Ultimate Organization: Ruin and Creation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Sep 8, 2007.

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  1. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    OOC: I just got on.
  2. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: Man... this thread is like on the edge of being dead... Its like the
    knife is in the heart, and where the doctors trying to keep it alive...
  3. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    OOC: geez, you gotta be that pessimmistic? its just going through a hard time...we just need something to help it out....Derek Tales.....heh, heh. sounds like Dragon Tales...anyway...um from what i've read and managed to understand we're in the future....now....? after that...no idea.....i feel like typing soemthing on Derek that would explain a lot of things about him, the locket, and Bella....but i'm lazy...maybe soon...maybe not....and i typed that why.,..? must be the sun....maybe we need a common enemy right now....*shrugs*
  4. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: ..Well someone else make an enemy, this is going to die.. and your all going with it!
    And yes Hidden, I do have to be pessimistic to the extreme...
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
  6. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    OOC: i agree with Keyblade-
    anyway so who's making the new villain? any volunteers?! cuz i was thinkin of one since my characters are useless right now....but....eh.,..
  7. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
  8. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    OOC: *sigh* i guess i will....i think i'm the only one who hasn't made a villain yet anyway....almost did....

    BIC: A lone figure watched the UO from afar. An evil smirk on its face as its piercing blood red eyes studied them. soon...

    OOC: how's that?
  9. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: OMG! Perfect, you now have the responsibility of villainies, so I can finally go join a family! So long suckers!
  10. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: That was mostly......nevermind....I couldn't come back due to homework....

    BIC: "So.......what's going on?" Xane asked. "I think we......definitely aren't in Kansas any more...." he said noticing the surroundings.
  11. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    OOC: I thnik the best thing to do to keep this thing alove is to get back to the reasons why we made the new thred....the stop all those things from the future...and well we we've only been in the UPA...thats why i had Wing go else were to train...and with Star_Seeker being gone...Gale has kinda gone too...so why dont we just get back to the stroy we had planed out? Like lets all put out side stories in, like "the tale of Xane, Derrik Tales, The Tale of Jack Swanson, and The Tale of Nulix" But also have our main characters still work on stopping the Air Army, and battling Vecked, stopping the Virus and UPA...yeah my rant is over
  12. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: The future thing is integral to defeating the virus, brotherhood, Air Army etc........I think....
  13. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Nulixaje walked through the street's with a brooding smile, Men and Women. or should I say Thugs and Hookers looked at him up and down, this place always gave him a burn always excited him... a thrill that he used to get all the time, but now it was different.

    The 18 year old's destination? A local bar that he had visited many times before. He had many problem's with them, but Nulixaje usually let it slide, but now they had actually committed an offence to the city's well being, nothing illegal but still, they where going to pay.

    Nulixaje walked into the red lighted bar, men and women crowded the are. Nulixaje pushed them away and headed to a skinny old man who sat at the largest seat.

    "Pretty boy? What brings you back here..." The man asked daringly.

    "Its would seem that you haven't payed your bill's..." Nulixaje replied, cutting right to the chase.

    "...We haven't received the bill's yet, and even so you can do us no harm if we miss up to four bill's even"

    "Is that so..? Well, I've got news for you" Nulixaje said, pulling a blade to the man's forehead, everyone stopped dancing and all pulled out weapon's. "This is my city, and I can do whatever I want"

