
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Soushirei, Dec 15, 2007.

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  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada

    Welcome to the City of Valdeaunia.

    Located on the far east continent of Mindartia, Valdeaunia is a city currently immersed in political and economic turmoil, where great opportunity is monopolized by a few, and terrible misfortune awaiting many. But the proud city of Valdeaunia was not always like this. What used to be a magnificent city that contributed greatly to the region's highly astute reputation was quickly accelerated into its decline after the Great House of Ferawyn's leader at the time, Tyberias passed away from old age. By tradition, those from the lineage of the House of Ferawyn would succeed the throne and continue the rule over Valdeaunia. However, this is where the House of Ferawyn and its long-held practice of patrilineal inheritance came to an end. While pure at heart and possessing good intentions for the future of Valdeaunia, the current Ferawyn leaders, Cyrae and Miayr, miraculously lacked the competency and leadership ability of their predecessors, and were thus easily forced into being overthrown by their running opposition. In a twisted display of dirty politics through various cleverly planted scandals, Cyrae and Miayr, along with the entire lineage of the Ferawyn House were easily branded criminals and heretics and were consequently stripped of their title, charged with several offenses and then shipped overseas to a state prison. Hereafter saw a time of great change within the politics of Valdeaunia, as it not only marked the end of a long line of Ferawyn rulers, but also marked the first time the monarchial rule of Valdeaunia was succeeded by a democracy.

    As a result, Valdeaunia even became ruled by not one, but three different Houses, each contributing a single representative to help co-lead the city in what would publicly be announced as a mutual rule. The citizens believed this would bring back prosperity to their city, despite the drastic change in how the leadership was handled, and things did fair pleasantly for the next twelve years that followed. But the city would soon fall into a much worse crisis, one far more significant than the concerns of incompetent leadership. Slow and elusive corruption within the leadership of Valdeaunia gradually tore apart the city's socioeconomic infrastructure, eventually splitting the city's three great districts: Verlest, Mhaura and Estavel, into three significantly different areas that varied in wealth and social standing. Each district was ruled by one of the elected rulers: Ariya Solanea , Dhobar Gibkoug and Theranraila Eyllanlith, respectfully.

    A single hope, however, still exists within the city of Valdeaunia. For before Cyrae and Miayr were sent overseas, they sent their eight-year old son, Aelthir, to be hidden away and raised in secret by a close friend of the Ferawyns who lived in Estavel. Loyal followers of the Ferawyn House who were in charge of the couple's arrest reported that Aelthir was aboard the vessel along with his parents before it left the ports, thus finalizing the plan to send Aelthir into hiding. Twelve years had finally passed, and Aelthir was finally ready to attempt the long-awaited plan to overthrow the Valdeaunia leaders and take back the city. While growing up being told he would rule the city one day didn't mean much at the time, Aelthir finds himself finally understanding the seriousness of his endeavor when he finally begins his plan to ascension.

    Aelthir's struggle to reclaim the city will be a hard one, but a bright future awaits Valdeaunia, and it all rests on the shoulders of the last successor of the Ferawyn House.

    The Three Districts

    With structures carved and built by polished white stone and brick, along with luscious plant life that litter the streets and gardens with never-ending variety, Verlest is quite possibly the most beautiful place to be found in Valdeaunia. Women are dressed with poise and elegancy, their attire comprising of various types of silks, laces, and many the other of the city's most expensive fabrics. The city's nobility have always lived prosperously in Verlest; however, the corrupted governing philosophies and immoral beliefs that existed within the current leadership had inadvertently shifted most of the district's social standing to those of the merchant population. While Verlest bleeds a heavenly disposition in its aesthetics, at its core lives a viral wealth comprised of greedy merchants and swindling guild leaders.

    A far more humble district in sight of its bordering neighbour, Mhaura is plagued with unclean waters and constant crime. With stone and brick being severely monopolized by those of higher status, as well as being barely able to afford any life-sustaining assets, most of the deplorable district's inhabitants are forced to build their own homes, almost solely out of wood which are often frail and warped. Open windows are hammered shut with wooden planks during the winter months and lighting is handled exclusively with wax candles, with only the slightly more well-off being able to afford oil lanterns. With only flame-based light at their disposal to light up wooden homes, house fires are a common occurrence during the summer months and are the most frequently used method of crime second to pick-pocketing. Most residents can only afford to have one complete set of clothing, which are often inherited from older relatives or hand-made by oneself or family. Mhaura is a difficult district to survive in, and its residents desperately desire for change.

    What many residents consider to be the shining hope of Valdeaunia, Estavel is a district that many in Veslest look down upon, but what many in Mhaura aspire to reach. Many Mhaura residents who find relative success in their finances move into the Estavel district, where many find further happiness and prosperity. Estavel's uniqueness and charm lies in its ability to provide residents with choices. With a small monopoly on many different goods throughout the city, residents more well-off can afford to choose between building modest homes out of stone or brick, or very sturdy, slightly more complex structures out of top-grade wood. The diversity of the district's economic prowess also produced a large variety of jobs, all of which offer decent-paying wages. While modest in comparison to Verlest, Estavel provides a humble degree of independence to its residents, and allows them to be in control of their lives. In Estavel, happiness is not found in the amount of money being brought home, but in the ability to be able to pursue things one desires to a certain level of success.​

    The Three Rulers of Valdeaunia

    Ariya Solanea
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29
    Appearance: 5'3", slender-build, medium length curly-blonde hair, soft white skin with ocean blue eyes.
    Alignment: Evil
    Majick Ability: Level 3. Has a wide arsenal of offensive and defensive majick.
    The current leader of the House of Solanea--which she herself was mostly responsible for making possible--and the leader in charge of Verlest. Ariya at first glance can be seen as a cheery, benevolent ruler who can always find a way to have fun. But at her core lies an incredibly devilish personality that can only be personified in her immoral actions against insubordinate henchmen and her desire to rule by brutal force. But what's most notable about Ariya is that despite any circumstance where she may be angry or upset, her emotional display is always cheerful and doesn't often correlate conventionally with actions she takes to outlet her emotions. (ex. making jokes to herself while torturing a victim). Her primary objective is to keep her position as Ruler of Valdeaunia, and has absolutely no sense of kinship or affinity toward the other two co-leaders. She has the future intention of ruling the entire city on her own and only acts on situations that work to her benefit.

