Unforgiving video game?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Shikou, May 26, 2012.

  1. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Have you ever played a video where it angers you to a point that you just want to destroy it's very existence from the world? Like death of your favorite character, gameplay, story, etc? Im sure everyone can come up with a list or can name at least 1 game but oh well.
    Form my personal experiences I would say...
    -Silent Hill Shattered Memories. Good concept but it all goes to hell later on x_x
    -The 3rd Birthday... I'll miss you Aya ;_;
    -Clock Tower 1 (localized version). I said go up the stairs not down!!! D<
    -Final Fantasy X. I keep dying after hours of leveling up... or maybe I just suck at main final fantasy games.
    -Final Fantasy XIII-2. I dont want to have to pay for a DLC ending that should have been on the game in the first place.
    -Final Fantasy Type-0. I'll remember you Nine ;_;
    -Hakuoki. Why cant I date Shinpatchi?!! D<
    -L: The Prologue to Death Note. It's nice playing detective and all but... I just hate the story x_x
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Any of the classic LucasArts adventures. Omg, some of the puzzles in Monkey Island 2 and Grim Fandango were just keyboard-shatteringly distressing for me.

    Psychonauts, specifically the final stages, and I'm sure anyone who has played this game knows where I am going with this.

    A couple of bosses in the Kingdom Hearts series have been pretty bad for me, actually. Riku II in KH1; Riku IV in CoM; Demyx in KH2 -- they were all VERY FRUSTRATING.

    If visual novels count, When They Cry gets a special shoutout for not only killing all of its characters repeatedly with reckless abandon in various brutal ways, but making it an essential plot mechanic. Also Ever17 for the ridiculous bad end. :c


    if it wasn't 5 in the morning I'm sure I could come up with more
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ninja Gaiden 1: Could never beat the first boss for about 15 tries, gave up came to the game a year later, just barely beat him, and then stuck on the next boss. Effin *****... Still never completed it.

    Ninja Gaiden 2: More bearable, but my god I must have died at every stage at least once. And the final boss... You have to do it perfectly or your ****ed.

    Prototype: the end boss, you have a freaking time limit to take down a final boss, how the **** did I ever beat that game?!
  4. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I honestly never saw the difficulty in that level, way back when I did not find it hard in the slightest. Then I replayed it, and it was still fine. Challenging, but fine. I know that I'm the exception to this though, haha. Embarrasingly though, I always had a ton of problem with Lungfishopolis.

    Demon's Souls is probably the only truly unforgiving video game I've played. As you can die if you just blink at a bad time and then you have to go all the way back to the beginning. Good times.
  5. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Frogger.....I just could never get past that game no matter how much I tried.

    Final Fantasy XII: I seriously hated this game after getting to a certain boss fight. I spent hours leveling up, and I'm pretty sure I was over leveled a little as it was, and I had no trouble with bosses to hat point, but I get to that one boss fight, and no matter what I did I ended up dying every single time. I sold the game after that, I couldn't deal with it.
  6. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I am really bad at wii sports.

    Seriously, I could never get past Chernobyl in KH1. I just suck at it. Never beat the game.

    There was also the first boss in A Link to the Past. But I was pretty young and then I sold my game because I was pretty young and pretty stupid.

    Tingle's Rosy Colored Rupee Land. Dear god, this game is so annoying. Like, you have to have a 6th sense for knowing exactly how many rupees get you where you need to go. And if you give too little. They still take your god damn rupees. So you lose either way by giving too much or too little. asdfghjkl;
  7. Black Burn Banned

    May 17, 2012
    Rising Road
    I don't think I ever played a game that angered me that much. The closest that could come to that is Zeus from God of War III on Titan Mode. Took me many tries until I finally slayed that God.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Did you watch the secret ending? Arecia alters the timeline by removing the crystals. No war happens over them. Nobody dies. Class Zero ends up living happily ever after. Especially Machina and Rem. >>;


    Dragon's Dogma starts out unforgiving. Exploring=death. Though once you start gaining a few levels you can finally managed to get around without seeing your pawns die every minute.

    Zone of the Enders 2 has its own moments. You have to fight the final boss in the second half of the game. Final boss has its full moveset and normal AI. Also, you have to do the battle without the ability to block, use subweapons, and no ranged attacks. Though you fight a stronger version of that boss later on, you're stronger than ever before making the last boss easier than the battle with him you had to do earlier. SO MUCH PAIN. There's another battle that's almost as bad(if you're on the hardest difficulty) where you have to fight a friend without killing her. Those who have played the game know why this is frustrating. Messing up during that battle could end up killing her or getting yourself killed.

    Then there's Battletoads...

    Storywise I don't think I've really played an unforgiving game in terms of how the story went.
  9. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  10. greater_bloo Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 25, 2007
    In a world covered by endless water.
    When it first came out I thought this, but then after a few years I learned that whenever you're in a battle you should most of the time be blocking. That and use that thing where you gather essences holding the Y button. Those are pretty much the key to beating the game. Oh and near the end you have to fight like 4 boss battles in a row without break, that was tough.

    As for the games that anger me, I can't think of any specific ones right now I know there are a bunch though and when I was younger there were numerous times where games angered me. I guess online multiplayer games in general when someone is just dominating me is the most recent memory of being angered. Nowadays though the usual reason I wouldn't finish a game is because I get bored of it.