Ultimate Organization: Ruin and Creation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Sep 8, 2007.

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  1. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Ooc: Yo Yo Yo!!!
  2. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
  3. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007

    !!!The Sad Little Adventures of Supreme Captain Rentu Skinnar's Ship!!!

    (May Have Been Exaggerated…)

    It was a happy day in the Ship of Skinny. The cook was happily cooking fatty foods. Skinnar was happily eating those fatty foods. Vecked was happily playing with fire and oil. Maxilo was happily ordering guns over the Internet. Secretary Lex (Skinnar's Arch Rival) was happily trying to get Jet’s makeup out of his toaster. Yes, it was a happy day.

    “Lexmeer! I’m board!” Skinnar boomed as he accelerated into Lex’s room. Lex rolled his eyes as he put his toaster down and turned around to look at Skinnar.

    Skinnar stood in the doorway scratching his behind, at the same time as drooling and tapping his left foot on the ground as if getting pleasure out of it…Eww…

    “Well, I don’t have time to entertain you…in case you do get stupider everyday, yesterday you claimed that you could make a toaster into a firework if you put makeup into it then booted it down the stairs…unluckily for me you used my toaster! So now I have to clean it out!” Lex spat as he glared at Skinnar.

    “But that was yesterday…I’m bored today…” Skinnar moaned as he began to scratch his butt against the door frame.

    “You really need a living…” Lex sighed at Skinnar.

    “Fine then! BE THAT WAY! I’M GOING TO MY ROOM!” Skinnar screamed before his stomped out the door and down the hallway. Another door not to faraway slammed shut, and Maxilo’s voice was soon heard from Lex’s room.

    “Um…sir…what are you doing in my room…?” Maxilo was saying to Skinnar, who must’ve decided that he lived in Maxilo’s room now…

    “Oh…I got bored…so yeah…and Mr. Snooty desk owner 300and6 was being mean…so yeah…do I live here…?” Skinnar was heard seconds later. (This is from Lex POV type thing. You can’t see Skinnar or Maxilo in Maxilo’s room)

    “Well…not really…I mean you live in this ship, but this is my room…so…if you don’t mind……get out…” Maxilo voice sounded a bit irritated at the same time as scared that he was defying some one that was more than twice his size.

    “What…you want me to leave…(sniff)…okay then…I know when I’m not wanted…(sniff) It’s because I’m fat isn’t it! ISN’T IT!” Skinnar screamed, before a door down the hallway flung open, then slammed shut again. Crying was heard disappearing down the stairs soon later.

    “Okay…” Maxilo sighed as he too exited his room and headed towards Lex’s room. It was harassing day today!



    (Skinnar’s room, that night)

    “So…so he thinks I’m fat does he…? Well then fine…I don’t need him…I don’t need any of them…pigs…” Skinnar cried as he examined he figure in the mirror.

    “Wait a minute…oh my god! I’M FAT!” Skinnar clutched his face in horror.

    (Maxilo’s room, the next day)

    “Oh Lexmut!” Skinnar cheered as he barged into Lex's room like he owned the place.

    “Oh…hello Skinny…what brings you here…?...again” Lex said as he finished putting up his new Brittany Spears poster.

    “Nothing much…” Skinnar said as he eyed about the room, “Hey, I like your new poster…” Skinnar said as he happily stepped up to the poster and looked at it with a smile on his face.

    “Yeah, they’re my new idol…ever since Adam Clayton got caught under a lawn mower…(shudder)…” Lex looked up at his Brittany Spears poster.
    “So…um…are you gonna join my new exercise clan…?” Skinnar asked as he looked at Lex with a begging face.

    “Err…well…I didn’t know you had an exercise clan Skinbow…” Lex said as he looked at the ground with sorrow…pretty soon the lard on legs would have him doing some pathetic excuse of an exercise plan…
    (Nulix: Heh…just like my old primary school PE teacher…hey wait a second…oh my god! He even looks like Skinnar! (Screams, then eventually dies, people about the place cheer and begin to have parties...) err…back to the story…)

    “Well…I do! So are you gonna join…?” Skinnar looked at Lex happily smiling.

    Lex was about to give out some lame excuse of why he couldn’t do it, but Skinnar butted in.

    “Oh…and just for further reference…you don’t want to climb into the crawl space again…do you!” Skinnar hissed and glared in a threatening manner.

    “I…err…sure I’ll join…” Lex nervisouly chuckled. At this Skinnar began to smile again.

    “Good! Meet me in the world that never was in about half an hour! Kay!” Skinnar happily cheered as he walked out Lex’s room, closing the door behind him.

    “Oh great…just great… stupid fat Skinny...” Lex sighed irritably before sitting on his bed and growling at the memory of Skinnar.

    “Now, to Robotard’s room…” Skinnar said as he walked down the hallway towards Maxilo.

    “Oh Maxilo!” Skinnar screeched, in a really bad imatation of Lex's vioce, into the wooden door as he knocked in a bounding manner.

    “Oh dear god no…” Maxilo’s muffled words escaped through the wooden door as he walked towards it.

    “Heh, won’t he be surprised when he realizes I’m here…prrp…imagine mistaking my voice for Lex’s…sure if he came knocking on my door I’d say that…but he should be happy it’s me!” Skinnar quietly said to himself.

    “Um…hello sir…what brings you here…aren’t you usually in the kitchen…eating…?” Maxilo sighed as he opened the door and watched with terror in his eyes as Skinnar barged in and sat on his bed.

    “Oh…so you do think I’m fat…? Well I’ll have you know that I’m starting up a fitness clan! So…you had better join…or…else…” Skinnar stumbled for his words.

