Okay so I hang out with a group of friends that I have gotten really close to over the last few years.My friends and I all make fun of this nasty fat ***** girl because she's mean,annoying and conceited. But she thinks we are all friends with her,except for me because she hates me...Which didn't really bother me...until now. (Background check:We use to be friends but she lied to me,and I don't stand for that.Then she made me look bad and I had to apologize and she wouldn't accept it,but whatever..I wasn't about to kiss her ass.) This is what happened. She has these stupid "Movie Parties" that nobody really watches movies at. And she invites people at school in front of everyone else. SO she didn't invite me (didn't expect her to) and my other friend. One of my friends that was invited stood up for me and my other friend and said she not going unless I was invited. But the ***** said no.She hates me. SO I get told the story and that night everyone is calling me and texting me what I should do..And I don't want or need to do anything. But while texting my friend one of them said I should ask the ***** why she did that. So I did,and I shouldn't have. But I wasn't mean,just being realistic. I asked her why she thinks she can get away with stuff like this in school and not get knocked down a few pegs by annoyed 'victims' (of coarse I didn't use that word and I used people.) She told me to stop texting her that we had good times when we were friends and whatever..I was laughing when I opened that text anyway. But she told me when my friend stood up to her she started crying...which is weird because you usually don't tell people you hate that you have weakness. SO my friend that stood up to her was talking to me all night and we were laughing and stuff.But the next day at school she was annoyed at me when she knew I was talking to the ***** anyway. 0_0 Then she comes over to the lunch table I sit at and starts making conversation to all my friends today.It's really screwed up because after my friend that stood up to her knew who was really telling the truth she's confused and everyone is treating me different. She lied to her obviously..But getting to the point: She's in the base group in Social Studies (Group you share answers with) and I really can't stand her talking back to the teacher,not trying and just being plain stupid. I am wondering what I should do about this..get a seat change..stop hanging around them girls(they are going to a different high school than me) or just ignore the problem and live in denial. Or something else...
Wow, this girl sounds like a total b***h.....i would get a teacher or adult involved with this problem, because the same thing happens a my school (But not to me, thank god) and tell them that this idiot won't leave you alone and you are getting tired of it........
Well I guess that is what you get for treating people like ****. I won't mess around with my words sweetheart, you call her out for **** but it doesn't exactly sound like you have been the most amazing person in the world in this either. Karma is a *****. If your friends are real friends though, they will support you even when things are messed up. As for the girl herself, I suggest you talk to her one on one face to face to try and put both of your issues aside. Though considering you appear to have no regrets about making fun of her or insulting her or whatever, then don't be surprised if that doesn't work. If you dislike her so much then not being invited shouldn't have even bothered you in the first place.
It doesn't bother me that I'm not invited because I didn't expect to be invited. It just bothers me how she thinks she get away with not inviting someone who has been a friend to her and is totally innocent. It also bothers me how she has been calling and IMing me everynight for no reason. I told her in school today that I might have been harsh on her with that text message,and she said she would consider my apology. 1.Not apologizing. 2.Consider?Who said that it's not like I told her to **** off in plain english. 3.I was harsh to her but she needs to face reality,starting **** in school or anywhere else isn't going to get you anywhere in the longrun. OH and I totally agree with you.I did call her out and I shouldn't have texted her or anything.But I think I should be able to be bothered by her behavior.Think of it like this: If someone you are "acquinted" with is starting stuff with everyone else and you've had it up to here with everyone talking about how annoying and stupid she is without anyone doing anything about it.
This one is easy. Just break off all contact with her. If she's being so annoying that she's bugging you to the point of pulling your hair out then block her on IM, block her on texting (if you can I've never texted before) don't answer her calls don't answer anything delete it the second it's sent to you. Don't talk to her at all. You'll never have to see these people again so it doesn't matter anyway.
OKay, so have you tried to talk to her......and getting some really answers? Because that is the right thing to do.......
