Ultimate Organization: Ruin and Creation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Sep 8, 2007.

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  1. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Ryann stopped, the calm coolness in his eye's replaced with dying intensity "Wing... renegade justice is what the U.O. is doing, and it doesn't work. Many worlds have suffered just for the Map Pieces and the U.O.'s violent means of getting them. The way they live, the way the U.O. has lived dose not work. Nobodies think they are the hero's? Well there wrong, the real hero's go out every day to fend off what damage the U.O. never got around to fixing, what damage they caused all for a map piece or to free there leader, or to even do a party." Ryann spat "The U.O. has become an enemy of the peace, this is the only second chance they will get."


    Jet just laughed as he slid a few wall's of earth with ease...
  2. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    The hooded Elder:"So............That's the problem, eh?"
    Worker:"Yeah, we have been trying to find a way to fix it."
    *The Elder turns around*
    Elder:"Don't worry..........We'll have your little problem "Fixed".
    *The Elder laughs*
    Worker:"Uh, sir? What's so funny?"
    Worker:"But you laughed didn't you?"
    Elder:"I did nothing of the sort."
    Worker:"I distinctly heard you laugh."
    Elder:"You heard nothing."
    *The Elder interupts*
    Elder:"If you will excuse me, I have other matters to attend to......."
    *The Elder walks away*
    *The worker walks over to a panel on the wall*
    *After pressing a few buttons a screen turns on, and the worker begins speaking with the head Elder*
    Worker:"You might want to keep an eye on the hooded elder, he seems a bit strange......"
    Head Elder:"Yes........we know, he is a mathematical genius, but he's kind of lost touch with reality.........."
    Worker:"Still................could you please keep an eye on him? He's kind of creeping me out............I don't want him breaking all of our equipment."
    *The Head Elder sighs*
    Head Elder:"Fine..............we'll moniter him. But don't expect us to find anything, he has made major contributions to the U.P.A ever since he joined...........We don't expect any problems from him."
    Worker:"Good. Thank you Elder."
    *The worker bows*
    *The screen turns off and the worker goes back to work*

    *The hooded Elder walks down the hall, thinking about what he has just heard*
    Hooded Elder:"So...............the Drill is propelled by watter at the wheel's. The wheel's are hollow and are filled with water, and the water is jumped a certain direction from the air which is is jumped in from above. And the Air is sucked in from a small opening at the top. The wheel's are its weak point, and the opening where the air comes in from."
    *The Elder chuckles*
    Hooded Elder:"And I have just thought of the perfect thing that could clog that air hole......."
    *The Hooded Elder reaches over and pushes a little button on his wrist*
    *The Hooded Elder takes off his hood*

    *Under the hood was none other than..........Darxess*
  3. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    OOC: Cya...

    BIC: Vexneah excitedly paced around, looking for something that might come in handy. "Y'know, I'm surprised that we didn't trip an alarm or anything. This room looks important..."

    She paused for a moment, waiting for an alarm to ironically go off.

    OOC: Darxess has returned! ^_^
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Zomg plot twist, =D

    BIC: Xegreny growled and drew his Keyblade. "Do we REALLY need to do all this?" he muttered.
  5. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "We really do, nobody scum" Jet muttered, before setting a wall of earth up so that he and Xegreny where separator. Xegreny hacked at the wall and quickly destroyed it, but Jet was gone. Jet would fly out of the ground, and spin kick Xegreny in the skull, sending him too the ground before encasing him in a body of earth made chain's. "Too easy" Jet said, as Xegreny suddenly went flying under ground and into a cell....
  6. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "First of all! I am not a Nobody! Secondly do you really think a cell could hold me?" Xegreny shouted up at the ceiling, where he assumed Jet still was.

    OOC: How'd I just get captured so easily. O_O
  7. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    When no sign of an alarm was heard, Vexneah smiled, "This is a nice twist." she sighed with relief.

    She looked at Gale, "Just keep looking for something!" she called, running towards the other direction.

    She began to look through some files...
  8. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    But all Xegreny found was an empty Maxilo containment unit...


    He would slowly inhale his long pipe, He would be coming soon, he would dread the day, but know the future...
  9. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Xegreny walked over to the containment unit. Kicking it to see if it was dangerous, he gave a nonchalant shrug. He started blasting the heavy metal door, slowly melting it.
  10. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Xegreny melted it away to revile a long metal hall that over looked a large globe.
    The metal globe below had the word's "Light Project 160" On it, and nothing else...
  11. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Light Project 160?" Xegreny said out loud, as he walked up to the metal globe.
  12. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007

    A voice whispered into Xegreny's ear...
  13. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Meanwhile, 1000s of miles away*
    *Orb suddenly flies upward*
    Orb:"What? I've just had the weirdest feeling................I have a sudden urge to leave this area and head toward this strange signal..............."
    *Orb thinks to himself*
    (I know Darxess told me to stay here and look over the U.O...........but something's telling me I must head toward that signal!)
    *Orb begins floating toward the signal*

    *Meanwhile, 1000s of miles away*
    *Darxess hears some guards in this distance*
    Guards:"More running!"
    *Darxess face-palms*
    Darxess:"How many crappy Transformers sequels is that now?"

