how am i supposed to live my life knowing that my parents would trade me for my cousin anyday. my parents dont want me, because i talk back, im spoiled rotten, and im am not grateful for what they do (cook, clean, blah blah). itsnt that cool :D:D
Oh, thats not right. What kind of parents would want to trade their children for those reasons? I guess the best thing for you to do is act good until you move away.
No offense but you just have to put upwith rotten paarents like that else you aint gonna survive...Soon they'll be expecting you to do loads of stuff and get totally over worked.
Thats what you think but i don't think thats the case.they get mad at you because you won't break away from your rut and not help around the house,etc.they just want you to help around the house once and awhile.I know myself because i'm the same.I can't just help my parents around the house because i'm helping people on here or stuff like that.
no you see, i do help out around the house. i clean the bathroom and my room everyday, i feed the cats, i do the dishes every other night. i take out the garbage to the curb (we have a long, long driveway) every Wednesday . and i have to do all my homework and all my chores before i use the computer. and im very busy with all my school work. my mom sees me as lazy but she doesnt get that i have a buttload of hard school work and its not back in the 60's with easy work. i admit i do take back alot.
Honey, you must have said something. As you said in your first post: "i talk back," So maybe you need to straighten up and just listen. I used to be the same way with my parents, but they actually smacked me around a few times to get me in line. You don't see me complaining. Another; "i'm spoiled rotton," Is another thing to fix. Maybe you should pay more attention to what they want or need, and try to help them get there. If they are having trouble in their work habits, or anything else; try to listen to what they have to say. Even if it is as boring as it is. Kid, you are never un-wanted from your parents. They will always love you, no matter what. I have never seen a pair of parents that would be out of their minds enough to give up their own children for not wanting them. They could have gave them up for the child's safety, or maybe because they wern't ready for the blessing in their world, but nothing for the reason "I didn't want them." Just look on the bright side, and try to help and make good grades. That always make a parent happy to know that you're smart. The thought of your own child being successful makes any parent proud. So try hard, and do you best.
I do get smacked around, just today i got beat up, LOL, my mom said "Now i know why mothers kill their young" but, youre right about my parents loving me. i get straight A's since 4th grade, im in 7th now. i am lazy but its cuz i tired of all ym school work, i guess ill just have to give up my free time on the computer to please my parents.
I need proof of this beating, or I won't believe a word you say. Straight A's since fourth grade. Well prove to them you have the grades! Not by them just signing the paper. Tell them about your day, what you learned; how the teachers react to your silly answers. That makes a bond with your parents. Keeping this nonresponsive relationship, is very unhealthy.
every kid gets hit by their parents, so you need no proof. the hitting is no big deal. why do i have to talk to my parents about school? they see all my tests when i bring them home and put them on the fridge, except for the C i got on my history test, but that was only once.
Well... if you talk to your parents about school, then they'll know how much your working and they might respect you a little more. Plus, they could be more kind and understand if you tell them what's up. They could appreciate it. 8D
Sometimes parents don't mean what they say, but it still doesn't give them a right to say it. For an example, my parents have said a lot of harsh things to me because I want to move back to New York with my sister, but they don't want me too. So, I didn't like what they said to me. This may be the same case for you. I suggest that you sit down and talk to them about the issue.
if i tell my mom, shell think im talking, backa dn shell probably say, "you dont tell me how to raise my kids, yoyu treat me with respect you *****!" but who cares anymore. everythings my fault anyway.