
Discussion in 'Departure Hall' started by Xaale, Oct 9, 2008.

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  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    So... I never thought this would happen. I'm so sorry to say it, but I have a very high chance of leaving here for a long time, maybe forever.

    As a teenager, I am always in a mood, not always a very pleasant one. My dad wants me to live with my mom because he says he's f***ing sick of me. Right now it's fine, but trust me, he really will if he gets too fed up with me. If I'm gone for a long time, then, you know...

    You probably don't know, but my mom doesn't let me on the computer because she got a virus when I was there. I fixed it for her and told her how to fix it if it ever happens again, and it has, but she forgot and won't let me on. She got rid of the thing to delete it. Basically, if I live with her I won't ever be on again except if I go on at my aunt's.

    Haseo: Thanks for being my stalkee-kun, hun. I’ll miss you D:

    Absol: Continue your reign as queen of spam. HE COMES IN THE NIIIIIIIIGHT [​IMG]

    Advent: You were probably my best friend here. I’ll miss you *hugs*

    Akua: Thanks for joining my RP. It was fun talking to you.

    Ampex: I’ll never see you again, brother. If I have to live with her, I'll be in Amityville school district...I'm sorry. Please have a good life at home, and hopefully we'll see each other. ಠ_ಠ

    Anti Hero: I remember you rootin’ me on to become a part of the teal team. I’ll miss you too.

    Catch the Rain: I didn’t see you as the godess of KHV, but a friend.

    DialgaTaffy: It was fun talkin’ to you. Good luck in life.

    DPWolf: Were you ignoring me for that time? D: Seizures are not cool, anyway have a good life. I guess I’ll never know what DP stood for…

    Fearless: *hugs* Bye miss. I’ll miss you D:

    Gintasthebest: You aren’t bad, as everyone seems to think. It’s really nice to talk to you.

    Gwen: Fellow Death Note fangirl, have a good life.

    Heart of Darkness: At times it was a little depressing when we talked, but I’m so glad I met you.

    Heartless_Vice: Thanks for the lulz and random pictures

    Hubba_Bubba_Bubbles: We never really talked too much, but we were still friends. Bye

    Jettie: I remember when you joined, hun. Good luck in life.

    Kannira the Wolf: I remember when you joined, too. I’ll miss ya.

    Keyblade Spirit: I remember that you were my first friend here. Bye~

    Watermelon (keybladeofdarkness4): It’s so much fun talking to you ಠ_ಠ Keep that face alive

    Kid Hero: What can I say, I love ya *hugs* I’ll miss you, keep drawing.

    Kitty: You gave me a lot of lass, miss. I love ya, good luck in life.

    Light Yagami: See ya Pyro, I’ll miss you. Keep the site sexy.

    LilRice: Thanks for helping me with getting Vegas.

    MegaManZXAdvenT: Bye, hun. I wasn’t mad at you.

    Mexony: You’re one of my favorite members. Keep writing, miss.

    Mistaken_xNobody: You’re pretty new, and I see potential in you. Bye hun~ It was nice talking to you.

    Noise: Keep the forum alive. I’ll miss you.

    O R A N G E: Thanks for help with the Short Story contest. Keep up the moderator work, there.

    OblivionRoxas: I’ll miss you.

    Renegade Angel: The fastest poster in the world without any spam, you sir got premium in less than a month. It was so nice talking to you and cheering you on.

    Repliku: Thanks for changin’ your name back. Keep up the insanely long posts and the discussion area alive.

    Roxas 95: Bye hun *hugs* you are such a loved member, I can see.

    Roxas24Sora: I’m proud to say you were one of the first people I talked to here, and after about a year we finally talked again. Bye, sir.

    Shades: I’ll miss you, sir. Maybe, if I can ever come on, and have a cable, I can play you in Brawl. The wii would be at my dad's... Thanks for being there to help me with all fifty billion of my stories. You’ll be one of the most missed.

    ICSP: You’ll never be Shinigami Ryuk to me XD I’m sorry to leave the investigation, and I guess I’ll never know what your name stood for.

    Skylight_Defect: You have the coolest name ever, sir. Keep it up, and I’ll miss you.

    The fifth element: I’ll miss you, keep the forums alive okay?
    Trigger: ಠ_ಠ
    Bye *hugs* we never really talked except when I posted that face in your profile.

    VideoGameCrazyMan: Bye sir *hugs*

    Yosha_the_female_warrior: I’ll remember you as a friend, hun.

    ~Amber~: I remember when you were amberdslovick XD Keep your reign as Kookie Kween forever.

    Tummer: Your favorite song is also mine. You always kept up the laughs. *hugs*

    Rosey: I know you don’t remember when I was a wee noob, but I was pretty bad XD Bye miss

    DarkReqiuem0: You always gave me the lulz. I’ll miss you and your one smart post.