    “Look sir…you already said I didn’t have days off anymore, so why are you making me suffer more…?” Maxilo growled at Skinnar.

    Skinnar looked offended.

    “Oh…I thought we were friends…but if you don’t wanna (sniff) be in that position anymore I understand…(sniff)…I thought there was at least one person left in the world that still liked me…but…(sniff)…I guess I was wrong…I’ll see you around then…” Skinnar got too his feet and headed towards the door.

    Maxilo let out a guilty sigh before he forced himself to agree to Skinnar’s fitness thing.

    “YAY!” Skinnar boomed happily before bounding out the room like a grizzly bear that had spent too long at the winery…

    Skinnar bashed into Vecked on the way and it wasn’t long before he had to join as well.

    (Half an hour later)

    “Okay…so here’s the plan…we all have to run around the city…and then end up back here…okay…” Skinnar happily cheered as he held up a map of the city. A red line went through the path that they had to go along.

    “So we have Xegreny, Xardius, Lexbeer
    (Lex), Vecked, Heaven, Nulix, Saak, Robotard (Maxilo), Old guy who sells the Katanarama to main characters and makes a cameo in Vecked's story, Puko, Lu Ten, Schmoppy, Orb, Bellatrix, Vecane (Vecked and Xane fused together…?), the Air Lord, Adam and myself…” Skinnar said as he took down the names of the “contestants”.

    “Now, anyone who cheats, refuses to go along, or tries to take a break…will pay…” Skinnar hissed as a tidal wave of spit flew all over the small crowd of people.

    “Now, on your marks…! Get set! GO!” Skinnar screamed as leapt out the way of the other contestants. Once they were all out of sight, Skinnar quickly hoped into his red cherry picker and drove after them along the track, therefore breaking rule number one: no cheating…

    Xegreny, Nulix, Xardius and Bellatrix were all happily jogging together when they heard screams coming from behind them. Nulix turned around and almost died at the mere sight of Skinnar and his cherry picker.

    “Oh my god!” Nulix screamed, this caught the attention of the other three. They too turned around and looked at Skinnar and his cherry picker vehicle.

    “RARARARHHAHAHHAHAAAHAHAAAH!” Skinnar cackled from the cherry picker.

    “Run faster!” Bellatrix screamed at the others. They all began to sprint as fast as they could towards the other's.

    “Vengeance is mine!” Skinnar screamed, as he spotted his competition, not too faraway.

    “We surrender!” Nulix screamed as the others nodded their heads in agreement.

    “That’s not an option!” Skinnar screamed at the same time as using his controls to scoop Adam up in the lift thingy attached to the cherry picker. Adam was soon catapulted back the way he came, screaming.

    “HAHAHAHAHAH!” Skinnar laughed.

    “Do something!” Bellatrix screamed, there was no reply, “huh…?” Bellatrix looked to her right but saw no Nulix next to Xegreny at the end of the row of 3 scared people.

    “Xeg…reny? Where’s Nulix!?” Bellatrix cried towards Xegreny. Xegreny shrugged his shoulders.

    Bella however soon found out that there would be no need to ask anyone else.

    “NUL!” Bella screamed with confusion when she heard Nul’s cackling laughs coming from the cherry picker, behind them.

    “AAAAHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAAAHAHAH!” Nul and Skinnar were both laughing like the lunatics they were as they traveled along. Nul was now sitting next to Skinnar in the passenger seat of the cherry picker.

    Bella rolled her eyes.
    “You all go now!” Skinnar screamed as he used his Adam riding technique against Xegreny, Xardius and Bella. They were all catapulted backwards; they were all screaming there heads off as they soared “majestically” through the sky.

    “YEAH!” Nul screamed as he high fived Skinnar.

    “Look…there’s some more…” Skinnar hissed as he hunched himself over the wheel and glared at The Old man who sells Katanarama's to main characters and later makes a cameo in Vecked's story
    (TOMWSKTMCALMACIVS for short) and Puko.

    “Look tinker bell! Neverland!” Puko said as he pointed at the ground below them, he sounded exactly like Disney’s Peter Pan…for some strange reason.

    TOMWSKTMCALMACIVS clapped his hands cheerfully at this, as he soared through the sky, two small fairy wings had appeared on his back, and fairy dust was trailing out from behind him.

    “Oh no! It’s Hook! And he’s got Wendy!” Puko growled as he turned around and levitated backwards.

    TOMWSKTMCALMACIVS growled at Skinnar and Nul, who were later renamed Hook and Wendy…

    “Leave her alone Hook!” Puko screamed at Skinnar.

    “Ha! In your dreams boy!” Skinnar screamed as put his foot down on the accelerator, making the cherry picker go faster.

    “Grrr! The lost boys will avenge Tinkerbelle and me! You just wait Hook!” Puko growled before the cherry picker’s wheels crushed him and TOMWSKTMCALMACIVS.


    “Peter!” Nul called after the road kill mess on the ground. He sounded exactly like the Wendy from the Disney Movie.

    “Leave them! I see another victim!” Skinnar yelled at Nul as he pointed towards the Air Lord and Saak.

    the Air Lord was happily staggering along with Saak. They were both using their walking sticks to help them go. They appeared to be doing some form of synchronized walking stick moving/back aching, show.

    “Maybe we should show mercy on the oldies…” Nul looked at the two with part guilt.

    “Maybe you’re right…” Skinnar agreed with guilt in his tone.

    “NAH!” Nul and Skinnar soon later called out at the same time, as they advanced on the Air Lord and Saak.