    Dhobar Gibkoug
    Gender: Male
    Age: 43
    Appearance: 6'3", obese, slightly bald (has limited hair on the sides), tanned rough skin with hazel eyes.
    Alignment: Evil
    Magick Ability: None
    The fifth leader of the Gibkoug clan and the leader in charge of Mhaura, Dhobar is an impulsive individual who speaks more with his actions than he does with words. His rise to leadership was primarily accomplished through briberies disguised as 'generous donations' of many commodities to the citizens of his district. His facade held up well to gain citizen support but was immediately dropped the moment he was proclaimed a ruler of Valdeaunia. His gluttonous personality is not limited to food, but to women and wealth as well. He proceeded to raise property taxes and severely limited the amount of materials that his citizens could access. Draining the wallets of his citizens and providing them with virtually no resources created the Mhaura district that exists today. But being devoted to instant-gratification has thoroughly waned his intelligence and foresight, lacking greatly in both as almost all of his actions are carried out in terms of their immediate effects and consequences. He has a tendency to run away from dangerous situations and often looks to others to fix his mistakes.

    Theranraila Eyllanlith
    Gender: Male
    Age: 31
    Appearance: 5'10", lanky build, long straight caramel-coloured hair, light coloured skin with emerald-coloured eyes.
    Alignment: Good
    Magick Ability: Level 3. Can use levitation spells, minor elemental spells.
    The current leader of the House of Eyllanlith and the leader in charge of Estavel. The Eyllanlith House has always been close to the Ferawyn House and have been easily considered to be just as capable as the Ferawyns in terms of leadership and ability. However, due to strong oppositional devices and the overwhelmingly new task of democratically choosing their own leaders, large percentages of the Valdeaunia population were easily swayed to elect Dhobar and Ariya as rulers. Theranraila's genuine ability and the reputation of his House secured him the third ruler position. Theranraila was a proud supporter of Ferawyn rule and despite his intentions to make changes to better the city of Valdeaunia, his meek and somewhat passive personality have made this objective quite unsuccessful. While lacking mental strength and a backbone to invoke city-wide change, his merits as an excellent ruler show in the state of his district given these miserable times. Theranraila understands that a large respect the citizens have for his House is part of the reason why it would be unwise of the other two rulers to overthrow him from his position years ago, but his reign's security is also due to his talent to avoid any potential scandals that could turn his people against him. Theranraila hopes for his city to blossom the way it had done years before, but is too powerless to change the city by himself.

    The Successor of the Ferawyn House

    Aelthir Ferawyn (Laryth Varlas)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Appearance: 5'8", thin-build, short wavy chestnut brown hair, light coloured skin with brown-coloured eyes
    Alignment: Good
    Magick Ability: Level 2.
    When Cyrae and Miayr were overthrown and imprisoned overseas due to public scandal, their eight-year old son Aelthir was secretly sent to live with one of his father's best friends who lived in Estavel where he was raised for the next twelve years. Surprisingly, growing up with the knowledge of his parents being imprisoned overseas for false accusations did not produce a bitter, vengeful individual like one would expect, but instead blossomed a very intelligent, resourceful boy with the hope of reuniting with his parents after clearing their names. While passionate about saving his city from the clutches of bad leadership, Aelthir's young age and inexperience with dealing with sensitive politics forces him to depend on many of his House's low-profile supporters to overthrow the current leaders and start his plan to bring prosperity back to the entire city. Aelthir's strengths are not in physical endeavors such as wielding a sword or using a bow, but in his mental capacities. Aelthir is extremely observant of his surroundings and has an amazing memory recall ability that allows him to remember elaborate layouts and designs after only one glance. Aelthir is supported by many and some believe it is only a matter of time before change is brought once again to Valdeaunia.

    Magick in the City of Valdeaunia

    The ability to harness magick is something every individual is capable of doing through hard study and practice. Given this, there still exists the idea some are more naturally capable than others in the use of majick. Each district possesses its own local Majick Schools, however most of the great majick users that exist in the City of Valdeaunia are found in the schools located in Verlest and Estavel. Mhaura's magick-able population are mostly low-grade due to the district's poor economy and funding and thus very rarely produce great mages--even if their natural ability is high. One cannot expand their ability in an environment that does not promote it. Magick is permitted to be used by citizens only as an application to hasten or effectively complete every-day tasks like shopping, cleaning, etc. Using magick to inflict harm on others is a strict privilege only given to soldiers during wartimes and is prohibited to be used in the cities between residents. However, many crimes that occur in the cities sometimes involve illegal use of magick.

    Magick ability is split into four levels:

    Level 1
    Level 1 users are only capable of performing what is called Circumstantial Alteration. Circumstantial Alternation essentially increases the chances of a particular event to occur that the user wishes for by forcefully altering the cosmic environment around him/her to benefit or produce the desired outcome. Some can say that Circumstantial Alteration is the art of forcefully manipulating luck. Any spell using Circumstantial Alternation still has the chance to fail, but how frequently one succeeds depends on the mastery of the user.

    Level 2
    After mastering Circumstantial Alteration, one is considered a Level 2 mage if they master the art of Levitation. The art of moving objects at will is a handy skill that almost all citizens in Verlest and Estavel possess, and is used constantly in the two districts to carry out every-day tasks. Mastery of this skill varies in how many objects a Level 2 mage can move at the same time, how independently they can move each object from each other, and whether or not they require using a hand to move objects. Distance in which they can control moving objects is also another factor. Being able to only move one object at a time in a straight line for a short distance using one's hand is considered to be the lowest level of mastery for this skill.

    Level 3
    The next level of magick mastery is Elemental Manipulation. After one is able to skillfully alter the cosmic environment around their target (Level 1) and able to assert enough magical force to physically control the target (Level 2), they can then manipulate the very nature of it to produce one of the four elements: Fire, Water, Wind and Earth (Level 3). Attaining the skill of a Level 3 mage is common among nobility, while Level 2 is a more common statistic among the general public. Like with natural ability to wield magick, individuals are more naturally talented at manipulating one element over the others, even though being able to manipulate all elements is possible with enough study and practice.

