Kingdom Hearts II Valor Form Question

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by Mintwafflez, Jul 7, 2008.

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  1. Mintwafflez Moogle Assistant

    Jul 6, 2008
    In the hole in the wall.
    Valor Form; I Figured it Out :3

    EDIT; I figured it out xD Bwaha, Sorry for this now peice of spam.

    M' K. I was in the Land Of Dragons fighting the last boss, and I went into Valor Mode. Instead of comming out with that 'pimped' out Sora, it was a black Heartless-like Sora. It kinda scared the crap outta me, needless to say, but I was wondering if that was supposed to happen or did I do something trigger it. (It looked cool but It was kinda slow.) I looked for this answer in a couple of places but didn't find any answers.
    I tried to get it agian by going into Valor mode in situations with alot of Heartless but I can't get it to happen agian.
  2. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Its anti-form there are a number of ways too have it appear

    get hit about 200 times without driving into final form

    (a friend told me) as soon as sora glows white while transforming hit triangle

    its nothing to worry about it harmless most of the time
  3. Mintwafflez Moogle Assistant

    Jul 6, 2008
    In the hole in the wall.
    Bwaha, Thankies :3
    Now my head can stop trying to figure it out.
  4. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    No problem im happy to help MUHAHAHAHA I WILL TAKE OVER THE INTARWEBZ!!
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Actually it's based off antipoints. You get 1 antipoint everytime you drive into a form except Final. The more anti points you have the higher your chances of driving into antiform you have. Driving into antiform loses 4 antipoints and driving into final loses 10 antipoints. You can't see your antipoints though...Check the KH2 Guide for more info on it.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Anti Form comes about by points you accumulate when you use your Forms too often. The percentage to change is also increased when you fight the Org members so this is why when you use Forms in those battles, often you'll get Anti Form.

    Since this is answered, I'm going to close it. Any questions, feel free to PM me.
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