    Saak and the Air Lord spotted their doom and it wasn’t long before they began to hobble faster as they screamed like little girls, who happened to be being followed by the neighbor’s cat.

    “Quickly Saak! Plane B (plane A was to hobble faster)!” the Air Lord screamed as he turned around and used the power of spoilers to in large and grow wings.

    “Right!” Saak called out before he rolled up into a little ball. The Air Lord then got his walking stick and used it to bat Saak at the cherry picker.

    Saak screamed like a professional wrestler before he collided with the windscreen then fell to his doom, without harming Skinnar, nor Nul.

    “Oh shi…” The Air Lord moaned before his was run over by the cherry picker.

    “You hit like a grandma!” Nul called out to the Air Lord. This soon resulted in Nul getting cursed by the Air Army troops, and he was soon turned into a blender with a brown hair... huh.

    “Aww…not again…ORB!” Nul called out, he was in search of Orb; on the count of he was the only one who could change him back, now.

    “What…?” Orb moaned unenthusiastically as he appeared out of nowhere, next to Nul.

    “Can you change me back…?” Nul whimpered.

    “Do I get paid…?” Orb hissed at Nulix.

    “Well…I guess I could get you some of those bratz dolls that you wanted…” Nul said.

    “Deal…” Orb hissed before turning Nulix back then disappearing in a puff of smoke.

    “YAY! Hey…wait a sec…aww damn…” Nulix looked down and realized he was wearing a pink dress.

    “Ha-ha!” Skinnar laughed before he put on one of his favorite CD’s, and began to sing along to it.

    “I’m a Barbie Girl…in a Barbie world…life in plastic…it’s fantastic…you can brush my hair…undress me anywhere!” Skinnar sang. The last line was followed by Skinnar's underwear getting chucked out the window of the cherry picker.

    “Hey…wait a minute…how does that work if you never took off your pants…” Nulix asked as he looked at Skinnar in confusion.

    “I don’t know…” Skinny whimpered as he fidgeted in an uncomfortable manner.


    “HA! Those morons will never beat me now!” Lex hissed as he high jacked a U.P.A. cruiser and began to speed along the city.

    It wasn’t long before Lex had made it back to the ships general parking area and was happily waiting in the foyer for the others…

    (Skinnar and co. destruction)

    “I’m bored…I don’t wanna do this anymore…I quit!” Skinnar moaned as he stopped the cherry picker and walked into the Chinese restaurant not to faraway. Nulix stayed in the cherry picker and waited for Skinnar’s return…it had been about 15 minutes before Nul decided that Skinnar had in fact broken rule number 2 and 3, no refusing to go along, and no having breaks.

    “Okay…” Nulix said as he changed into the drivers seat. Nul started the cherry picker’s engine and it wasn’t long before he was going through the city laughing like a lunatic.

    “RAAARAAARAAARAAARAAA!” Nul’s booming laughs echoed around the city as he drove the cherry picker directly into a lake. The cherry picker sank to the bottom of the lake that was just there, but Nulix kept driving.

    “Okay then Nulix…you do that…” Vecked said to himself as he jogged along the lake.

    (At the Chinese restaurant)

    “I’m sorry sir…but as I said 10 time already…we do not sell big Mac…” A Chinese woman was trying to explain to Skinnar that McDonalds food was not available at a Chinese restaurant.

    “But I’m a captain... of a ship…you have to take my order…” Skinnar cried at the lady.

    “I know sir…but we only make Chinese food…” the lady sighed as Skinnar began to cry.

    “Well then fine!” Skinnar screamed before he stormed out the door and headed towards McDonalds.

    Skinnar didn’t really notice, nor did he care that his cherry picker was gone; he only cared about his big Macs right now.

    Skinnar soon appeared at McDonalds.

    “I’m sorry sir but we don’t sell fried rice, prawn crackers, wantons or dim sins…” A McDonalds teenage boy was trying to explain to Skinnar that Chinese food was not available at McDonalds.

    “But I’m Skinno…you have to feed me…” Skinnar cried at the teen boy.

    “I know sir…but we only make fatty cheese burgers and greasy milkshakes and chips…” The teen sighed as Skinnar began to cry.

    “Well then fine!” Skinnar screamed before he stormed out the door and headed towards the Chinese restaurant.

    Skinnar soon arrived in the Chinese restaurant…

    “I’m sorry sir…but we no sell big Mac…”

    “But I’m the Captain… of a ship...you have to take my order…”

    “I know sir…but we no make McDonalds food…we make Chinese food…”

    “Well then fine!”

    (sometime later)

    “I’m sorry sir…but we don’t sell fried rice, prawn crackers, wantons or dim sins…”

    “AWWW STUFF IT!” Skinnar boomed before he stormed out of McDonalds and towards KFC.

    “Err…yeah…I’ll take a chicken burger…a large fries, a large coke, a large chicken popcorn, a twister…and some gravy…oh and don’t forget the family pack…” Skinnar happily talked through the speaker thingy at the KFC drive through.

    “Okay sir your order comes too…” The order-taking lady on the other line stopped at the price naming when she heard Skinnar’s gun getting loaded.

    “Err…your order comes to nothing…” The lady laughed nervously, “Please drive forward to first window sir…”

    Skinnar smiled happily as he slowly moved forward. Skinnar was pretending to be in a car as he held onto an invisible steering wheel and changed gears with an invisible clutch.

    “Okay sir…seeing you ordered so much food, there’ll be a short wait so…(gun clicking noise)…err…or not…” the lady at the window looked at Skinnar with a scared face expression.

    (Meanwhile at the ship's general docking area)

    “I will never do that again…” Vecked panted as he and Maxilo entered the foyer of the ship.