    Level 4
    The final level of magick mastery is that of Cosmic Windowing, or the ability to manipulate and evaluate time. The number of known individuals worldwide who have attained this level of magick mastery is very small, and some say many of these Level 4 mages were self-proclaimed and never actually performed any proof of knowing such magick. Others say the powers described in Level 4 magick doesn't even exist and were simply folklore tales that ended up mistranslated from ancient scripture. By definition, Cosmic Windowing allowed an individual to reverse or accelerate the aging process of any physical object, be it a burnt out candle or a rusted sword. Another power of a Level 4 mage was the ability peek into the past of other individuals and see possible futures that await them.​

    Job Classes in the City of Valdeaunia

    A profession comprised of both those of the Noble class and the regular citizenry, the Knights who graduate from the Vadeaunia Academy make up one of the most popular occupations in Valdeaunia. While the main army infantry is deployed throughout various posts outside the city walls, a small number of Royal Guards are stationed to protect and monitor traffic at the main Valdeaunia Palace located in Verlest. Additionally, each district possesses its own militia that patrol the streets with the intention of stopping, solving and preventing crime. Militia patrols are often done in shifts, changing twice a day, and very few work this profession full-time due to its low-paying wage and life-risking environment. There is an obvious tension that exists between the Royal Knights of Verlest and the Militia, where the Militia are often seen as second-rate novices that have virtually no true skill by the former. This is mostly due to the fact that Royal Knights are mostly all descendants of royal bloodlines and rarely have any regular citizens within their ranks, whereas militia can be part-time blacksmiths or butchers. Being able to wear various different types of armour and/or equipment for many different purposes makes the Knight a very versatile fighter. As such, the Knight is skilled with many different weapons including the short sword (with or without a shield), broad (two-handed) sword, one-hand or two-hand axes, lances, and hand-to-hand combat. Each Knight has a particular weapon they are most skilled with, but usually have a secondary weapon (preferably their second-best art) on them at all times to help increase versatility during battle. Militia Knights tend to be Level 2 mages, but Royal Knights are usually expected to possess decent mastery of Level 3 magick.

    While having many bases throughout the continent, a secretly hidden Assassin's guild exists within the streets of Mhaura. On the far east end of the district, underneath the merchandise booth of guild-hired merchant, lies the entrance to the underground Assassin's guild. For centuries, these stealthily warriors have existed and have made a living eliminating targets, only as long as there were wealthy enough clients to meet the price of the task. While an organized group with many bases, most Assassins work alone and rarely befriend anyone among their own ranks. While there are some who have loved ones or families (usually the new, lower ranked novices) in Valdeaunia or in neighbouring cities, the general trend is the more experienced Assassins tend to have few attachments to anything, and very few have any family left alive. The Assassin is ably dressed in the various types of clothing depending on the nature and location of their task and is quite capable of fetching these and other commodities on their own--by purchase or thievery is decided at the Assassin's discretion. With agility and evasion as their strong points in battle, the Assassin goes for the quick disarm/kill, one that requires the least amount of time and the least amount of resistance from the enemy. For such a style choice of battle, the Assassin's arsenal comprises of short daggers, one to two short blades, throwing knives and an abundance of small explosives, which are usually used more to distract opponents an draw their attention to them. Most Assassins don't exceed Level 2 magick mastery.

    There are many who wished to become Knights, but didn't possess the physical strength and stamina to wield swords and axes for long periods of time. Those who didn't want to give up their dreams of becoming capable fighters thus entered the Academy of Archery, a school solely found in Estavel. It's not to be mistaken that Archers are merely the applicants who didn't make it to Knighthood; to be an Archer requires its own set of important attributes. With exceptional eyesight and a thorough understanding of the nature of the wind's influence on any given shot, being able to adjust one's shot to various environmental circumstances in an instant is a relatively small feat for an excellent Archer of Valdeaunia. An important note about the Archery School is its independency from the Valdeaunia rule. Some are recruited into the ranks of the military, whereas others graduate from the Academy and utilize their skills as a means to make a living hunting wild animals in the surrounding forests of Valdeaunia and make profit from hides and selling meat to the butchers in the city districts. Those who usually became independent archers were those of citizens who paid for their own education fees into the academy, whereas military recruits were usually allowed in through patronage of a high ranking noble. Along with the skills of using various types of bows, archers also tend to carry a pair of hunting daggers, either for close-range combat or for application purposes such as skinning their prey after successfully completing their hunt. While Archers have sometimes achieved the level of Level 3 magick mastery--thus using Wind Manipulation to enhance their shots--many have found high level Circumstantial Alteration magick to suffice in most situations.

    While not as combat-savvy as Assassins, thieves possess many similar traits in being deceptive and stealthily in their movements to accomplish goals. Thieves are home-grown and thus is no real standard on how thieves complete their tasks and their reasons for doing so. Thieves are present in all the districts but are most numerous in Mhaura where the security is the lowest and individuals are less able to protect their assets from their clutches. Thieves are not all born with malice. Many thieves exist simply because they're unable to sustain their survival otherwise. Without the money to enter either the majick schools or the Knight or Archer academies, thieves are the product of the deteriorating economy and the city's leaders doing very little to address the problem. Skills of an accomplished thief include swift lock-picking and fighting with traditional daggers (however, these fighting styles are also home-grown and are mostly makeshift mimicry of some observational learning). However, thieves also excel in many interpersonal skills. Their ability to think quickly on the spot and improvise vocally in sticky situations offer these rogues an incredible degree of social stealth and such abilities favour them most when attempting to swindle more vulnerable targets. Thieves tend to have zero magick mastery, however some may learn magick from loved ones or relatives.

    A graduate of another one of Estavel's independent schools, the Institute of Alchemy, Alchemists specialize in the art of creation. Having thoroughly studied the practice of combining various elements of all three different states to create new substances or objects, an alchemist is one of the most resourceful people in Valdeaunia. Along with the Academy of Archery, most Alchemists were independently funded and usually use their skills as a means to make a living for themselves. They often set up shops in the district of their choosing, where they sell many of their creations to interested clients. Most of the Institute's most talented Alchemists are recruited into the Vadeaunia Palace where they are paid a handsome wage to carry out tasks given to them by higher officials, including the three Valdeaunia Rulers. The alchemist has virtually no fighting ability and usually has very little battle experience, if any at all. Their strength is in their ingenuity with the elements and their ability to create handy items such as restorative drinks, ailment inducing drinks, or attribute enhancing drinks. Alchemists usually have a great mastery of Level 3 magick.