    Orb:"5, master."
    *Orb suddenly stops*
    Orb:"What am I even talking about? Who am I talking too?! And why am I shouting?!"
    *Orb sighs and shakes in disapproval*
    Orb:"As soon as I get back to base, I am seeing a computer technician........."
    (OOC:A computer technician would be a robot's equalivent to a psychiatrist)

    *Back to Darxess*
    *Darxess hears some Guards coming in and quickly puts on his hood*
    *The Guards come in*
    Darxess:"What do you want?"
    Guard #1:"The Elders would like to speak with you."
    Darxess:"Aren't they done with their "Take over the world" speech?"
    Guard #1:"Very funny...........They wish to speak with you..........personally.........."
    *Darxess thinks to himself*
    (I can't leave this spot yet! Orb is still heading this way and I don't want him to follow me right into the Elder's chamber! He would blow my cover!)
    Darxess:"And why am I suddenly so important?"
    Guard #2:"Oh, just the elders want to check up on you and see how you're doing."
    *Guard #1 hits Guard #2*
    *Guard #1 wispers*
    (Quiet you fool! We can't let him know!)
    *Darxess grins*
    Darxess:"Know what?"
    *Guard #1's face goes white*
    *Guard #1 hits Guard #2 again*
    (See what you did!)
    Darxess:"Now if you fools will excuse me......."
    *Darxess begins heading toward the door*
    *Guard #1 pulls a gun on Darxess*
    Guard #1:"You ain't going nowhere."
    *Darxess laughs*
    Darxess:"You think I'm afraid of that?"
    *Darxess raises his hand to form a shield, but then reliezes that would blow his cover and would have legions of guards on him*
    *Darxess slowly lowers his hand*
    Guard #1:"Just what I thought......"
    Guard #2:"Is it so nessary to threaten him? The Elders just want to see him, that's all.............why must you pull a gun on everybody?"
    *Guard #1 waves his gun in Guard #2's face*
    Guard #1:"You want some of this too?"
    *Guard #2 wimpers*
    Guard #2:"No............."
    *Darxess face-palms and sighs*
    "Darxess:"To be captured by such fools.........."
    Guard #1:"Foolish. Wise. I'm the man with the gun!"
    Darxess:"Alright, alright. I'll pay the Elders a visit......."
    *Darxess reaches over to turn off the panel on his arm, but Guard #1 shoves a gun in his face*
    Guard #1:"And no funny business........"
    *Darxess slowly pulls his hand back*
    *Darxess thinks to himself*
    (Well, it could be worse, all I have to do is see what the Elders want and come back here imdiately. At least my cover is not blown)
    *As the Guards escort him out of the room, Darxess looks up in the corner*
    *Darxess's face goes suddenly pale under his hood*
    *In the top right corner of the room, a security camera sat, watching his every move, including him taking off his hood earlier*
    Darxess: (No! NOOOOO!)
    *Darxess, now captured by the Guards, now slowly heads toward the Elder's chamber, unable to do anything without causing all the alarms to go off and being overrun by guards*

    *Elsewhere, Orb notices the signal he was following is starting to slowly change location*
    *Orb begins heading in the new location, completely oblivious to the fact that it leads to the heart of the U.P.A........................The Elder's chamber*
  14. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Who's there?!" Xegreny asked looking behind the Metal Globe.

    OOC: So much for you not posting anymore, eh Jaxed? ;3
  15. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    But Xegreny would see, that There was no body there...

  16. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    OOC: Sorry to interrupt, but...

    300th post! *dances*

    Now I'm a freaking Junkie...
  17. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: You passed me...AGAIN! D:

    I WILL CATCH UP! *posts*

    BIC: "Stop hiding!" Xegreny yelled at the seemingly invisible voice.
  18. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    But Xegreny found that no one was there... OMG!!!


    The Council of Seven, the highest ranked elders sat as The Hooded Elder walked in. They looked at him sternly, as the Lead Elder sat cross legged high above the rest "Greeting's..." they would all say at once...
  19. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Darxess:"Yeah, yeah, greetings to you too, you bastards........"
  20. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    The Elders feel silent "You are quit a marvel" An Elder announced "Too have the Nerve to take advantage of our kindness too reach yourself into the U.P.A., fool us into thinking you wanted peace, try to sabotage our invention's, and then send out an unidentified and illegal signal! After all that, you have the nerve to dis respect us!" The elder yelled

    "Silence! Elder Rentu, hold your peace. Let us find out what our friends story is before we accuse" The Lead Elder said "I must apologize, Elder Rentu has come up with many way's too blame you for simple service flaws..."
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