    “Hah, look who’s slow and unfit!” Lex said as he stood watching Vecked and Maxilo.

    “Hey…why aren’t you tired…?” Maxilo raised an eyebrow at Lex; it was impossible for even Cathy Freeman to run that coarse without having a heart attack halfway.

    “I don’t know…probably because I’m so fit and healthy…” Lex boomed at the two poor, bedraggled soulless, souls, on drugs.

    “Oh…and this comes from the man, from when we went hiking, took two steps up a hill and started to complain that they were having a heart attack?” Vecked hissed at Lex as he and Maxilo collapsed on the floor.

    Lex looked offended at this but didn’t bother to argue. He remembered the last time that he pissed Vecked off. He was dangling off a flag pole by his underwear, for 3 weeks… (What? He's Vecked!)

    “PAAAAAAAARTY!” Skinnar came bounding into the ship with his mouth full of food.

    Vecked and Maxilo moaned at the idea, but Heaven, Schmoppy and Lu Ten appeared at the ship less than 2 minutes, just from the mention of the word.

    And so, they all partied…this party resulted the ship disappearing into the Bermuda Triangle and never coming back…and yet it's still parked in the middle of the city today…covered in scratches…(?)

    And Nulix…well…he was never seen again…and he still drives that cherry picker right before every one's eyes through the city…and they all still say…where is Nul now, when some weirdo with brown hair in a pony tail runs over them in a red cherry picker…where is Nul…and who is this lunatic named Nul, who drives around the city wearing a name tag labeled Nulix…but still…no one ever saw Nul again…so sad…


    and another one!:


    !!!The Sad Little Adventures of Supreme Captain Rentu Skinnar's Ship!!!

    (You’re probably being turned into an idiot for reading this…)

    “Just, when you thought he had run out of ideas…Cabun-Butt Mandoo, thought of something NEW!”

    “Old Man…what is this…? And why have you hired a U.P.A. troop to speak like that while you wheel it through the ship…?” the ever so present Vecked asked as Skinnar continued along the hallways, a large box placed in a wheelbarrow was in front of him, as he gradually made his way to his room.

    “Well, ya see Steve over here wanted a pay rise…so I refused to give him extra money, even at the cost of him getting a second job from me. He almost won me over, trying to bribe me into a higher pay…when a brilliant idea came to me…‘I’ll give him a second job’!” Skinnar said, as he put on a mystic toned face, and moved his hands around to make it look like a magical moment. Though Skinnar was no longer holding the wheelbarrow, it still kept moving in front of him, as if someone was still pushing it.

    “I…see…so…what’s with the box…?” Vecked sighed as he raised an eyebrow and partly frowned at the same time.

    “FOO! DAT MY BUSINESS!” Skinnar yelled as he glanced at Vecked, who stopped dead in his tracks and watched as the Captain continued down the hallway towards his room, he appeared to still be laughing.

    “I see…” Vecked sighed before he started following Skinnar again, there was something he didn’t trust about this whole thing…mainly because the box had ‘computer parts’ written on it…

    Skinnar came to a halt when he reached his door, pulling a keychain out of his hand and flicking through the selection of keys. Vecked watched with a raised eyebrow, as the Captain looked for a key which probably didn’t even exist, on the count of his door didn’t have a keyhole…

    “Ah, here we go…” Skinnar declared as he took hold of his destined key, he began prodding the area around the doorknob with the small metallic key, “Arrrgh, come on!” Skinnar roared as he forcefully shoved the key into the door, creating a small hall, in which the key would not come out off.

    Skinnar growled as he attempted to rotate the key through the door.

    Maxilo heard the growling and complaining outside his bedroom, so he climbed off his bed, putting the magazine he was reading down, and wandered over to the door.

    “What are you doing sir…?” Maxilo asked as he opened the door to see Skinnar and Vecked. Skinnar was shoving and twisting a key into it, chips of paint and wood flying everywhere.

    “Not now Robo pooh face eater plant…I’m trying to open my bedroom door…” Skinnar hissed as he set his determined face on the hole he was creating.

    “But…sir…this is my room…” Maxilo stated as the ‘camera’ zoomed out to show the three of them at the same door. Why Skinnar had got the wrong room after living in the ship for so long, was unknown, as was why he was still trying to open the door even though it was halfway open, and Maxilo was standing in the gap of the door frame, eyeing suspiciously.

    “Oh…OH! Sorry, my mistake…no wonder the key wouldn’t work” Skinnar chuckled as he withdrew the key out of the door, and went across to another room, he start jamming the key into this door instead.

    “…this is Secretary Lex's, your apparent arch rival's yet this rivalry never really comes to light's, room…” Vecked stated as he stood in front of Skinnar. Skinnar began to chuckle again as he made hand gestures, which indicted the fact that he had realized he was a complete and utter idiot.

    Vecked stood in the same spot, as Skinnar wheeled the box away, further up the hall where he finally stopped at his door. Skinnar gave a mighty roar as he shoved the key through the wood; he successfully turned it around without any stopping or casualties, and his door creaked open.

    Vecked and Maxilo exchanged glances of confusion before they both made the move to follow Skinnar into his room. They stood in the center of the room, while Skinnar thrust his arm over his paper filled desk, causing all the documents and credentials to go everywhere around the room, adding to the horrid mess.

    Skinnar then heaved the box out of the wheelbarrow, and with struggling sounds, he managed to heave it onto the desk, before he retrieved his sword from it’s sheath, and began to hack at the thick sticky tape, that was keeping the box shut.

