So, I am a 17 soon to be 18 year old living in the west of London, England, who believes himself to be a Scizophrenic. I've lied before, to people about that I am a diagnosed scizophrenic but that's a lie. It just makes me feel better that whatever I am or act like can be named and catergorised. It just makes me feel less alone, that I'm not the only one and apologise to anyone I have said this too before. But anyway, onto the topic at hand... I am about 95 percent sure that I have scizophrenia, the disorganised thinking process, audio hallucinations, lack of apathy, and some others as well that all point towards one conclusion. I am scared. Scared to go to a doctor and tell them I believe I'm schizophrenic. Not because I'm ashamed but becuase of the routes this could lead too, such as being forced to take drug treatment or being treated differently. At the moment I believe I'm capable of telling the difference between reality and fantasy, that schism in my mind. I've come a long way from just a few years ago, where I seemed to have hallucinations once a day. I'm not a serious case as a lot of other people are. But at times I don't feel in control, I act differently and talk differently, I'm not sure if I'm doing or if someone else is doing it… I just feel out of control and dangerous, I feel like I may hurt someone randomly... What I don't know is what to do, keep believing I'm a schizophrenic and deal with it myself or ask a professional who may only in the end make me take drugs. What do others think I should do?
I think it would be best to go to the doctor. My reasoning being it is possible that there isn't actually something as serious as scizophrenia and I disagree with self-diagnosing. I think it would be better to know exactly what it is that you are dealing with. Plus, it is possible that because you believe yourself to be scizophrenic that you are creating the symptoms? The human mind is a very sensitive thing, think of those women who believe they are pregnant and so start experiencing symptoms of pregnancy as an example. If it IS scizophrenia, then at least you would know, and I don't think they can force you to take medication. It would just be a confirmation for you. Whatever happens, good luck with it, I genuinely mean that. Living with mental disorders can be really hard <3
This is admittedly a heavy subject to ask of a children's forum, but I will give you my answer. Basically in my mind I see two routes- the compassionate one which lets you go free of medication and worry (for now), or the sensible and responsible route. You may not believe yourself to be a danger to anybody, but who is to say that is forever? Go and get it checked out; it may be as you guessed and it isn't a severe form of schizophrenia (if it's that at all). Are you really that against taking medication? It could make things a whole lot more pleasant for you in life. Not to be ominous or anything, but although you may be harmless now, a year or two down the line and a hallucination might put you or others in serious trouble. I'm not saying that is going to happen, but in my opinion you should be responsible and get it checked out. I bet some emotional support could go a long way, too. <3
Thank you both so much, for reading my concern. You're both beautiful people, yet i'm slightly concerned that the only people to reply so far have been women. It's fuelling the streotypes, guys! XD I have to say that most initial recognising and diagnosing of schizophreniia come from family or self observation. When you believe you suffer something, believe me you research your arse off to find out what it is and what can be done. And you're right. One theory of people becoming schizophrenic is that if you spend your time around schizophrenics, you yourself become schizophrenic, leading to schizo's from being the least likely people of being institutionalised, since it can worsen symptoms. I could be doing that to myself since, whatever it is, most likely came from negative thoughts of myself after being bullied constantly. And with the negative thoughts, came the thoughts of being different, and developed into the belief of suffering schizophrenia. Really? No drugs? I've only heard about cases that have needed drug therapy to alieviate the symptoms. If that was the case I would defiantly go to get myself checked. And thank you for the support. And like I said i'm not that scared of being a schizophrenic as long as my friedns and family treat me the same. Not to sound too gay, I am what I am, and they had better accept that or they're not my friends anymore. Though i'm slightly fearful on how the hell I begin the conversation that I tell themo fsuffering schizophrenia. Schizophrenia mainly affects young people aging from 14-19, even younger and especially in women. Being as I know this site's age range was from 8 to 48 at one point, I thought this topic wasn't especially weird to tell the truth. The discussion section usually has many deep and heavy conversations, this shouldn't be out of the ordinary. I am quite against any kind of medication if possible, I only see it as a last resort. Everyday I see my parents take pill after pill, in the morning and at night, they're heavily depedent on them otherwise they feel terrible. WHen they forget to take them they're bones ache, are quick to anger and other symptoms. I know one day i'm going to be in that position too, but at the age of 18... I just don't want that for the rest of my life. You're right, mental conditions can change in an instnce, from good to bad in a flash, so actual treatment could be crucial for both me and those around me. It all seems so logical to get checked out but I guess fear and everyday life has been stopping me from thinking about this decision I should make and stick too. I may ask a mate to go along with me, I don't know, i've got to have a think.
I think you'll be pleased to find that I have what I believe is an agreeable compromise solution: See a therapist first. You don't have to immediately go to the medicine man; you can talk this over beforehand, and regardless of your choice you'll be better off for it. Everything is confidential, so you don't have to worry about word getting out or people treating you differently, and having that second opinion can put things in perspective. Plus, you can get some education on schizophrenia and how it's typically dealt with. A therapist can do two things for you: He can help you decide if you really do need medicine for this or if you just need therapeutic treatment (Ask about a psychological test; I don't know the name, but there's a really good one for young adults that my therapist gave me); and he can tell you about all the rigmarole involved in making that decision. I doubt you'll be forced into drug therapy, but if you would be, he'll know. Try to dispel that outright aversion to pills; one or two daily don't kill you, and in severe cases they may be the only way. Regardless, any responsible therapist/psychiatrist/what-have-you will continue working with you to see if they can't get you to a point where you don't need the pills.