Wow, that's not exactly how I would say it, but yes, I would have to agree with CtR on this one. She may not have said it in the best of ways, but CtR is definitely right here. What goes around comes around. And the world keeps on spinning. Sorry :(
Okay I know how you feel, so just forget about it, it may be hard, and like you feel hurt by this weirdo, but you are going into a different highschool, youe not going to see them again which awesome! except for your close friends, you should just give her the cold shoulder.... just focus on the most important thing, or keep yourself occupied so you have your thoughts on something else, I learnt the hard way.... =\
I out of school sick yesterday and she comes up to me like: "How are you? I was worried about you!"\ And...I just stood there and stared blankly at her for like, 25 seconds.
This entire first half is childish beyond comparison. It's her house, she is having these "stupid movie parties", she invites whoever she wants, she has absolutely no obligation towards you whatsoever. Your friends should understand this and keep their mouths shut if they were wise. A misunderstanding. Happens any day. Pay it no mind. Try to have a civilised conversation (and blame yourselves if that doesn't work). And if it doesn't, I say bite the bullet.
I was suprised.She just came out of nowhere. I was like: What where did you come from,don't like you,go away!
Personally, unless you see some type of obvious change in her attitude then she's just trying to get you to be her friend again so she can mistreat you again to feel better about herself.
I can take critism,but that wasn't really helping at all.After all,I'm sure I have not been acting completely childish. Why have a "civilised conversation" with someone that is stupid,annoying and that I dislike?No reason,that's way any time she walks by or tries to talk to me I pretend I'm in a hurry to be somewhere,when I am not generally going anywhere.And why blame myself?There is no reason to blame myself for her selfish materialistic ways. I'm not even having problems with this girl anymore,there is another girl that is causing **** with me now. I went over her grandparents house and her grandfather freaked out because I play golf and he is like obsessed. So he is asking her to play too. And that's my fault?NO. She's not talking to me,because I'm "Self centered" and "I have too many other friends and should stick to one group" And now golf is "The worst sport ever created" 1.I am sure everyone is a bit self centered,but I'm really not overindulgent. 2.This is exactly why you make other friends.SO when one of your friends is acting crazy,you go to another group of friends until the other group cools down. URGHH.I hate when people get jealous and mad at me. She is just pissed because I actually put the time in to make the golf team. And she's on the little league soft ball team that's a walk-on. I'm getting to think I should boycott these sorts of people for awhile. I mean,you invite someone to meet your family and then two weeks later you hate them,don't want to speak with them and are telling them that everything they do is stupid? Isn't there something wrong there? And even if I was doing something to her,in her exact words: "Everyone tries to ignore how self centered you are,but it's hard to ignore and we are all sick of it!" Don't you think anyone would say anything to me after 3 years? Not to mention nobody think I'm self centered,except for her. I'm starting to lose my mind with all these crazy *****es.
Actually, it was very helpful. It was a wake-up call for you to mature out of it. Don't blame me for not seeing it. Because trying to get along and sorting things out if you're stuck with her is much easier than avoiding eachother, duh. Why would you be satisfied with annoyance if, with a little more effort, you could be neutral or friendly around her again? Find out what it is that bothers both of you at least. Yes, you are to blame if you keep getting annoyed by her, if you have to go out of your way to avoid her due to your being too lazy, ignorant or self-centered (oh look, there's that word again) to hear her out at least. Well, that's quite unfair of her. Again, you should try to talk things over with her. Such a minor squabble is usually easy to make up. Show her the error of her ways instead of "boycotting" them and just complaining it. Also, try to knock it off with the empty assumptions; "she is just this", "she's obviously that". It makes you look rather (and I hate repeating myself but there's really no better word) childish. Trust me, grown-ups don't and shouldn't do that kind of thing. :)
Wow... CtR knows how to put things straight. I would of said it just like that, sure it's not the nicest way, but that's what happens in life and I think you need to face this ***** and talk it out [without any wars].