    Maxilo and Vecked once again exchanged confused glances before they approached Skinnar, to see what was in the box.

    “So sir…what is it…?” Maxilo asked as he looked at his Captain, who happened to be peering into the large, white box expectantly. Skinnar looked up, and with a chuckled he replied.

    “Oh Foo Foo, I already told you! That’s daddies business!” Skinnar chuckled. Maxilo looked slightly disturbed at the remark.

    “Okay…” Maxilo stated as he backed away from the Captain and his box, “…I think Skinny is turning stupider…” Maxilo whispered once he had retreated back towards Vecked. Vecked nodded in agreement, Skinnar did seem rather stupider today…and he had only been awake for 2 hours…it was bound to get worse as the day progressed.

    Skinnar heard the voices behind him, and was somehow lured into a false sense of security. The room feel silent, and Skinnar would occasionally glance over his shoulder and look at the two behind him with a paranoid stare, before his eye quickly darted back to the box.

    The Captains breathing became faster, and he began to sweat.

    “So…are you gonna tell us what you’re doing…?” Vecked asked after a while of silence.

    “No…no…NOOOOO!” Skinnar roared as he turned to face Maxilo and Vecked, his face showed a great deal of fear and anger somehow fused together, “GET OUT! I SAID GET OUT! YOU BUY YOUR OWN AUTOMATED, AUTOMATIC MACHINES!” Skinnar roared as he chased Maxilo and Vecked out of the room, slamming the door when they were out.

    “Okay…” Maxilo said as he looked at the closed door, then to Vecked who looked back with a look of absurd fear. The two were snapped out of their fearful thoughts, when the sound of something scraping against wood could be heard.

    Their eyes quickly darted to the source, which appeared to be a key, sticking through the door from the other side. The key was slightly being turned around.

    When the ‘camera’ left the view of the key trying to turn around, Lex had mysteriously appeared next to Maxilo and Vecked, he was too looking at the sight with pure confusion on his confused face.

    And as the three confused people stood outside the door, and even more confused person lay haven on the other side of the door.

    “I don’t get…I’m scared…Vecked! Robotard!” Skinnar whimpered, tears were welling in his eyes as he gazed at the black computer screen in front of him, his voice became gruffer, and for a split second he looked spiteful as he said, “Lex…?”.

    “But no one would come to save the poor Skinnar…for he was already lost…he would never be turned back again…yes…he was…the prisoner…of Swan Lake…”

    “Nulix! Are you telling those stupid stories again, to those little punks you stole from their parents!” Xegreny screamed as he banged on the UO's castle door.

    “Uh…uh…NOOO!” Nulix called back as fear appeared on his face, “Alright you little punks! Escape plan!” Nul yelped as he jumped to his feet, thrusting a book he was reading off to the side, as he pointed to the nearby collection of boxes.

    “Yes mister god…” the children, who appeared to be no older than 6, all climbed to their feet and sulked towards the boxes. The ten children all managed to find a box, which they could fit in, and they lay there in darkness, while Nulix ran up the underground stairs, to let Xegreny in.

    “Hey Xeg…reny” Nulix said as he waved, moving out of the way so that Xegreny could bring the grocery shopping into the Castle.

    “Hey…” Xegreny spat, maneuvering towards a table, a plastic bag in each of his hands, in total Xegreny was carrying 9 bags…so Nulix really should rephrase that sentence…but he’s to damn lazy to care…either way…

    (Nulix: Um…isn’t this a story about Skinnar getting a computer or something…?)

    Um…yeeessss…but uh…well…I…don’t…know…do I live here…?

    (Nulix: Idiot…)

    And so there Skinnar sat, the screen had turned a nice shade of blue, and small icons were slowly loading up on it. Skinnar jabbed his fingers into numerous keys, trying to figure out what the computer was trying to do, as it loaded the final icon.

    “Hmmm…lets see…ah, here we go…Network files…” Skinnar declared as he moved the mouse curser onto the small icon with a computer on it. He clicked the mouse and awaited the files load. It soon fully loaded, and Skinnar chuckled as he read through the different things contained on the documents.

    It had now become clear, as Skinar gazed at all the letters and numbers…that this computer was the mother board, for the rest of the computers in the power station…oh no…it was going to be a long "Sad Little Adventure's of Supreme Captain Rentu Skinnar's Ship" indeed…

    Meanwhile, on the world that never was…

    “Mmmm…caramel…” Heaven drooled as caramel off her Mars Bar dripped onto the dashboard of Xardius’s brand new car.

    “HEY! Watch it ya moron!” Xardius roared as he grabbed the chocolate bar out of Heaven’s hands and hurled it out of the moving vehicle.

    “NOO! MY BABY!” Heaven screamed at the sight of her chocolate becoming further out of reach. She screamed louder when in splattered on a piece of money's face.

    “What the?” the money roared as he became distracted, thus resulting him to swerve all around the road on his motor bike. The money gave one final, high-pitched scream before he smashed into a nearby wall, causing his bike to become disorientated before it completely blew up.

    “Heheheheheh, that was classic!” Xardius laughed as he slammed his left fist onto the dashboard of car.

    “MY BABY!” Heaven bellowed at the Mars Bar, as she slammed her face into the steering wheel on her side of the car, causing it turn to the side.

    Xardius rolled his eyes as Heaven bellowed, but the look of, ‘Heaven’s and idiot’ faded quickly, to a look of ‘Heaven’s gonna kill us all’, when the steering wheel under Heaven’s face, became the one which controlled the car’s movement. (Yeah, this car has two steering wheels... yeah...)

