My mom's pre-ordered copy of Twilight came in the mail today. They're watching it right now. If i don't post for some time, it's most likely because i killed myself after hearing it from my seat at the computer multiple times.
Don't worry, I share your pain. My big brother got the DVD and played it on our HDTV last night. Thank God for headphones and loud music.
Exactly what happend to me Saturday night. Except it was my sister. I was also dragged along to the DVD release party, and I died a little inside.
I have about ten minutes before my meltdown. I was so pissed when i got home. I was walking home and thinking about playing some good ol' Fallout 3. You know, Exploran, People killan, corpse searchan, etc etc. BUT NO IT'S FUCKING TWITCHY MCFUCKHEAD ALL OVER MY TV HAVING HER SEIZURE OVER THE GODDAMN PRETTYBOY GOD I JUST WANT TO KILL SOMETHING.
I saw it the other day. My view of the movie is...... Spoiler LOL, you think i'm going tell tell what my views are since on my right side is abunch of twilight lovers and on my left are people who act so immature about a FICTIONAL STORY they need to have a sh-t storm for anything that involves it.