    Although not fighters by nature, Blacksmiths are indeed, weapon specialists. Having extensive knowledge of the structures and applications of many weapons, the Blacksmith is very knowledgeable of what weapon is best for a client simply by observing them. Unlike Alchemy and Archery, being a Blacksmith is not something one can learn in a school, but is usually taught to children from one's parents. Many of the first Blacksmiths of Valdeaunia were retired Knights and Archers of the military who decided to make a living making weapons instead of being on the battlefield using them. As time went on, the trade of the Blacksmith slowly died out as a 'retired soldier''s occupation and became a common profession that matched the popularity of independent Alchemists and Archers. Because of this shift in origin, only some Blacksmiths have actual knowledge of basic combat and have participated in battles. As an occupation usually passed down from one's parents, most Blacksmiths are inexperienced in majick training, but those lucky enough who have close relations with Level 3 mages can sometimes excel in learning how to manipulate the fire element--the element most functional for their profession.

    Arguably the most popular occupation of Valdeaunia is that of the merchant. The wide variety of the merchant occupation is easily recognized in the sales of fisheries, pottery, jewelry, clothing, accessories and many others. Other types of merchants find their profits in opening inns for travelers, starting restaurants or performing various types of shows on a scheduled basis. While most merchant businesses are inherited by one's parents, a small percentage of merchants is due to that of entrepreneurism. In Valdeaunia's current times of turmoil, however, merchants aiming to start their own businesses see little success as many of the city's goods and wealth is monopolized by a few. Lower-class merchants try to make profits from things they find during their treks through the woods and often converse about the greedy merchants that have taken up residence in Verlest while in town, ultimateley blaming them for their failings of their sales. The merchant occupation is deemed with less respect due to their usual lack of education in any of the schools that exist in Valdeaunia. Merchant attitudes vary from person to person, and a lot of their inventory's value lies in their luck to find something rare. Merchants very rarely have any majick ability.

    Bookworms by profession, the scholars are intelligent individuals who spend most of their time behind the palace walls, translating scripture and seeking out truths from unsolved mysteries of the past. Most of Valdeaunia's higher officials--second in rank to the three leaders--are comprised of scholars, and are often looked upon as trusted advisors that help decide policies and moderate debates during council meetings. Since the scholar's main ability lies simply in decoding factual truths from books and scriptures, some fail to possess a mind that understands reason and a strong sense of self and justice. Thus, a lot of weak-minded scholars often blindly follow the intentions and wills of the Valdeaunia rulers and seldom speak out against new policies out of fear. Scholars have no fighting ability but are proficient Level 3 mages. Many possess extremely powerful Elemental Manipulation spells that make up for their lack of battle experience if presented an opposition. It is this reason that scholars are well-protected against those who despise them.

    This is a special class of people that don't live in Valdeaunia, but are visiting either by business or for personal reasons. People of this category might have their own nuances that don't match up with the conventions of Valdeaunia (ex. they might possess different kinds of magic, different professions). They are usually from neighbouring cities.

    If for whatever reason, you feel your character doesn't fit into any of the categories stated above (although please try to make a character that fits into one of them), feel free to state the job class of your character and we can try to work something out. There is some lee-way that I can allow (which I why I made this Other category) but there are limits. The list can be exhausting, so I will handle this on a case-to-case basis.

    Types of Residents

    The higher-ranked citizens of Valdeaunia, Nobles are almost exclusively found in Verlest, with only a small percentage living in Estavel. Many nobles are often arrogant and look down upon those who are both financially and socially inferior to them. Despite such a tough exterior, nobles are slowly on the decline due to the change in leadership style that has taken residence in Valdeaunia. Greedy merchants are slowly on the rise and the freedoms, as well as social standing of nobility have begun to recede in recent years. Even so, the class is still a predominant part of the community and many blindly believe they will continue to be the most privileged society in the city. It is almost a requirement for all nobles to have graduated from at least one of the city's educational schools. Many female nobles have graduated from the Institute of Alchemy, and others from the Academy of Archery. Most of the male nobles attend the Valdeaunia Academy with the intention to become part of the Royal Guards, or many strive to become one of the Scholar elites. Magick ability in the noble community varies, but it has become almost an unwritten requirement for all nobles to manipulate as least two elements of Level 3 magick.

    Considered to be the lower-class of society, and found almost exclusively in Mhaura, the regular citizens of Valdeaunia still make up a massive majority of the population at large. They occupy most of the professions on the district streets and are the most variant in terms of ability and wealth. Most of the more well-off citizens have taken up residence in Estavel and are usually the ones who enter the academic schools with independent funding. There is no overall expectation that citizens have for each other--unlike the nobility--but it's a seemingly uniform goal of all Mhaura residents to 'make it' to Estavel, which is considered to be the district of opportunity for the less fortunate. Because of the large range of variation within the citizen population, the level of majick mastery varies across the board from Level 1 to Level 3.

    Currency in the City of Valdeaunia
    There are three types of currency that currently exist in the city of Valdeaunia: bhel, ghel, and yhel--each sporting a distinct colour: blue, green and yellow respectfully. Crafted by the Palace Alchemists, who are sworn to secrecy with the currency's formula, bhel, ghel and yhel are crystal-like structures that take on a flat, oval shape. As it was the House of Ferawyn that first introduced this kind of currency, a spectral image of their family crest is placed inside each piece, causing each to emit a colourful glow at any time of the day.

    Many efforts have been made to create replicas of Valdeaunia's currency, and such success could be said with the aesthetics. However, such visual clones have been easily spotted after the Palace Alchemists devised a way to expose real from fake. In a process called Desyncronization, Palace Alchemists run a specific magickal current through the bhel/ghel/yhel in question. If discovered to be a fake, the crystal-like structure will produce numerous cracks on the surface. If a real piece of currency, the Ferawyn crest will temporarily glow more fervent than before.

    To help counter the counterfeit movement, citizens are encouraged to visit the Palace Gates often where a certified Alchemist can take a look at any currency that is suspected to be fake.

    Having to pay fractions of currency is a common occurrence in Valdeaunia. Because of this, each piece of currency has several fault lines across it that is used as breaking points. Although naturally very solid pieces of crystal forged by the very best Alchemists in the city, snapping the currency at these designated points is very easy and requires little strength to accomplish.

    The currency hierarchy is as follows:

    10,000 yhel = 100 ghel = 1 bhel

    The following are some guidelines as to the relative worth of each piece of currency in relation to the economy of Valdeaunia. *note* These are guidelines to help you get a sense of how to price your expenses throughout the RP.

    ~15 yhel - A plain dagger made of valdeaunia copper
    ~6-7 ghel - A well-crafted broad sword made from valdeaunia steel, hilt made with polished gold.