    “QUIT IT YA STINKEN MORON!” Xardius roared as he held onto the dashboard for dear life, as the purple vehicle swerved violently around.

    But Heaven did not respond. And as the wall came clearer into view…it had been decided…that Nulix was aimlessly ranting again…

    “Virus…virus…virus…double virus… Virus virus…” Skinnar groaned as he clicked his finger on the delete button on the screen in front of him, watching with boredom as the ‘viruses’ dispersed, “Healthcare virus…shield wall virus…power source virus…”

    And that was when it happened…when the whole network of electricity stopped…yes, Skinnar had miss used his, rather ‘forced’ early Birthday present from Nulix.

    Skinnar stared at the black screen in front of him. The only light in the room was now coming from the outside window, purple lights were flashing outside, down below, but Skinnar really did not care for them, and chose to ignore it.

    “This is boring…stupid Nulfart and his, ‘this is the computer that controls all the computer’s and power sources in the world’…humph…stupid nerd fart…” Skinnar mumbled as he climbed to his feet, slumping to the door, a pout on his face, he had only one mission now…

    “What do you mean there’s no food!”

    “Wing! I just bought some food! Why don’t you look in the fridge instead of the fire place!” Xegreny roared as he pointed at the nearby fridge.

    “Oh…” Wing plainly said as he headed towards the fridge, casually opening it and peering inside to find his desired food. Xegreny rolled hissed eyes.

    “Well, seeing as though you’re the first one into the fridge, I guess I better go shopping again” Xegreny spat angrily as stormed out the castle door.

    “Okay!” Wing happily called back as he emerged from the now empty fridge, every single piece of food was now being brought over to a work table, to make the ‘Bestestest Sandwich EVA!’ as he liked to call it.

    Wing began humming as he started shoving layers, after layers of absurd food, one on top of the other. There was a piece of bread after every 3rd or 4th ‘slice’ of filling based food, sometimes the word slice would need to be turn to chunk, spoon full, or even leg…

    The humanish creature was about halfway to the ceiling, when the sound of Xegreny’s screaming could be heard outside. Wing either didn’t hear it, or just couldn’t be stuffed with it, but either way, he made no movement to go see what the problem was, nor did he make any attempt what so ever to go open the door for Xegreny, when started clawing at the large cement slab, screaming that he was gonna die if someone didn’t let him in.

    Xegreny probably would’ve died…but no, our young adult wonder could not die, as Saak had appeared at the scene of the ‘crime’.

    “Do I always have to do everything in this nicompoopery, nincompoop, filled nincompoop hole?” Saak aggressively sighed as he levitated out of nowhere towards the door, to let Xegreny in.

    Wing was still humming and making his sandwich, when Saak thrust the door open.

    “We don’t want anything that you’re selling you nature hating sale monkey, now, kindly go home, before the I send the rocks after you!” Saak’s voice could be heard at Wing’s, ‘project sandwich’, area.

    The sound of the door slamming could be heard, and Saak soon levitated back down the stairs towards Wing.

    “You sure told him Saak!” Wing said in a heroic tone, as if Saak was the savior of the world.

    “Yes my boy, I sure did…” Saak declared as levitated to the far wall before he disappeared again. Wing was left alone in the room, dancing and singing a song.

    The room was silent apart from Wing…and apart from the screaming coming from Saak and Xegreny that soon appeared outside the door.

    “WING! WING OPEN THE DOOR YOU FOOL!” came the murderous screams of Saak, as clawing and girly screams began flooding the room as well.

    “I’ve been missin ya straw berry kisses, coz nothings as sweat, the taste still drives me crazy!” Wing sang as he danced on the spot, trying to neatly arrange a leg of ham onto a small slice of bread at the same time.

    “Open the door you (beep)en moron!” Xegreny screamed as the sound of a fist slamming into the door could be heard, followed by a blood curdling scream.

    Wing seemed totally oblivious to the noise outside the castle door, as he continued to do his sandwich routine.

    “WING! PLEASE! PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE!” The Air Lord screamed this time.

    “Huh…Airy…? NOOO!” Wing screamed as he swooped his arms violently across the table, knocking the tall sandwich to the ground, before he climbed onto the table, “I’ll save ya A-L!”

    And it was decided…Wing cared for no one…except the Air Lord…and maybe that guy who created cookie dough…

    Wing partly growled as he thrust the door open, allowing time for The Air Lord, Saak, and half of Xegreny to get through the door, before he forcefully slid the door closed again.


    “Uh-oh…” Wing stated as he looked down to see Xegreny’s top half coming through the door, from his stomach down, was still outside.

    15 minutes later…

    “Xegreny, was a good leader…a fine leader…a caring friend, father and mother, of no children…he had a wide sense of imagination, a field of it, 0cm by 0cm…it was a fine day every time he spoke, his vocabulary mainly revolving around, ‘Moron, (beep)en, idiot…uh…moron…old man… Skinny (beep)tard…ape brain…um…moron…?’…And as we gather around today, I wish I could still hear his beautiful voice…” Saak sighed from the podium, located at the back of the Castle.

    “Well then open the (beep)en coffin ya moron!” came an agro sounding scream from the coffin next to the podium.

    “Um…that’s just the sandwich gas getting to us…” Saak declared as he made hand movements in the direction of all the scattered food from Wing’s sandwich, that he never got to eat.

    “He was so beautiful!” Wing sobbed as he put his arm around Xardius’s shoulders and began to sob into it. Xardius rolled his eyes, wishing he wasn’t there…and in a puff of smoke he disappeared, causing Wing to loose his balance and fall to the floor.