    Neku: Bye sir, keep up the admin work.

    Condemned Memoir: Sorry RvR for the ginta impersonation thread. I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I know you ignored my apology before, but I just wanted to let you know I’ll miss you.

    Sara: The first time you’ve been on in ages was today. I’m sorry to go :P

    Alex C: Thanks for the lolz sir. I’ll miss you and your spam zone reign.

    Cin: I love ya hun. You always made me laugh.

    *Hippie Jesus*: Stay strong, sir.

    Ghetto: Keep up the sexy sigs

    VideoGameNerd246: You are one of the funniest members I’ve seen. *huggles* Bye.

    Kickyou: OH BOI DEH FYUUUUCHURE was probably the most kick arse usertitle ever, Reptar. Bye~

    Xephos: Congrats on making premium. I’ll miss you *pets*

    LullabyCaiden: I’ll miss you *hugs*

    Tootsie: We never talked, but I’ll still remember yooou.

    Ashwa <3: Bye miss, I’ll remember joo :3

    Amethyst Heart: For having one of the best usernames and sweetest hearts, I’ll miss you.

    Pika_Power: Bye. I really wanted to sig something bye you, but I forget what…*shrugs and hugs*

    Iloverikuandyoucan’tstopme: It was so much fun talking to you. Thanks for the help with GIMP.

    Cherry (music note): I remember when you became premmy :3 I’ll miss you.

    HigherBeing: I’ll miss yoooooooou *hugs*

    Dr. Roxas: Lol funny name XD Byeeee

    Spunk Ransom: I love where you got the name from XD *hugs*

    Trogdor: I almost forgot you D: I love ya, best name ever.

    Vertigo Haven: Smosh loving buddy *glomps*

    Starkiller: I’ll miss ya *hugs*

    Saintlikesgirls: Internet pedo = you. I’ll miss you *glomps*

    Destiny’s Force: Oneof the best writers here, I’ll miss you~

    CarbuncleGem: Death Note Death Note Death Note *glomps* I’ll miss you.

    HellKitten: I love ya hun. I’ll miss you soooo much.

    The Joker: I’ll miss you sir. Keep the spam zone alive.

    What? : One of the funniest usernames, you defiantly deserved best username.

    Roxas2010: HAIRY LIBRARIAN YETTI <3 I’ll miss you~

    Roxas-Chick: I’ll miss you lots *hugs*

    Hot cocoa: You became a mod right after I joined. I’ll miss you, cocohints.

    DarkAndroid: Keep up the top 5, I’ll surely miss you.

    Spdude: Keep running the site, and good luck.

    Venus Adept: Byeeeeeeeeee *tackle glomps*

    Cupcake: I’ll miss you so much, miss.

    Misty: Keep up the good work around here *hugs*

    Splitty: I’ll miss you and your sexy sigs.

    Ifishy: Nice talking to you, I love your username.

    ObsessedwithSora: I’ll hope you have a good life, miss *hugs*

    Styx: You have such good poetry skills. Be proud.

    Daxma: Keep up all you are doing, sir. I’ll miss you~

    Shiki: You are going to be missed sooooo much *hugs*

    Lulus_Moogle: Byeeeee *hugs fifty times* You were such a good friend

    Diveintotheheart: Miss ya, buddy ):

    RainbowStoner: Lol crack balls XD I love your name (crack balls is what I think when I see it) I’ll miss you.

    Goimez: Bye sir *hugs* You are the best

    Clouddart100: Bye~ I think you are a Matsuda fan *hugs*

    Random Angel: Bye~ *huggles*

    Overload: Thanks for joining the rp~

    Steal the Hail: Bye sir *hugs*

    Twilight Blader: Thanks for joining the rp~

    To everyone I forgot and everyone else: I love you all, this is really sad for me, it might happen, it may not. I wanted to post this now when I had the chance, just in case it happens.

    I love you all, if I find it definatly won't happen I'll say so and get a mod to close this.

    Bye... I hope it never happens.
  2. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Never really knew ya... but it's sad for another KHV member to leave... ;_; Plus ya seem really nice too~

    Bai-bai Xaale... hope it doesn't happen either and find a way to stay~
  3. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Thank you Death Twister *hugs*

    I really hope it doesn't happen...​
  4. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Yo, keep it real. Not too sure if we did talk that much, but I've seen you enough on the forum to say I know you. You're an ace in my book.

    Live the way you like, believe in what you want to believe. Keep on keepin' on, chili peppa
  5. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?
    Aww :( This is sad!