    ~3 ghel - A relatively old horse, untrained for any purpose
    ~10 ghel - A pure breed horse intended for the military and nobility

    ~1/4 yhel - A bowl of porridge from a poorly tended shop in Mhaura
    ~60-100 yhel - A full-course dinner at a highly reputable restaurant in Verlest

    ~1/2 yhel - A simple un-dyed cotton shirt
    ~6-7 ghel - A full tailored custom gown

    ~3-4 yhel - A per night fee at a Mhaura inn
    (includes meal accommodation of a crust of bread and sometimes soup)

    ~10-15 yhel - A per night fee at a Estavel inn
    (includes a decently cooked meal)

    ~80 yhel - A per night fee at a high-end Verlest inn
    (includes a full course meal)

    Ball-park ranges for Assassination fees

    A citizen for a personal reason = ~20 yhel
    An average Estavel merchant = ~70 yhel
    A well-guarded noble with even people to test his food = ~1-5 bhel

    Average salaries of different jobs on a per week basis.

    A poor merchant of Mhaura = ~1-2 yhel
    An average merchant of Estavel = ~60-70 yhel
    A talented Verlest Blacksmith who can use level 3 magick = ~60-70g
    A top-notch tailor who exclusively does commissions for Nobles = ~1-2 bhel
    The head of a Noble household = ~10-40 bhel depending on successes

    RP Bio Requirements

    Name: First Name and Last Name
    Appearance: Facial features, body type, height (weight if you want), any notable aesthetics (ex. scars)
    Magick Ability (State level and/or unique abilities *see note on Traveler description)
    Job Class: State any notable clothing and weaponry.
    District: District you live in, or are staying at if you're a Traveler

    Background/History/Personality: Please provide some information on your character's past such as what it was like growing up and what kind of family does he/she come from. If you're a traveler, please state why you have come to Valdeaunia and explain briefly about the matter that surrounds the visit. For personality, please discuss more than brief one-word adjectives. If your character acts and behaves in a certain way, please provide some brief insight as to why they have developed in such a way. Also, after providing the strengths of your character, please disclose any weaknesses of your characters (both physically and mentally if they apply).

    Demo Post: Please provide a demonstration of your RPing skill by writing a small excerpt of something involving your character. It can be absolutely anything, and does not need to be strictly an introduction of your character. While this also helps me determine your experience with RPing, it also may help you give a test run of the character you have created, and will let you see if there's something you want to add to or remove from his/her profile.

    General Rules and General Notes

    The only general rule I have is simply no godmodding. While many people look at this in specific ways, it encompasses many different things. You cannot extensively control anyone's character without their permission, you cannot kill their character without their permission, and you can't make your character completely invincible that even God himself cannot strike him/her down. Part of participating in an RP that will feel real is creating and interacting with characters that are real. No one is perfect, no one can do absolutely everything with utmost perfection; every character is allowed to excel at something, but something else must suffer for it.

    EDIT: Actually, I lied. One small detail: although I gave information on Level 4 magick, no one in this RP should be able to use it. It's simply a historical reference that can be made throughout, but no one in Valdeaunia here should be able to wield it.

    Secondly, in case many of you haven't noticed, this is probably one of the more elaborate RPs to hit the forums, and as such, there is some elaborate expectation I expect from able participants. Yes, you guessed it, most likely. Not only am I expecting relatively perfect spelling and grammar, but I'm expecting some mature insight from posters as they work their characters through this RP. The Demo Post requirement will help me greatly in determining who and who not to accept. I want to stress that if you are not selected to partake in this RP, it is not out of spite that I do, but there is a level that I am looking for in participants in order for this RP to run smoothly and hopefully without much error. If you are not accepted, my only advice is try to improve on your RPing for next time.

    Third on the agenda. This RP will hopefully end shortly after the new year when we are all back in classes. Consequently, this RP--believe it or not--was drastically cut in terms of its complexity. There were many other things that could've been added like a Beastiary for example, (Knights on Griffins, anyone?) and races (Elves, Dwarves, Humans, etc). However, adding these elements would greatly contribute to a social and geographical dynamic that just isn't feasible to do well in ~2 week period. I'm not going to be too upset of this isn't doable in 2 weeks, as for the most part, I'm just trying to start an RP that can be fun and enjoyed by some of the more experienced RPers on here for the holidays.

    Last, but not least, the schedule. Bios can start going up immediately after this post and I'll try to look over them as they come in. I have my last final next Wednesday and I am planning to start the RP hopefully shortly after that. That gives you from now until next Wednesday to think up a bio and post it for me to see. Since I will probably be studying for my final during this time, I may not be able to quickly check your bios immediately after they come in. As well, do not worry if Wednesday comes and I haven't looked at your bio. I'm going to try to give enough time so that if there are any changes I need you to make, you can do so and get my feedback until it's okay. Once again, I repeat, if I refuse your bio (this is different than me saying "Just make these changes and you're okay"), then please humbly accept that you're not going to be able to participate. I'll do those over PM.

    For those of you who've yet to submit a bio or make appropriate edits:
    The RP has started, however, I will still allow RP submissions today and tomorrow at the very latest. If you do not make your submission (or make the fixes I've asked very promptly of you) by the end of the 21st, depending on the circumstances I'm going to have to deny you participation in the RP. Due to the nature of this RP, waiting until Saturday to submit an bio may end being too late depending on how far in the RP we're in. I've allowed ample amounts of time for people to get their bios in, so drawing the line two days after the RP has started is not unreasonable. Bear in mind that until your bio is approved, you cannot post in the RP. Fix/submit your bio and wait until it is approved before you post. I will not take this lightly if people do not follow this instruction.

    Guidelines/Rules on how to control story characters:
    There are a few things I want all of you to keep in mind when interacting with story characters (more specifically: Aelthir (and his subordinates), Ariya Solanea, Dhobar Gibkoug and Theranraila Eyllanlith):

    - Try to keep them as very much in character as possible. The intro post you will soon read contains scenes using all four story characters so feel free to use the first post as a reference to as to how you write your scene when interacting with any of them. Naturally, I'm not expecting perfect imitations since everyone's interpretations vary, however, try not to stray too far from their character sketches.