    “C-c-can I have his s-s-shoes…?” Wing sobbed from the ground, his black tuxedo becoming dusty and brownish.

    “Just get them out of the coffin, before we lower it…” Saak declared, as Lu Ten, Schmoppy, Heaven and Bellatrix, made a move to pick up the coffin and lower it into the large and fairly deep hole they had somehow created right in the castle, where Xegreny’s room used to be, before Saak sold it off for auction, along with Xegreny’s other prized possessions.

    Wing made no move to get the shoes out, and the coffin had soon been lowered into the hole. Heaven, Schmoppy and Lu Ten began filling it back in, despite the screams coming from inside the coffin.

    Once the hole had been filled in (why you would burry a dead person in the middle of your own home is beyond me…unless you murdered them or something…meh…) everything seemed to go back to normal.

    “Uh…glad that’s over…” Nulix said as he ripped his tie off and threw it across the room, and he collapsed on a nearby bed.

    “So what’s happening outside…?” Nul asked as he crawled off the bed, feeling quiet bored. He headed to the door and stepped out it, a scream occurred before…

    15 minutes later…

    “Nulix was a good man…he saved the world, or at least helped in some unknown way…and somehow destroyed half of it too…he was a kind friend, who always cared for Bella, and no one else…even though our lives were in danger…he would always come when no one invited him, and never be there when we needed him…it was how he was, and we loved him for it…please Nulix…do rest in peace in hell…” Saak said as a tear slid down every one's cheek.

    “But I’m not dead…” a voice moaned from the coffin next to Saak.

    “Oh…that’s just the smell of Xegreny’s carcass getting to us…” Saak declared in a matter-of-fact tone.

    “LET ME OUTTA HERE YOU MORONS!” came a scream, much like Xegreny’s tone, from the hole, as Nulix’s coffin was placed on top of Xegreny’s.

    The hall was soon filled in and Adam walked away like it never happened, hid tears dried.

    “I gonna go see Vexneah…” Adam declared as he headed out the door.

    “But Adam…I’m right here…” Vexneah called from across the room.

    “Oh…” Adam said as he stopped dead in his tracks outside the door.

    15 minutes later…

    “Adam…was a good man…we all hated him…but we all loved him…he left hair all through the bathroom sink, and blamed Hojan…he only worked when he wanted money…and never when someone asked him to…for money…he called me senile and old, on a birthday card signed by the Hojan…he blamed it on Hojan…so I beat him over the head with my walking stick…he was a good friend…” Saak said another funeral speech, as Adam’s coffin was lowered onto Nul’s.

    Though Adam was small, he had a large coffin like Xegreny and Nul's. Vexneah sobbed as she clung to Shadow. Shadow did the nervous eye routine, and tried to side step away from the sobbing girl, but she failed miserably, as Vexneah still followed her.

    “I can’t live like this!” Vexneah finally screamed as she ran out the door, another scream soon erupted…

    15 minutes later…

    “Vexneah was a fine girl…she lived her life with many goals, revolving around no aims…she had only 3 loves…Adam…Cloud… and yeah, she was the most drastically changed personality second to Nulix... and Xegreny... and maybe Vecked... and that other guy” Saak stated as he randomly thundered over Bellatrix, spit flew out his mouth and covered Bellatrix.

    “GOD! WHAT IS WITH THIS PLACE?!?” Bellatrix screamed, “Urgh! I’ve had enough of this!” Bella screamed as she thundered out the door.

    “NOOO!” Saak screamed, before another high-pitched scream erupted.

    15 minutes later…

    “Bellatrix was a good girl…except for when she was bad…which was most of the time…she would always be there for her friends…except when she wasn’t…which was most of the time…she was never hypercritical…except when she was…which was most of the time…but alas, deep down in side, she was a very loyal person… UNTIL SHE BETRAYED HER FRIENDS AND GAVE SECRETIVE WEAKNESS INFOZ TO YOU
    (Nulix: Okay, what?!?)!” Saak screamed as he dived onto a Maxilo, who had appeared with Vecked, and Lex, as the funerals were running out of guests.

    Maxilo screamed as the two of them rolled around the floor clawing and punching at each other, Maxilo mainly trying to defend himself, while Saak tried attempted murder…

    But no matter how hard someone fights…it always comes to an end…and this one ended when…

    15 minutes later…

    “Maxilo and Saak were good friends…except when they weren’t…which was always…though they seemed to hate each other, they had so much in common…they both complained…they both hated Maxilo or Saak…they did what they were told, with a great debate beforehand…but in the end…(scream)!”

    15 minutes later…

    “Lex was a horrible women…he never listened, always complained…I HATED HIM! It was so funny when Lex pushed the podium out the door through his speech of departure to Robotard and Saak…hehehehehehahahahahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaah!” Heaven laughed as she slammed her fist and face into the podium in front of him, “I need air…” Heaven laughed as she stumbled out the door.