    The man just laughed, as the thugs moved in. With out hesitation, Nulix pulled a trigger on the end of the long Knife. The top shot right through the man's skull, guard the the words U.P.A. broke through the glass and started shooting at the thugs. Soon they where all killed off, and Nulixaje got his thrill for the day.
  14. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: [rant] I agree with Wing 200%. All this future crap needs to stop, unless we wouldnt stand even the tiniest chance without it. Every time I go for something to move the ORIGINAL plot along, something totally random happens. EX: Joining the UPA.. WTF!?!? We had the same problem last time. Stop messing around and PM an Admin all your thoughts. INCLUDING THE ADMINS. We've got like 5 storylines going on right now. I mean. We were going to go to the UPA, have a big fight, destroy the virus, and thats it. Instead of doing that we: Didnt fight back at all, looked around the base, took the Light Project, then we left. =\ We didnt even do anything about the Virus. And when I bring it up in a Dramatic, "at this rate you'll destroy the worlds!" thing the UPA members seem to ignore it. Like they havent made it yet. Plus, Is the Brotherhood gonna do ANYTHING? No offense to your busy schedule DarKnight, but you could PM somebody about what you have planned for them. I mean, we're pretty comptent. [/rant]
  15. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: Alright, I just want to say that the U.P.A. did not make the Virus, in fact they don't even know it exist. More of that will be explained later, and just so everything is clear, here is a list of things:

    UO Goals:

    Stop the Virus from happening.

    Defeat the Brotherhood.

    Find out where they are.

    UO Future:

    They will meet Nulixaje once more. (Emotional drama)

    They will have to try and adjust to normal life? (Comedy)

    They will go back to Strawberry Islands.

    Vecked will be back.

    The Air Lord will control time.

    Ziet and Project 160 Light will have a connection.

    Note: Season Two is like the season that revolves around time. It will be the season where all the enemy's are defeated (Unless Darknight pulls a "DA BRODAHOOD AINT DEAD!!! NEW SEASON FOO!" On us...)
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC:....Really? O_o

    Ive got my UO history wrong. X_x

    What do you mean "Find Out Where They Are" <_>
  17. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: By find out where they are I went they just got nuked and now are in a cold watery desert version of hell. Alright, this season they will gain control of time, I didn't just send them to the future to meet Nul. And I forgot one for the UO Goals.

    Stop the Air Lord from ending the world.
  18. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Ooooohhhhh...>_>

    Alright, lets get started. (again. -_-)

    BIC: Xegreny looked around and saw the others. Jogging over he said, "Long time no see.."
  19. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    A guy ran up to Xegreny "EAT FART! YOU TRATOR!" He yelled...
  20. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    "Today you Fall, so called Gaurdian of Twilight!" The Three Defenders of Darkness shouted in unision. Wing had been fighting the three of them everyday for the past week, needles to say, he was exauasted.

    He Slashed at the the bolnde haired Defender he knew as "Zero", knocking him back. The leader of the three Defenders was named "Zeek", he jumped up and fired a multi shot from his double berrel Gunblade. Wing stopped the bullets with a twilight Spell but was then attacked from behind by "Zanert", the tall one with black hair, Wing cried out ni pain, but was quick with his blade, Running Zanert throug.

    Zeek: "ZANERT! You'll pay for that!" He charged Wing and shot a Daekness spell, hitting wing in the eyes, sending him flying back into the dusty road. Wing stood up and blew away the dust with a cyclone techquine. He then wipped the blood from his eyes and mouth, spitting most of it out.

    Zero: "He's going to die...i swear it!" Wing held up his keys in defence, and as soon as Zero dropped his gaurd, he was finished.

    "You're the only one left Zeek...why not just give up?"

    Zeek: "Darkness will reign Suprime...you are mearly a road block...and will be taken care of....." Zeek had gone into a fit of rage...no longer making any sence...his moves were erratic...and Wing paid dearly....buletts grazed his arms and legs, causing more blood to flow.

    Zeek had him pinned...held to the earth by the tip of his gunblade.

    "You...can't defeat me!" Wing shouted as he hurled a ball of wind at Zeek.

    "There is only one person I'll ever loose to, and even then...I won't just let him win. Twilit Wind!" Zeek's expression turned to one of complete teror as the spell hit him...ending his life just as Wing had done to his compainons.

    Wing took a few deep breaths and tried to regan himself...but the blood loss wasn't helping any. He was on one knee...defenceless...and that was not a good thing to be on a path that lead to the Darkness...exsecially when he was being watched by the Gaurdian Of Darkness.