    - when someone has taken control of a story character (by interacting with him/her) in their posts before anyone else has, they have "claimed" the character's attention and cannot be unclaimed until they have dismissed the character from their scene. If you wish to interact with a character that has currently been claimed, you must either:
    • wait until the poster has clearly dismissed the character from their scene, thus allowing the story character to be 'claimed' again.
    • you must enter your character in the same scene as the one told/described by the current claimer

    Ex. If someone claimed Aelthir and 'saw him in the marketplace in Mhaura', if you want to interact with Aelthir as well, you must either wait until the poster has explicitly dismissed Aelthir from the scene (ex. character leaving the marketplace, or Aelthir leaving the marketplace) or place your character in the marketplace in Mhaura as well (ex. while poster and Aelthir are taking in the marketplace, your character will enter the scene and interact with them as well)

    This system might be confusing for some, but I'm sure it'll make much more sense once it's been used in application.

    One final rule:
    At some point, all of you will have to have a 'first encounter' with Aelthir if you have plans to take part in his ascension (be it good or bad purposes). There is a simple requirement for this 'first encounter' post:

    - During your first encounter, you must dismiss yourself or Aelthir at the end of the post. In other words, you will meet Aelthir and say goodbye all in the same post. The reason for doing this is so that Aelthir does not remain in someone's possession for more than that post. Keeping possession of a character for more than one post will be fine in the future, however, for the 'first encounter' posts to run smoothly, I ask that all of you dismiss Aelthir promptly from your scene at the end of it.

    If you still have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

    That's all! And thanks for reading!

    Knight - Repliku: Approved
    Knight - darkriku: Approved
    Assassin - Nailpolish <3: Approved
    Assassin - ~Muffin~: Approved
    Assassin - Donaut: Approved
    Assassin - Spitfire: Approved
    Assassin - Nymph of Destiny: Approved
    Archer - Vivi: Approved
    Thief - Soushirei:
    Alchemist - GX: Approved
    Merchant - White_Rook: Approved
    Noble[Alchemy background] - Kagiya: Approved
    Noble[Archery background] - Rosey: Approved
    Noble[Archery background] - K a i r i: Approved
    Traveler[Alchemist] - Sorax: Approved
    Traveler[Martial Artist/Fighter] - Jade Rhade: Approved
    Traveler[Bounty Hunter] - Spike: Approved
    Opera Singer - clawtooth35: Approved
  2. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Name: Marcus Angel
    Age: 21
    Appearance: 6ft 1" tall, shoulder length silver hair, nimble body for obvious use of agility, eyepatch over the left eye with signs of scarring showing from the top and bottom of the patch, wearing a rope necklace with a stone arrow head attached on the bottom.
    Magick Ability: None
    Job Class: Archer
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
    Alignment: Good

    Background/History/Personality: Growing up in the poorer district, Marcus had worked all his life, his father was a hunter who sold pelts of animals he had killed in the woods for money and used the meat for food for ourselves. At the age of 6 learned how to wield a bow from my father and took an instant interest in it. From the day he learned to hold a bow he began training every day with the bow, becoming more skilled, acurate and precise everyday, until surpassing his father and accompanying him on hunts. At the age of 17 when his father had gone to sell the pelts they had obtained from a regular hunt he was ambushed by thieves and cut down, Marcus found his father moments from death as the thieves attacked, with blind rage he charged at the thieves with just his hunting dagger, he was no match and to make quick haste one thief slice Marcus' left eye, blinding him in it. Now 21 Marcus took on the main role as the provider for his mother, learning to use the wound he recieved to his advantage by learning to judge distances better and have an even deadlier aim, though he never forgot the faces of the thieves that killed his father, and swore his own personal vendetta on them. He wears the first arrow head his father helped him craft around his neck as a momento of him.

    Demo Post: The trees danced as the cool breeze swept through the forest, leaves fluttering in the wind and birds chirping happily as they would normally do any other day, a deer walked onto the scene and casually wandered over to a small spring situated in the centre of the forest, dipping her head down to start quenching her thirst, her actions unknowningly being watched for afar.

    In the shrubs no more than 200yrds away was a figure, the size of this person was unknown as he was crouched down but his build was fine and his hair shined silver, from his back he pulled out a long elm bow, he attached the flax string and tightened it accordingly, for the quiver attached to his back he pulled out a long wooden arrow, tipped with a steel arrow head and placed it in his right hand. The figure stood slowly up making sure not to make a noise that would startle the noble creature in his line of sight.

    He propped his bow up to shoulder length and loaded the bow, pulling back the string and arrow to the point where the feathers of the bow brushed his cheek, in his head he whispered, "Got you" and released the arrow, it soared through the air in the direction of the deer still unknowing it's fate, as the arrow neared its target the female deer raised it's head ever so slightly and looked in the archers direction, the arrow connected and after a small silence there was a hard thud on the forest floor, the deer fell dead.

    The man jumped from his hiding place and sprinted to his kill, placing his bow around his shoulder in the process and removing a small hunting dagger, full of notches and chips it recieved from age. When the archer reached his kill he chuckled and cheered, "That's another one for Marcus! This pelt and meat should keep mom happy for awhile." The archer, now known as Marcus began to skin the deer of it's pelt and cut the meat from it's body leaving all that's not needed, he was as skilled at carving the deer as he was at killing it, Marcus wrapped the meat in a clean piece of cloth and threw the pelt over his shoulder, he gathered his belongings and walked out of the forest back to the city, a smug smile on his face.
  3. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Teh Vivi iz aksepted.

    I'm a little concerned as to how Marcus' father's death (by thieves) and Marcus' vengeance will tie in to Aelthir's story, but I completely leave that up to you. Other than that, I don't have any qualms about it.
  4. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    We'll see how I feel later on, hell I may break off from the group at one point or something cause I spot the thieves, mweh, time will tell.

  5. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Ah, alright. That's fine then.

    I have at least 2 more on board, since it was with those two that I came up with the idea, so hopefully they'll get on writing bios soon. There are also some individuals I'm hoping will join too.

    We'll see how it goes. D:
  6. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Go advertise D:
  7. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Ill join later when I have time and not doing Homework~
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    bump to the izump.
  9. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    I'll join, I'll join. When I can be arsed with writing a bio >>
  10. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.

    Lazy .
  11. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Same here :3
  12. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    lol Sab, I was just going to PM you to join this :3 ANYWAYS. xD

    ah brilliant RP.

    Name: Audrey Clemins
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Straight blond hair, long. Athletic body, 5"11'.
    Magick Ability: Level; 1.
    Job Class: Assasin. Black clothes, daggers.
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
    Alignment: Good in some cases. Can be evil due to her job.

