
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Soushirei, Dec 15, 2007.

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  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    The aroma of an appetizing breakfast stirred the bed-jostling Korwyn from his slumber as he woke with a loud thud, falling indelicately on his face as he rolled off his bed. His amazing consistency in producing the same result almost every morning sure saved him a lot of money from buying an alarm clock; rather, his body naturally awoke him by other means.

    Sitting up from the floor, bringing his back to lean against the side of his mattress, Korwyn spared a moment for an idle yawn and eye rubbing, proceeding with his daily routine to adjust himself to the morning hour. For the energetic youth, this process was very short as no more than a few moments later Korwyn was up on his feet and on his way down for some breakfast. As the only resident at the complex (the building only had a single loft above the restaurant) and because of Korwyn's excellent social skill, he was able to negotiate a special deal with the restaurant owner that allowed him to eat for free at a special cost at the end of each month. Knowing the deal that was settled upon was nothing less than a swindle, Korwyn looked forward to the food that was surely waiting for him as he leisurely made his way down the hallway steps.

    The meal was certainly not what he expected, nor was it part of the menu available to regular customers during breakfast hours; mutton, or so it tasted like as Korwyn took his initial bite into the meat. When he inquired about the plate to one of the waitresses, she simply responded that they were getting rid of the remaining stock from their last purchase of meat. After hearing this, Korwyn took a moment to glance at the plates of the other customers to see if they had anything similar, but to no avail; he seemed to be the only one with a significantly different order. Had he been a little more ignorant, he would've considered himself as receiving special treatment, but gaining the knowledge that the mutton was simply at the verge of spoiling, the context in which he viewed his meal sadly became the opposite.

    Well, he thought to himself. It was still delicious, and he was swindling them in the end, so the small shortcoming on his meal was easily overlooked when Korwyn put everything in perspective.

    The young thief consumed the contents on his plate, then waved at the waitress to signal that he was finished. He left her a few yhels as a tip--to keep up his facade as a distinguished individual--and made for the door, eager to return to the streets to earn some income. The day proceeded normally so far, Korwyn thought to himself as he made his way out the door. That was until something greatly out of place appeared plainly before him.

    "I like to request that you return my watch."

    Oh shi-, Korwyn cursed silently before turning around immediately, heading back into the restaurant before closing the doors swiftly behind him.

    Knowing the layout of the restaurant extensively, Korwyn made his way through the west wing of the resturant to break sight from the entrance. "Meynan, dear," he called to the waitress he had just spoken with. "There's a woman with a dangerous looking face about to enter the restaurant. I think she means harm so it'd be best if you told her to leave."

    No more than a few seconds having past, Korwyn quickly made his way across the restaurant, heading for the stairs.
  2. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    Selirae hissed faintly as the young thief turned on his heels and ran right back into the restaurant. She gathered some of her skirt in a hand to prevent herself from tripping as she ran after him. This was not something she could let go of. She darted into the restaurant after him. Selirae paused upon entry, scanning the room quickly. He was not in this room, he must be in one of the rooms in the back. Lifting her skirts again, she scurried towards the back of the room. A woman stepped between her and her target. The woman held her hands out to stop Selirae.

    “Miss, we don't,” she started, but Selirae interrupted her mid-sentence.

    “Sorry, I don't have time for pleasantries, I assure you I intend no damage to your properties or to the good folk dwelling within it. Excuse me,” she said, using a touch of wind magick to gently push the woman out of her way as hurried further into the restaurant. She could hear the woman still mouthing complaints.

    There was a couple routes she could choose. The way the waitresses attempted to stop her suggested a connection with the thief. She grimaced, he could have already popped out a window already, if he went to one of the downstairs rooms. She had to hope that he had went up stairs.
  3. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    "Miss, we don't--" Meynan's statement was quickly cut short as she was pushed gently against the wall beside her by wind magick.

    "Sorry, I don't have time for pleasantries, I assure you I intend no damage to your properties or to the good folk dwelling within it. Excuse me."