    Gaurdian of Darkness: "I See you have aquired the knolege you have been seeking."

    Wing looked all around him to find the source of the voice...it seemed closer then ever.

    GD: "I never thought you'd find what you were looking for here when I placed you at the Crossroads of Destiny one week past. Seems I under estimated you...But I shall not be making that mistake again."

    As he finished the last sentice Wing finally saw the man behind the voice...only feet in front of him. A flash of light emited form Wing...as if it knew what would happen...the light had healed him. He then knew that the Light would not ever aid him that way again...it was a one time thing...a Gift form the Gaurdian on Light.

    "So what do you plan to do with me then?" Wing asked cooly as he stood and summoned his keyblades.

    GD: "I Think you already know my dear boy...what a pitty...I have to let you make this mistake." He then rushed Wing, His massive Sithes cutting towads Wing. Wing threw up a Wall of Wind, slowing the Attack, but not much, but just enough to allow him time to catch the two harbringers of death.

    GD: "you have truly learned to master that false power of yours. The power I Gave you when you became a nobody...little did i know that one of my own followers, Vecked, would unlock your sealed control of Twilight, and the memories accociated with it...little did i know you had an other at that time..one who was hidden from my view by Terra Roth and that blasted Gaurdian of Light, Fate. But now...oh yes...now i seen everything...and know all your tricks. Today my Son, you will fall!"

    "No!" Wing said through gritted teeth as he pushed the weight of the sythes from him. "You wont beat me...no way." He Leaped into the air, only to be slammed into the ground by a Dark spell.

    GD: "Always forgetting your place...just like when you were a Kid...your mother never listened to me...I told her you'd be trouble..."

    "How do you know my mother?" (OOC: NO HE"S NOT HIS FATHER! though i did entertain the idea....lol)

    GD: "Simple, i am the one who prophized your birth...oh yes...i once was on the side if that wretched light...I was your Mothers Adviser...you see she was the Gauridan of Light at the Time...Once your father died after Gale was born, your mother went mad...she died of a broken heart...little did she know i was the reason for you fathers death...it was not by my hand...no it was the Darkness...they planned to kill you all, i bargined with them...saving you and the rest of your family....and she died anyways...and then you and Gale ran! After all i did...and here we are...and I shall take my Revenge..."

    Wing's head was spinning...their blades locked. "I know my mother would have repaied you in any way she could for your sacrifice...she would have protected you..they all would have...the Light would have never abodoned you if you didn't abandon it first!"

    Wing caught him off gaurd, the Gaurdian managed to pull back in time, but lost his mask in the process.


    Wing faultered as the face flooded his memory.


    GD: "Yes Wing, it is I, Sigma...the Town of the Dawn's EX High Priest..."

    Wing's eyes narrowed

    "How could you betray your beliefs? You may have done a couragous deed, giving yourself up to protect my mother and brother and me...but no where in your little deal did it say you had to renounce your beliefs and becom the leader and embodemnt of Darkness itself. You've turn on the light by your own accord...and now you threaten to destroy it...the very thing you loved more then life...how could you?"

    Wing Charged Sigma, and Sigma dropped his blades...letting the Keyblade of Twilight pierce his body.

    Sigma: "I May have turned my back on the light...I may have begun to hate the light...but dear boy...I never forgot about it...I never forgot about you...and the prophacy I saw...your mother never heard the the entire thing...and neither will you...though some others may know it...Goodbye Wing."

    Sigma cast Wing a cold look...one that Wing could sece was made not by Sigma..but by the darkness withen him. A Cloud of black smoke showed the end of Sigma...but what remained was a faint glow...but even that vanished in an instant.

    "Goodbye...Sigma." Wing turned and opened a twilight portal and quickly stepped though it...but not before he had looked back at the spot Sigma had been standing in only seconds ago...sadness on his face.
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