Chatting with girl as she's about to leave to go to bed Her: "Chatting with you really made my day, I miss you a lot <3 ...(it says she's typing) BEST FRIEND!" (oh btw, I'm walking) X_X
I'm actually a really nice guy in real life (shocker, right?) and that happens to me a lot. =\ Life sucks.
Just try not to accidentally stab yourself in the genitals when performing seppuku. Trust me, it really hurts.
hmm... well its not my original but people better know me as Radiowave or The Spirit. My original was StormAndLightning13 though.
Ah, I recognize Radiowave (: Well, bro. It's really not too hard to move out of that best friend zone, just make yourself be in a way so that she likes you in a "let's be a couple way". Good luck man. And by the way, Ghetto is never lucky about any of this shit.