    Background/History/Personality: Audrey has faced trouble all her life. Basically, she doesn't have any parents, they were killed years ago. This pretty much led her to become an Assasin. She isn't a person who gives up easily. She will finish what she has started. She has faced emotional turmoil before so she isn't weak in that area either. She is very sarcastic, and poor. She knows how to take care of herself, she has for 7 years. She is strong but she doesn't trust anyone. She wants to find out why her parents died, how her parents died, and she wants revenge. Before her parents died, she was a sweet child. She loved her parents, so it was unbelievably hard for her to let them go. Grief never left her soul. She became an Assasin for revenge, she wants to find out who killed her parents, and why.

    Demo Post:

    Audrey walked silently down the deserted alleyway. After a while she reached her destination, a small, filthy building, its surroundings dirty and disgusting. She was prepared after all, she knew what she was doing, it wasn't new to her. She slowly walked up to the door, but no, she wasn't going in that way. She quickly ran into the shadows and walked around the building, to its back door. She passed the door aswell and walked around the building once. The sky was dark and made it hard to see, she couldn't have any light since it would risk her invasiveness.

    She found a small basement window located at the side of the building. She crouched down and looked inside. The light was dim inside, but she could see the siluette of a man sitting alone on a small chair. She smiled to herself and got up again and looked up at the 2-story building. A small window was open, she grabbed onto the pipes running up the side of the building and quickly climbed up. She reached the window, hanging onto the bricks. No one was inside. She rapidly went in and looked around the room. It was dark and dirty. The floors worn and brown with a cover of dust.

    She walked out of the room and down the stairs. The stairs creaked. She stopped when she heard a small sound, someone other than the man lived here, she realized. She looked around, she was in the kitchen. No one insight. She just decided to go down to the basement, instead of looking for the source of the sound. She grabbed a dagger from her pocket and walked down another flight of stairs, into the basement. The man didn't look behind him. He was sleeping. She smirked and, quickly, slashed his throat.

    SORRY for my lack of a background.
  13. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Wow I haven't RPed in a REALLY long time xD

    Here goes nothing ._.

    Name: Andrea Rus
    Age: 16
    Appearance: 5’2, 100 pounds, petite and slim, cascading dirty blonde hair that reaches down to her waist, but almost always up in bun. Piercing emerald eyes, rosy checks, heart shaped birthmark on the palm of her right hand.
    Magick Ability: None. Has been pressured into learning by her fellow nobles, but never found a need to learn (Because of her short attention span)
    Job Class: No official job, but skillful with a bow and arrow (So an archer)
    Noble/Citizen: Noble
    District: Verlest
    Alignment:Good (Looking for a change)

    Background/History/Personality: As a young girl, Andrea was born and raised in the splendor and luxury that most people would die for. Her mother was rich by inheritance, and often pampered her daughters with the most expensive clothing and silk available. Her father was mysteriously killed while hunting when she was 5. He hunted as a sport, and the suspiction was that he might have been killed by other hunters. His body was never found. His death has not had a major impact on her life, except for sadness, but it left her brother in emotional shock, which lead to his fear of ever being close to anyone. She has one younger brother, Samuel, age 10, who is dreadfully afraid of talking to anyone but his older sisters. She also has a twin sister. Living in Verlest, she learned how to be skillful with a bow and arrow, being deathly accurate when she concentrates. At Verlest, she is known for her interesting personality, her dreadfully short attention span, and her ability to command people to do what she pleases. Seen by most as a typical stuck up noble, she is capable of making decisions under pressure, as well having a gift for knowledge as well as a kind heart. She is in desperate want of something different.

    Demo Post: (This is going to be really, really, really, REALLY short because I’m supposed to be doing homework right now *walks off whistling*)

    Andrea’s eyes were hollow and empty as she walked gracefully down the stone stairs. Her head was held high, her chin even higher. Her raven hair, normally pinned up in a tight bun, cascaded like a shimmering waterfall down her shoulders. Adorned in a ruffled crimson dress, a petite-feathered cap, and light fan in her left hand, she looked ravishing in the light coming in from the stained glass windowing above. Sliding her hand down the marble banister, she stared at her little brother at the foot of the grand staircase. She paused her walking. Samuel stared back at her with hope in his eyes. His messy brown hair and his bright sky blue eyes ached Andrea’s heart. Looking down at her feet, she held her hands together delicately. Smoothing out the back of her silk skirts, she gracefully sat down on the stairs. Taking her gloved hand, she motioned for Samuel to come to her. She fanned herself lightly with her imported fan and looked at her brother again.
  14. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Since you are going to do it Tash, I'll join you

    Name: Maddie Leruya
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Long layered black hair, pale colourless to blue eyes, A thin fit body , 5'"7', 118.5 pounds, a scar of a heart on her wrist
    Magick Ability: Level 1
    Job Class: Assassin, Black outfit, daggers/blades
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
    Alignment: Good

    Background/History/Personality: She is more of the slient killer, she lost her parents when she was five and has to fend for herself. She saw her mother die with her own eyes by someone she vaguly remembers but visions seem to come to her back and forth once in a while which gives her a clue to help solve the mystery of her beloved mother's death, all she remembers is the scar of a heart engraved on her wrist. Her father disappeared when she was born, so there isn't any news about him. Over the years of fending and protecting herself, Maddie had to do some things that she thought she would never do, and that is to assassin people. At first she feared it, Maddie would cry at nights because of the person she has killed. Then it would always remind her about how her mother died, she's only doing this because her mom didn't deserve this death. Maddie overcame her fears and now she has grown a liking to kill people which made her into an assassin.

    Demo Post: Walking down the wet stone tiles of the ally, dark and mysterious, the only thing you would see are the distinguishing blue eyes of Maddie. She jumped high up onto a building looking towards the horizon. She lifted her flowing bangs off her face, nothingless she was a beautiful young lady. Then she suddenly jumps swiftly across houses and landed on an old balocny with a lot of cracks that would make it seem it was going to collasp soon. She opened the the door that left a creaking sound. Quietly she walked in and down the hallway to a room that had a slashed mark on it. Someone had already been there. Maddie slowly opened the door and peered her head in, there was a man looking the other way from Maddie. She reached for one of her daggers but suddenly hears something hit that man. It was another assassin, Maddie looked down at the floor seeing a river of blood flowing near her feet.
  15. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    yay more peeps, rosey ya job thief D=
  16. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Damn well, since its complex I feel as though I want to join.