    Like hell you don't! I'm dwelling in it! Korwyn barked quietly in his thoughts as he eavesdropped from the nearest staircase, trying to evaluate the situation. It was obvious that Meynan wasn't much of a distraction as he heard the hurried footsteps of his pursuer quickly closing in on him. No matter, he thought before turning around toward the steps behind him that led to his quarters one floor above. He was certain she didn't catch which direction he went once she entered the place, so unless she was very lucky--which he doubted--she would sooner have to go through several wrong turns before finally arriving at the right one, by which time he would have already left the area--his room being locked of course.

    "She should be happy I didn't take any money!" Korwyn scoffed quietly to himself as he continued walking up the staircase.
  4. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    Selirae grasp the front of skirts to prevent stepping on them as she ran up the stairs. Her face reflected her resolve and vague annoyance. She reached the top of the stairs, several hallways extended from the stairway. Selirae chose a few words of from Kalerath's extensive barrack vocabulary. She glanced at each hallway in turn, eyes narrow as she considered her choices. None of them looked more promising that the other. She reached into her purse and pulled out a ¼ ghel piece and threw it up into air and caught it in her hand. Selirae opened her hand to see which way the sharp end of the 1.4 piece pointed. Closing her hand around the ghel she ran into the selected hallway. At the end of the hallway was another set of stairs. As she was about to start up them, she noticed a figure towards the top. The young thief. She smiled and he turned away to make his escape again.

    “Oh not this time,” she said with an unpleasant smile. A gust of wind slide under his feet as he raced up the stair. The wind shoved his feet back causing him to fall forward. The young man caught himself and would have been able to escape except that he found that his shoes had be encased in ice. She climbed the stairs in more dignified manner than prior.

    “You will give me back my watch,” she ordered, glaring down at him.
  5. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Korwyn's calm demeanor soon saw a change after another pair of footsteps were heard in the distance; Korwyn was definitely not expecting anyone to be where near he was at that particular time. With that in mind, it became obvious who it was that was coming for him. The damn girl got lucky, he cursed silently to himself.

    After getting a small glance of the young woman as he saw her turn the corner of the stairway, Korwyn picked up his pace with the intention of escaping through the window of his loft--at least, that was the plan until his instincts began to warn him of something foreboding coming his way. His experiences as a thief rendered him unable to clearly comprehend what it was until it was too late.

    A small force suddenly attacked his footing as Korwyn felt himself losing balance during his sprint, winning him a perplexed stare of confusion before nimbly readjusting his center to catch his fall. That was wind just now... wasn't it, Korwyn thought before hastily attempting to continue his getaway.

    His take-off was prematurely interrupted as a cold chill suddenly ran across the floor, preventing any movement whatsoever in any of Korwyn's feet as he soon found them to be encased completely in ice. Korwyn furrowed his brows.

    "Lady! What is wrong with you!" a defeated Korwyn barked. "Using magick during peace times is completely against the law!"
  6. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    “Are you too stupid to follow a simple request,†she snarled back at him. She crossed her arms in front of her glaring at him imperiously. “I've given you a chance to redeem yourself already. Give it back to me now and I won't report the theft,†she said firmly, brushing back a curl that had fallen out of position during her fervent movement. Did he have the watch on him now? Did he have enough magick to melt the ice if she went to search for it? She sat down on the stairs peering at him intensely.

    “So what do you say. Return the watch and we will count things as even.†She sighed as if exhausted.

    OOC: Didn't know how to make it longer
  7. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    She ignored me... Korwyn shot her a peculiar stare, looking offended. Not only that, nothing but insults seemed to fly out of her mouth along with the additional threat of reporting him. He scoffed for a moment. Yeah, right. He could just as easily report her for unsanctioned use of magick; wouldn't that be something?

    No, that wouldn't work, he concluded. Even if they were to investigate the matter further, it would eventually be proven that her actions were prompt by Korwyn's theft of her watch. At most, she'd probably just get a fine, and considering how incredibly spoiled these nobles were, she might not even get that, Korwyn growled to himself. This situation was most definitely not in his favour. And his feet were cold, and that wasn't very pleasant either.

    "So what do you say. Return the watch and we will count things as even." She sighed as if exhausted.

