs a vacation, right?

    As for bigfoot, again, it's either Donkey Kong or Bigfoot. Too much evidence.

    Vampires could be based on crazie psycho murderer canabals that drink blood.

    Yeti is snowbound Bigfoot.

    Bush, lord knows what the heck he is.
  18. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    I know ghosts are really i see them now and again
    I think were things (such as a were wolf) are real i've seen interesting thing about them
    Withes though they are comonly mistaken for alchemists which where failed scientists many many years ago (or so i'm told)

    Big foot theres more than one since his cousin is the yeti (not sure if i'm joking)
    The lock ness monster i definetly know theres more than just the one in the lock ness my proof is that similar creatures have been spotted around the world

  19. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    as far as the descusion on ghoast sgo i beilieve tha the are merly our guardian angels which could very well be one we loved who have passed away

    warewolve are one of the less farfeched but still false is understandabe that a man whos hair grows in an unusual way may be compared with a wolf also in the time of the ware wolves creation their was a great hatred towards wolves who woulde eat livestock on farms

    vampires ar completely false its just poeple exagerating the workings of the admitidly stang mind of the real count dracula

    undead are the most far fechted thogh their cration is sensible. the wer created due to the humans natural feer of death
  20. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I only technically believe in ghosts, because of eary happenings that have happened concercing my family and I

    though werewolves may exist, just not biting humans and making them transform, just large wolves

    and vampires, well i was one haha... nah i just had what i like to call "vampire teeth", where you have to extra teeth above your upper teeth, i got rid of them with dentristy, but i scared a lot of kids