Gray Fox had the best scene in the entire game. Twin Snakes ruined it by making it all cheesy Matrix style and changing his voice actor, which I don't understand why Kojima would admit to preferring (don't quote me, my memory's fuzzy). Naomi lost her accent (as like MGS4) as well.
Is it the part where he chopped off Ocelot's hand? I don't remember any scene involving Fox that added slow motion except that one. Hell, the whining about the added slow-mo is pretty freaking stupid. So it's not a perfect 1:1 recreation of the PS1 cut scenes? Big freaking deal. The scipt and vast majority of the cutscenes are almost completely identical, a few liberties taken with slow-mo doesn't ruin it. Actually, he said he prefers the English acting all around. Mostly because it makes more sense for the American cast of characters in the game to be speaking English. As the game takes place in, you know, AMERICA. Not only that, but the second game takes place in AMERICA. While the third game takes place in Russia, Russian is closer to a european language than an Asia language, so English still makes more sense. The majority of the fourth game's character interactions are between Americans, so it still makes sense for the characters to speak English. And so did Mei Ling, what's your point? Both Naomi and Mei Ling lost their accents by the actress' decisions. Same reason why Grey Fox's original actor didn't return. He didn't want to. And in all honesty whining about how a character with the same actor doesn't have the same accent is even stupider than whining about a few liberties taken with slow-motion. Does it really make sense for Naomi and Mei Ling to have thick accents? Especially considering that they are, you know, AMERICANS.
Technically, by whether or not you take Twin Snake's changes as canon or not, they never had them to begin with. Considering that, 1), their accents were gone in MGS4, 2) the lack of accents in the flashback clips in MGS4 and 3) the fact that it makes more sense for them to NOT have thick non-American accents when they are Americans, I'd say its a safe bet that the actors, Konami and Kojima himself agree.
While I do see your point, you are aware that the script for that scene is identical to the original, right? You are also aware that a few rather silly liberties taken doesn't ruin the game? Twin Snakes is almost a 1:1 recreation of the original. It is VERY rare when a remake that's that faithful is made. So it isn't 100% identical? Big deal. The fact that the storyline and majority of the scenes are completely identical, you should be rejoicing as most developers don't know how to make a truly great remake. Seriously, this is like the anime purists who despise English acting simply because its English.
MGS1 didn't need a remake though, and if they really felt compelled to do so, it could have waited a few more years. I know that the script is unchanged and all that. I didn't even make a complaint about the gameplay. I simply said I preferred the original voicing rather than the redone ones. This discussion's been blown out of proportion anyway. I'm just glad that more people will be able to experience such a great game.
It was a 6 year old PS1 game when it was remade and many people who played MGS2 never had a chance to try MGS1. Hell, I was 9 when the PS1 version was released and never had a chance to play it until Twin Snakes and even then, I didn't play it until 2006. And really, the only reason it was made was because Miyamoto thought Metal Gear on the GameCube was a good idea and Kojima agreed, thus the reason Silicon Knights (then a Nintendo second party) was teamed with Kojima's staff. While it might not have NEEDED a remake (hell, techinally, no game "needs" a remake), Kojima did it anyway. Oh. See I figured you were one of those idiots who say the whole game is ruined by the team taking Kojima approved liberties with the cutscenes. Incidentally, I actually like the Twin Snakes Grey Fox more than the original Grey Fox. Hell, Twin Snakes felt better polished in the acting department all around. Better? Not necessarily. More polished and professional? Definitely. Now that's something we should all be able to agree on.