User Portal =/= forum. They require 2 different accounts, I believe. *read that just a few minutes ago* LOL
Two different accounts? so I need to register two times? and after you press upload, it asks for en email account and a password; I put in my email account and my kh-vids password and it said *bad username or password* what are you supposed to put in there? It still doesn't work.
No. It won't you have to make a WHOLE OTHER ACCOUNT for the user portal. Please read some of the guides on the site.
I feel obligated to point out this lovely FAQ that may answer all your questions! =D
let me read it... I registered and logged in. I got in, but I didn't have any videos to upload yet so I logged that off, and then when I logged on to the upload page, it said bad username and/or password. Do I need to log in with my first login first, or just straight login with my registered login for the upload? Also, I registered again, with the same email address and logged in and it still said email already exists. I am really confused.
I made a thread that answered every single question known to man about the video section but some IDIOT deleted it.