    Korwyn looked off to the side, half embarrasssed, half frustrated. "... I don't have it on me. It's in my loft at the end of the hall," he pouted like a child with a blown ego. "But it's in a place you'll never find it so you're gonna need me to fetch it for you!" For goodness sakes, his feet were freezing.
  8. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    Korwyn looked off to the side, half embarrassed, half frustrated. "... I don't have it on me. It's in my loft at the end of the hall," he pouted like a child with a blown ego. "But it's in a place you'll never find it so you're gonna need me to fetch it for you!" For goodness sakes, his feet were freezing.

    Is he sulking? It was a tension killer, which was why she instantly mistrusted it especially considering the source. She eyed him suspiciously, she would have to be cautious, the thief would probably bolt again given the chance. She stood up moving up the stairs ahead of him, subtly making herself taller than him.

    “Fine. I'll release you. Don't try to run though, I'll just use magick again. And if you manage to get away with my watch again... Well, I'm quite stubborn. I will get it back at some point, if I have to drag my friends into it,” she said. A slight look of intense concentration settled on her features. The ice sublimed, leaving no mess. His clothing stirred as a light breeze fluttered around him. She gave him a cloying smile.

    “Just a precaution,” she stated. The truth was that Selirae had limited magick skills due to her own lack of interest. Most of the spells she knew well were either just the basics to pass her classes or spells that gave her advantages in the mock fights she occasionally engaged in with friends. He didn't know that though. “Let's go get my watch.”

    OOC: Is there anyone still here? XD
  9. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    OCC. Well in response to Kagiya, I sorta am well reading it a bit at most. There's no way I can keep up with the two of you xD. Meh I'll try and see what I can do :3 ~
  10. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    ooc: typically the number of applicants to a rp is much higher than the number that stay with it. I just want to see who is still interested in the rp.
  11. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    OOC: The RP is still ongoing, despite me wanting it done over the holidays. I'm sure the holidays was busy for everyone and I completely didn't take that into account. I'm just winging this RP and see how far it goes.

    “Fine. I'll release you. Don't try to run though, I'll just use magick again. And if you manage to get away with my watch again... Well, I'm quite stubborn. I will get it back at some point, if I have to drag my friends into it,” she said.

    "You mean there are more people like you?" Korwyn grumbled indelicately as he felt the ice disintegrate around his feet. That was better, he thought. But having one displeasure gone only emphasized the more important that had yet to go away; the persistent noble woman before him who--in Korwyn's opinion--had an unhealthy obsession with the watch he took. If he had known she cared so much about it, he would've probably went for something more conventional, although that just wasn't his style.

    Korwyn felt another breeze hover suspiciously around his person, to which he then turned toward his unwelcome company with a dubious look.

    "Just a precaution," she stated with a cloying smile. "Let's go get my watch."

    This woman is too cautious, Korwyn thought to himself. I bet she gets robbed often, he added before turning to walk toward his room. "This way."

    There was only one room present on the floor, so any misdirection would prove impossible. Korwyn cursed silently at the irony. He liked having only one room on the floor due to its privacy, but if any of his victims discovered his whereabouts (which he hoped would never find), his possibilities to escape were greatly numbered.

    Korwyn spared another moment to glance furtively at the woman behind him. Talking his way out of his predicament might've been possible for some, but this woman was far too defensive and distrusting of him--more than he deserved! Well, almost, since he did have the intention of running away with the watch at the first opportunity, but she was obviously preparing herself for any such attempt. And with magick on her side--which she was clearly not afraid to use--Korwyn was quite at the disadvantage.

    The young thief quietly turned his key in the lock before slowly pushing it open. After taking a quick glance at his room, he stopped in his tracks at the door's entrance, embarrassment once again flooding his thoughts; he had forgotten to clean up. Rather, he didn't plan on cleaning since he wasn't expecting company--least of all a noblewoman. It wasn't that he needed to fix the place in order to remember where the watch was hidden, nor did he have the desire to woo said noblewoman who stood a few paces behind him with a charming, well-kept quarter; but he did believe in being presentable, especially when such presentations were closely linked to his self-image. Now, it wasn't Korwyn being insecure about what others would think about his messy living space as it was about him festering about personal obligations he held for himself.

