US Presidential Race

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by kowae7, Mar 19, 2008.


Who's gonna become the next President of the US?

  1. Barack Hussein Obama

    15 vote(s)
  2. Hillary Rodham Clinton

    2 vote(s)
  3. John Sidney McCain III

    6 vote(s)
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  1. hangthesilver Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 13, 2008
    Phoenix, Arizona
    I'm personally for Obama. A LOT of Hilary's and his policies are the same... and it's kiling the Democratic party. Guh. Out of all the Republicans, I'm glad McCain is the one who got the ticket. If Romney or Huckabee had gotten it AND won I'd be hightailing it from this country faster than you could say "church and state separation." McCain's got strong ideas about border policy and national security, which are two important issues to me (two issues, at least, that can be changed...).

    It's interesting to watch the Democratic party tear itself apart-- the black man or the white woman? Both minorities. Clinton does keep harping about her experience, but most of that experience was First Lady. Not exactly a... you know, tried, elected position. Obama does annoy me with his "change" policies-- yes, change is good, yes, change is great, but it's going to be interesting to see the backups for this. Personally I feel he's a bit lacking int hat department, but he's still got my overall vote and it looks like it's coming down to Obama and McCain.

    Any thoughts on Clinton getting the vice pres. nod? I read that somewhere a few weeks ago, so I don't know how valid that statement is now but still.

    And Ron Paul? *shakes head* Ron Paul wants me barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Sorry. I didn't like him. And I still don't. It was surprising, though, to see that though he had a massive campaign he recieved so few votes. I thought he'd make a dent, but there were hardly any ripples at all.
  2. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    I don't think that Clinton will be Vice President, because I just don't see Barack Obama and her working together peacefully after the campaign.

    She's also said somethings about Obama to try to prevent people from voting for him. Once she said that you shouldn't vote for Obama because when he was young he used to wet his bed.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, if Huckabee or Romney with their religious views had gotten the ticket on the Republican side and won the election I would be moving to Canada. I would have totally given up on this country had Huckabee won, and it hurts to say that but I could learn to love poutine easily enough.

    Ron Paul had some good ideas but at the same time he wanted 'too much' to be turned over to corporations and I think we have enough already in their control. I don't 'mind' McCain so much because sometimes he can be more open to things though I'd rather now see a democrat in office...except Hillary.

    Hillary has lied on a few more treasures such as saying she was involved in peace progresses in Ireland and instrumental. She was not instrumental. She also lied and said she was under fire in Bosnia, which also was not true. There are a few other missions and such she's used as 'experience' which were proven false. It's time she just fessed up that she was the 'wife' to the President and not the President or VP.

    As for a VP ticket if Obama did win...she seemed to actually have told Obama he may be up for VP instead. I watched some report on that where Obama declared he was not running for VP but instead for President. I found it funny she offered him the job after saying he wasn't qualified for President and yet he's got the lead. I could see if he was second in place but she really has some audacity. I don't know why, but every time Hillary speaks, she gets me more annoyed lately.

    I really do hope that the Democrats will stop tearing each other apart though because this is so drawn out and ridiculous. I have no idea why it is taking them so long when the Reps are already done. There's no need for all this pomp and circumstance and the more they draw it out the more it makes the Republicans look better and more organized. This is going to be a hard race in the end whoever wins it and then the Democrat has to really get on the ball to go against McCain who has time to relax now and situate himself.
  4. kowae7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2008
    Somewhere only I know
    After the election the Democratic Party will be at war with itself.

    I agree with you, everything that Clinton says is getting annoying and most of it is a lie. I seriously hate Clinton, what does she have to gain by becoming President? I think she would of had a better chance at becoming the next president if she never married Bill Clinton.

    Maybe in four years there'll be a better democratic candidate than the two right now.
  5. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well yea that's pretty much why i prefer Republicans over Democrats, in my opinion Democrats sure like to complain and cause alot of trouble. but i haven't really taken the time to research this but that opinion i smore based on what i've seen in the news and read as well. also, Barrack Obama isn't exactly honest either, remember the whole plagarism incident?
  6. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    Well there is one thing that needs to be said about Hilary, the fact that she was first lady actually kinda does imply something, now I am not saying that Barbra Bush knows whats going on but the thing is Hilary was very very involved with Bill Clintons Administration. She sat in during board meeting and cabinet meetings. And when she was in the room lord know that things were done to the books. Cause when she wasn't there the cabinet members were kicked back talking what to do with cigars and all probably. She is a very strong leader, and for the most part knows what she is doing, but she does have experience when it comes to white house protocol so to speak.

    And as for Huckabee and Romney, my god those two were out on a mission to make every branch of government Christian well Huckabee was, Romney just kinda laid in the cut and said that his religion wouldn't effect any policy which in my mind is a load of bullshit since that is never the case. But they were both flakes from the start, we all knew that they were not going to make it.

    And as for McCain, he is really not cut out to be president I don't think. I really feel like he is the front runner for them because I think the republican party can kinda force their ideas on to him. He may have served in war and was a POW and all that, but that doesn't make you fit for presidency. And on his boarder policy, that really isn't good for most republicans, I live on the MX/US boarder and alot of people do not like that whole open boarder idea. His stand point may have changed since the last time I heard him talk about it, but if its not then I don't know how many votes will be because of that.
  7. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    I was originally routing for Ron Paul, but know i'm in support of BArrack Obama. Hilary is a CLinton, and McCain might run with a Bush or someone else evil. Barrack isn't "good", he's just better than them...
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