    Note: I will change my Bio later on, I don't want to write out the entire thing.


    Name: Rami Elis
    Age: 22
    Appearance: 5'5" Dark skinned, Short brown hair, with green eyes.
    Magick Ability: Level 2
    Job Class: Assassin, Primary weapon: Short Blade. Secondary: Daggers Armor: Iron Chestplate and forearm guards, hidden under a light grey robe
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
    Alignment: Evil

    Background/History/Personality: Rami was born and raised in Mhaura, the large majority of the time spent on the streets with former villians or with old Knights that had been relived of duty. He was the oldest of three kids, his two younger siblings were twin boys that his mother had illegitimatily of his father. His father was a small time thief who spent the day in the markets stealing food and pence from others, only to feed his family. His mother would spend much of her day in their run down shack trying to keep the babies fed. As a child he ran free on the streets, stealing food from different shops along the roads, and at the age of 10 he met a relieved knight who showed him technique with sword play. Rami, at the age of 15 was an accomplished swords man and was one day seen by a member of the Assassins guild, where he was soon inducted after a difficult test.

    His early years taught him to look for quick exits and he is a man who can think on his feet very quickly in tight situations. He has the habit of acting before thinks, which gained him a large record with local authority in Mhaura. His quick thoughts and inability to see past the next few seconds of battle hinder him greatly as hand to hand combat is far from his strong suit. He is though how ever able to sneak around in high security places without detection, but getting out is a had problem for him as he is caught up in the excitement and quickly loses his cool and blows his cover.

    Demo Post: Rami stood quietly on the edge of the roof staring emptily into the second story room of a young merchant. His robe tails blew quiet in the cold night wind, he jumped from the one story roof of his vantage point and hit the cobblestone street with a silent thud. He made his way across the street his face concealed by his hood, he brushed his way through the mid afternoon crowd. He entered the building and made his way up the stairwell to the second story and walked quietly to the door where on the other side his target sat quietly staring out the window, looking at where the assassin had stood minutes before. Rami slowly pushed open the unlocked door, without a noise he crept into the small one room home, and stood motionless in the doorway. He drew his dagger from his side and held it low at his side, as he made his way slowly towards his victim. As he stood behind him the man oblivious to who was in the room, Rami closed his hand around his mouth to muffle his yells. He drove the dagger deep into his preys side, and slashed across as the man died slowly in Rami's arms he stepped back only to look out the window to see a mass of people staring at him from down in the street. He turned and ran out the door and made his way to the rooftops as he heard the footsteps of the police only a few flights below him. He made his way to the roof and with a second thought jumped down to the adjacent building and then to the next. He soon hit the street and ran up the alley, and was lost in the crowd of people.
  17. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007

    Name: Jacen Malak
    Age: 23
    Appearance: 6'3'', dark skinned, short black hair and brown eyes.
    Magick Ability: Level 3
    Job Class: Alchemist. Wears a dark bown robe and usualy has his hood up.
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Estavel
    Alignment: Good.

    Background/History/Personality: Jacen was born and raised in the Mhaura district by his father, but he never knew his mother. His father was always there for him whenever he was felling sad or angry, and he was not only a father to him, he was also a mentor and best friend. When his father was young he studied as an alchemist but eventualy dropped out of the institute so he could marry the woman of his dreams who eventualy leaft him soon after Jacen was born. Jacen's father showed him what little he knew of alchemy and jacen became fascinated with alchemy and told his father he wanted to be an alchemist. After earning enough money his father sent him to the Institute of Alchemy to pursue his dream. During his time studying alchemy his father died of a serious illness and since then he has closed himself off to others. He is a bit of a loner an does not consider many people to be his friends. He does not like to forge relationships with others because he has a fear of getting too attached. His weakness is the fact that he does not trust others, and he also is not very strong and knows very little about actual combat.

    Demo Post: Jacen stood in the streets of Mhaura, looking around curiously at the crowd of people who had gathered around. He over heard people saying that an elderly man had been stabbed becuase he refused to give up his money to a thief. Jacen made his way towards the center of the crowd, where the wounded man lay. The man's face was pale and his shirt was soaked in blood. Jacen got down on his knee right beside the man and pulled out a small vile of blue liquid. the man looked at him. "W-what is that?" asked the man. "Drink it" said jacen as he put the vile up to the man's mouth. The man drank all of the liquid in the vile and color began to return to his face. "T-Thank you" said the man, but by the time the words had leaft his mouth, jacen had disapeared into the crowd.
  18. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    When you said you'd be starting it over the holidays I didn't expect it to be this soon. Expect something from me by Monday night. I still have my neuro-psych exam to study for.

    The initial set-up for this already trumps 90% of this section. Good form.
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah, I know. Monday, right?

    My last final isn't until the 19th so you still got plenty lee-way until this thing goes underway. I haven't compiled my character's bio together yet, either.

    I've been reading nothing but psych textbooks since this evening started so I haven't looked thoroughly through all the bios yet, everyone. Mostly I've been reading the demo posts and they seem okay overall.

    Just a general statement; some of your demo posts have been pretty clumsy with the wording and sentence structures. By that I mean that some of the propositions I've been seeing are either being used incorrectly or are adding ambiguity to sentences where they shouldn't be or are better off without. I'm not implying that this means 'durr ur bio sucks, gtfo', because that would be unreasonable and pretty picky of me, however, it's something I feel can be worked on to better express a lot of the ideas I saw in a lot of the demo posts. It's great to see posts with actual detail, so keep it up.

    Anyway, I'll be sure to get to reading some of the bios in full tomorrow when I get the chance.
  20. Kingdom///97.2 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2007
    The Darkness in Everyones Hearts
    Name:Satoshi Serimyoi
    Appearance: Young Male,Wears a Black Cloak with silver cufflinks Brown eyes Black Hair Clear complection And a Mystery necklace That is Black red And Silver around the band and the charm is A Black and Silver Flame And he wears Black and Red Shoes And Black And Silver Gloves.
    Magick Ability: Teleportation,Invisibility,and Level 4 Dark Magic
    Job Class: Theif,Wears a Long Black Cloak with Silver Cufflinks on his Wrists.
    Wepon of Choice is his Eight Small Daggers That fit between Each of his Fingers..
    Noble/Citizen: Citizen
    District: Mhaura
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