    "Umm... would it be impossible for me to ask that you wait outside?" Korwyn dulled his eyes, knowing almost exactly what her response would be. "... My room's a little messy."
  12. Kagiya Moogle Assistant

    Jul 4, 2007
    She waited impatiently a few steps behind the young man as he fiddle with his keys. He paused to glance back her, she responded with a raised brow and he turned back to his task. Selirae could wait to get this awkwardness behind her and get her watch back. She would have to be careful with her possessions in the future. This wasn't Verlest. She had realized that some thieves would go after easily identifiable objects such as her watch. It even had her name inscribed on the inside, though he wouldn't have known that when he had stolen it. Still such an item if sold could be easily traced back especially if people were on watch for it, it didn't make logical sense to steal it. Money on the other hand was not traceable for the most part.

    Selirae eyed his turned back contemplatively. He didn't seem exceptionally stupid, perhaps the man had predilection towards the items of the wealthy rather for wealth itself. Some merchants did the same, trying to fit in with the noble class, only finding themselves more loathed than those of lower social standing.

    "Umm... would it be impossible for me to ask that you wait outside?" Korwyn dulled his eyes, knowing almost exactly what her response would be. "... My room's a little messy."

    She blinked at his words then frowned.

    “What do you think,” she said rhetorically. “I'm not about to take another risk of you getting away. Sorry,” she said flatly dismissive . It wasn't like she expected a young thief's refuge to be a finely furnished, impeccably clean bedchamber. Bedchamber? A slight flush touched her cheeks at a realization. The first masculine bedroom she would enter is going to be this thief's? She had been so obsessed with her goal the thought hadn't crossed her mind. Still, she wanted the watch back besid es if he tried anything she had her magick. She hoped her peers wouldn't hear of it, they wouldn't tired of teasing her about it for some time.

    “Hurry up, I want my watch,” she urged.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Alish knocked on the door of an old rickety house and with no response he walked in. The door creaked and the floorboards beneath his feet bowed slightly as he entered and shut the door. "Where are you?"

    An elderly man that sounded quite sloshed responded. "I'm relaxing, Alish. Seems you came by for a visit after a good year now. I was wondering if you had forgotten I existed." A small series of coughs transpired afterwards.

    "Of course I didn't forget" Alish responded, almost defensively. "I just had no real time to come here and it is somewhat frowned upon that I am in this area and not on business to apprehend criminals."

    "Ah, yes, being a Knight is a tough job. So many demands placed over your head" the bearded fellow in a cloak said as he set a couple pieces of wood into the fire place. It was cold in here and he was used to it, but sometimes it was just too darn frigid.

    "Is that why you quit?" Alish went over and pulled a chair from the table and sat down across from the man who was now sitting on a worn couch.

    The man shook his head. "The demands were not why I quit. I lost my heart to do the job anymore because of the corruption. I do not mind work. I mind that something I stood by for years went sour and there was no hope in my lifetime of seeing it fixed by my hand or others. Knights are meant to be honorable defenders of the people and nation. They are not tools to aid corruption of the government. I have hoped and prayed that the true leader would return." He broke into some coughs and then took a drought of whiskey from a bottle and set it back down on the floor. "Word has it, he may just have, though he is in hiding. Pay attention for you must do the right thing."

    Alish gave a curt nod. He had worked diligently at becoming the best he could be but new there was always room for improvement. He now understood more why his mentor had been so disheartened. "I will hope to do you proud, sir. I just wish I could take you from here. You are ill and this is no place for you to remain." He would offer the man money but in the end he knew the codger was stubborn and it would just go to alcohol as he continued to drink his misery away.

    "There is nothing much left for me now but to hope and see the young lord take what is his by birthright. If I see that, it is all worth it."

    "Well, keep that in mind then. If you keep drinking so badly you won't see it." Alish smirked dryly.

    "Respect your elders, boy. I know what I am doing." He let out a series of coughs yet again and then laid himself down on the couch. "I require sleep. It was nice to see you again, Sir Alish, but you have better places to be. Find the young Lord."

    Alish frowned and stood up. As the man laid down to sleep he just seemed so gaunt and wasted to Alish. "Good night, sir." he said softly and headed once again to the door. Despite the fact he knew the man would only support his habit he laid some money on the wooden table by the door and then opened it and let himself out. Once again he was on the road heading to where now to a destination he was unsure of.

    "Good Knight" the old man whispered and fell into a slumber where snoring could be heard quite loudly.
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