Unlike Me To Post Here...

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Kenni-Chan, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Okay, so it's highly unlike me to post here, because I can usually sort out my own problems, but I think this time I really need help.

    Well, I had a really bad start to 2009 as a lot of bad thing happened and I went through a really big depressive phase, but most of that is over now. One of my main problems is paranoia, I always think someone is watching me, or someone is talking about me, and I've lost my trust in a lot of people, because I keep thinking my friends b*tch about me, which sometimes they do as one of my closest friends tells me what they say, but I don't mind that, but I think that my closest and friends I trust with my life b*tch about me, and it makes me really awkward around them. Also, I have a loneliness problem that if I don't hear someone's voice or being near someone for a certain period of time, I start to cry and scream of loneliness. I'm wondering, should I get help with these problems if they get worse? Or should I just get over them?

    Also, I have a lot of friendship problems. The past couple weeks now, most of my friends have been turning their backs and randomly having arguments with me for no reason what-so-ever and then if I ask what's going on, they act nice as anything to me, and they're starting to judge me for how I look, seeing as I've recently changed my hair style and I'm also judged for what music I like now, which people have never had a problem with before. After I've been to school now-a-days, because there are fields nearby, I usually go down the paths and through the woods and forests there just to get away from anything, and sometimes I wonder if I should just run away to there. It's not the fact that people are being horrible to me, I'm just wondering why now? I haven't done anything, and a lot of things are going on with me at the moment, and I just want to know, what should I do?

    If you can help, thank you so much, but if you can't then don't worry.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Hmm... I went through similar phases when I was in middle school... ><

    Well, how I dealt with it was try to find another friend I could trust... That friend always ended up being the one that was standing to the side all the time, wanting a friend too.

    Just keep in mind that you are you. If people don't like it, don't worry about it. You might convince others that what you like is cool, and they should try it out too. :D Don't care what people think about you. Just be yourself.

    To solve the loneliness, and the friend problem, probably try not to hang out with your friends too much or try to argue with them, even though it seems oober hard sometimes. Try talking to your parents on how you feel, or your siblings. They might listen and give you really good advice.

    That's all I have for now...
  3. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    1. I'm in High School, not Middle School, surprising, yes, but true
    2. I can't talk to my parents because they get people involved and to be honest, I don't like them getting involved in my life, because I feel like such a small person. And I have a friend that I can talk to about anything, though we argue occassionally I still trust her with my whole entire life, but I even get paranoid about her, she says that she feels the same occassionally and it will soon disappear, but my paranoia just doesn't stop.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    High school is basically hell for most people. I know it was for me. It is really helpful if you can find someone you know you can trust, and talk to them, be it a sibling, friend, or whoever. Its also hard to have friend turn their backs on you, but if they did, they weren't good friends. Try to stick with the ones you know you can trust. In highschool people judged music, looks, clothes, what I said, what I did, who my friends were. I know it doesn't help much, but try to stick with what you like, not what other people think when they judge you. I get lonely a lot too, but I listen to music to help me, and when it gets really bad I'll randomly call a friend and just talk about anything. It really helps.
  5. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    ^Truth. From a social standpoint in HS, I failed miserably. For most of high school, I was an overweight, loner, nerd, bookworm with no fashion sense. For those reasons alone, I was outcast. I, being the person I am, didn't mind it too much, nor did I mind the constant teasing that resulted. For a more social person, though, that would probably be hell. Don't try to find a "group" you belong to, try to find friends and they will, over time, become your group. Don't hang out with just anyone, though. Try to find someone who is interesting and who will respect who you are. Never count anyone out on first impressions. I learned that with my one friend. He annoyed the CRAP out of me when I first met him, and now we talk almost every day (over the phone, since I'm now away at college, but still, we talk) about almost everything. I can tell him absolutely anything at all, and he won't judge me. THAT is who you need to find.
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    hmm... this is kinda a though one for me to give help on, at least in certain aspects it is. First thing that comes to mind is that there are underlying issues here that you are neglecting to talk about. These issues are probably personal issues, and they could be either something that you are aware of or something that is unconsciously affecting you. If there are other issues going on, then I won't pressure you to mention anything. Like I said, chances are that these are personally issues. however, I will say this, I could probably be of more help if you did say something.

    If there are no underlying issues here that you can think of, then my next guess would be that you are almost in middle school, or you are in middle school already. The reason why I think this is because people can just be plain nasty in middle school. I don't know about you, but for me middle school was h***. I literally only had one friend in middle school because nobody wanted to be my friend. Everybody made fun of me for everything I did and said. Sometimes they even attempted to physically attack me. Along with all the teasing, I had many personally issues going on at home, and let's not forget that around that age you start undergoing all sort of changes physically and mentally, so it was like I was being attacked nonstop.

    I left quite an impact on me, those three years that I spent in middle school. I am currently almost 21 and I'm still trying to get over some of the things that happened to me. but anyway, all I'm suggesting here is that the reason for everything that is happening to you could be because of your age range.

    The best suggestion I have for you here is to talk to your parents. They can be the best people to go to when you are feeling down. I'm a guy who is practically an adult here, and I still talk to my parents when I'm having problems that I can't work out myself. It helps a great deal!

    As for the running away part, Don't. Trust me, you will not be better off by running away. You are much better if you stay put. I really don't have much else to say here. I would need more information in order to give any good suggestions.