    I never got to know you. I'm disappointed now. Well, I totally hope that happens, and you get to stay <3

    But if not...bye bye :(
  6. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    You too, sir *hugs*

    I never got to know you either, but I've seen you tons of times. Bye *hugs*​
  7. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Omfg nyu!! *hugs*!! ;_;

    Well, it's not unusual for teens to be in a mood all the time, and no matter how annoying it gets, your dad needs to accept it--it's a packaged deal when it comes to raising a child. Many parents dread the time when their child turns into a teenager, and maybe your dad just fears the next few years to come. However, if your moody behavior bothers your dad this much, maybe you can at least try to be in a good mood around him? Do it for your sake at the least.♥ The moods will pass sooner than you think, and if you keep yourself occupied with something of interest, you'd find these moods disappearing ;).

    Well, if you ever need to talk or rant or anything at all, just hit me up via IM or PM. I’ll gladly listen. =3 It's always good to vent than to keep everything bottled up.

    I really do hope that you wouldn't have to leave...and here's hoping that this doesn't happen! *crosses fingers* >.<'

    And also, thank you for the mention among all your buddies. I feel all speshul nao. I'll keep the site sexy! :'D
  8. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Oh one ever mentions me in these things...I'll miss you Xaale. You brought a lot of fun to the forum. If you decide to come back, most of us, if not all, will all be here waiting.
  9. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Wow. I'm sorry that I don't talk to you often (or unleash Evil DF on you constantly :sweat:).

    I don't know what else to say. It was an honor knowing you. I pray for you, wish you luck and hope that you'll come back to us. :)




    *tickle glomps* [​IMG]
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    It's only 'cause you deserved it *hugs*

    I hope I don't have to go. I'll miss you *hugs* I'm happy to mention you, so much.

    Thank you sir, keep up the writing and have a good time here. *tickleglomps back*

    I'll miss your perverted one-shots in the creativity corner, their so much fun to read :3​
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Xaale...I"m not sure what to say :/ Maybe I need to book a flight out East and smuggled you to an internet cafe or something. In all honesty, this is the first time i've ever been mentioned in a departure thread, and i'm honored that you hold me in such high respect. I'm glad i was always able to be there for you as best I could, and I hope that you aren't cut off from your e-family for too long.
  12. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves

    *hugs* Awww I wish you wouldn't leave but I totally understand the parent thing. I had to finally just get enough money and buy my own laptop. I'm sorry that your mom won't trust the comp. Anyway, I will keep the forum's alive!!

    ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ < I finally learned how to do it!!
  13. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008


    You can't go! You should totally save up and get a laptop! The forum will have lost an epic member if you leave D=
    Gah, I know how you feel with the parents, my own are a pain in the arse DX
    They'll always be a place for you here <3


    I feel honoured that I was on the list, btw. Even though loads of other people were :3
  14. Bond of Flame I'm an alien

    May 25, 2008
    Looking for my pants
    :cold:Too bad you have to go. I kinda know how that is. Don't worry, your friends will be with you, right? Btw, can I be in that list? You where a fun person on the forum, and I will miss you!:(
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OMG! I really cannot believe this is happening.

    After all this time, it's finally happened...

    Someone included me in a Goodbye note!

    Oh, and see ya. I am still hoping you will stay though. There is a chance, right?

    I would work on trying to convince your mother to let you use the computer. Start by doing some homework on it, then build up to looking over Wikipedia for school. Progress onto searching it when you are curious about something, then when you are bored. Finally, edge closer towards KH vids. It should take a while, but we will not forget you.

    Of course, you might just be able to flat out change her mind.

    I live in hope of you returning!
  16. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Oh, you gotta be kidding. This sucks ass on so many levels. >_<

    You're a great friend. I really hope you can come back on at some point. If not, take care of yourself and have a great life.

    *Uber glomps*
  17. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I'll miss you too *super hug* it's an honor to put you in my mentions.

    I still don't know how to do it XD I just copy and paste. *hugs back* I'll miss you.

    Loads of other people are that haven't been mentioned, and don't feel less loved because there are so many other people on the magic list. *hugs back again and again* remember, it's not definate so there's always a chance...I just want to be prepared in case I don't have the chance. mom lives in amityville, right on the border of where I live. I'll have to go to there, where none of my friends go... I'll miss you too *hugs*

    At her house, she doesn't let me do homework on the computer. She doesn't even have Word :/

    Yes, there is a chance of returning. I hope so, and if not I'll miss you *hugs*

    *Uber glomps back*

    You were my best friend here, we had such good times ;_;

    There's a chance that I can stay, and I hope I will. If not I'll miss you so much D:​
  18. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Awww hun I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time.

    *hugs* Hopefully the matter wont resort to that.

    I always thought of you as a friend too sweetie <3

    :glomp: I'll be wishing you luck.
  19. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    *glomps back*

    You're so sweet ^^

    I hope it doesn't resort to that, too.

    If it does, don't let the site blow up when I leave ;D​
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    You don't make this easy for me.

    How about getting Microsoft applications as a way to go on the PC? You load them up and she gives you internet.
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