    15 minutes later

    “Heaven was a good person…I hated her personally…but either way I…need more McDonalds!” Lu Ten screamed he ran out the door, the sound of a little girl screaming could be heard…

    15 minutes…

    "Jet is a good man, he is strong, and powerful, he is IRON MAN! I am, IRON MAN! NANANANANANANANANANANAH!” everyone rolled their eyes as Jet began trying to play air guitar from the podium, as Lu Ten’s coffin was lowered onto Heaven’s. The tower of coffins had almost reached the roof, and it only got higher, as everyone else from the funeral gathering’s somehow found a way to leave the room…

    The only main character left by the end of it…was Rentu Skinnar, who had gotten bored of trying to stop the current past from becoming the future that had been and had been doing the shimmy in his Speedo’s right outside the UO Castle's door, for the past couple of hours…


    Nulix:...err...what the hell was that! (spits angrily at the computer screen, wanting the money that was never paid, back.)...errr...anyways...I really don't understand my own ending for this story...I think I was on some form of drug...um...is a tea towel a drug...? Nyeh... give me your money readers, and reveiw it...anonymous moron commands you! (points accusingly at the kettle, located not to far away. Kettle is laughing like a drunken drunk ondrugs...)...what is it with me and drugs and beer...? I hate that stuff... (dies from pounding headache that has occured for the past 3 hours. People cheer and have parties. Nulix melts and runs down a drain that has appeared out of nowhere of any impotance) oh god this is long...I must be lonely...
  4. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    OOC: its.....long.......O_O
  5. swordser2 Banned

    ooc:i like the cover of u o manga moki is cute
  6. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: Vecked...and Xane....fused...? I demand to know how this came to be! 7.5/10.
  7. swordser2 Banned

    ooc:can sam come back for the comic
  8. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "This is an out rage! A disgrace! The U.P.A.'s highest Under Ranked Captain, losing the latest technology! I must say Captain Skinnar, I am deeply disappointed in you!" Said High Ranked U.P.A. elder, the other elders nodded in agreement at the words. Skinnar stood below there highs seats and sighed "I Apologize, but I beg you to here me out! The lose was for a much more serious threat! The destruction of the Intelligent strong willed nobodies, the Ultimate Organization is Dead!" Skinnar yelled, the U.P.A. elders fell silent "You mean... you actually killed them?" they asked, Skinnar gave a proud nod "...Maybe your memory is not of the clearest, Rentu." Skinnar gulped "The U.P.A. is the keepers of the Peace! The Knights may be a troubled group but they are trustworthy enough to take care of minor threats such as the Ultimate Organization! You have just wasted million's of dollars, both on the ship, the crew, and the Maxilo 9-10 test model we sent you!" They yelled "But I-" Skinnar started "Enough! You are excused, Lieutenant Skinnar.." They said, Skinnar bowed and walked out of the room into the main U.P.A. halls. He walked past the desk, where Lex was sitting with a smirk "I know that look..." Lex said with a grin, Skinnar grunted and turned around "Not now Lex...." He said, Lex smiled again "Oh... and why not now, eh Skinny? Besides, I have an important mission for you! In the light of your Meany failures, the U.P.A.'s assigns a special mission for you." Lex said with a smile "In light of that mission, you and your team mates will be honored with a promotion, for you the title of Supreme low branched Captain..." Les said with a snort, Skinnar paused for a moment and thought, Supreme Captain...? "You will be supplied with a Maxilo 9-10 test model... And you will get the latest technology, the Elders say this is the last test Skinnar, prove your strength or hold your peace." Lex snorted, Skinnar toke a deep breath and looked down at his rival "I'll do it" He said, Lex smiled "Your funeral, your specialized team will consist of Maxilo 9-10, and...." Lex grin fell to the hard ground "...Lex Weezal." He said slowly, Skinnar burst out laughing, this would be a fine hunting trip indeed.
  9. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Xegreny turned to the others, "Now what? Training or Should we go after the UPA?"
  10. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    "UPA I guess. They can't be that hard to take down..." Vexneah shrugged.

    OOC: Nice stories Nul! As always ;3
  11. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "Alright, U.P.A. it is" Nulix said
  12. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "I guess. How are we gonna find em?" Xegerny asked addressing the others.
  13. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "I dunno.." Nulix said, not helping in anyway...
  14. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Camexorn silenty came through a portal.
  15. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    "They could be anywhere by now... Looks like we're gonna have to do some lookin'..." Vexneah sighed.
  16. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Orb floated around, wondering what to do with Darxess gone*
    Orb:"Usually I just followed his orders............But now I don't know what to do........."
    *Orb continues floating*
    Orb:"Perhaps I should do another system wide computer scan......"
    *Orb floats over to the termial, surrounded by pods*
    Orb:"Let's see.........attach this wire here...........and press this button there......"
    *The control pannel slowly flickers to life*
    Orb:"There we are..........Now I can begin checking the system........"
    *Orb attaches itself to the pannel and begins glowing*
    Computer Voice:"Welcome, Orb."
    Orb:"Just perfoming a standard scan, do not raise the firewalls."
    Computer Voice:"Acknowledged."
    *Orb begins scanning the computer*
  17. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "Well this might take some time..." Nulix muttered.

    OOC: Have to go...
  18. swordser2 Banned

    can i come bck for pirate's comic
  19. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: Dry your tears, I'm back baby!

    BIC: "Right dis way..." The U.P.A. agent said to Skinnar and Lex, they walked into a long hall with a window in it, the window showed a room where the new Maxilo models where being tested. The Maxilo 10-10's. Skinnar watched as the room around the robot turned into a metal death trap, in less then 20 seconds, the room was a broken mess, the Maxilo stood above the scrap metal with a blank robotic expression. "Amazing..." Skinnar muttered, as he kept on walking, they then reached another room with the model's all in a row. The Maxilo 10 series so far. Maxilo 1-10, Maxilo 2-10, Maxilo 3-10, Maxilo 4-10, Maxilo 5-10, Maxilo 6-10, Maxilo 7-10, Maxilo 8-10, and Maxilo 9-10. They part the model's, and went into a dark room with the words, 'Storage' on its door. Skinnar walked past the Original Maxilo model's, large and practically useless, the Maxilo 4 series was the first major improvement and they just went up hill from there. Even further, Skinnar and Lex where escorted into a room that had on it 'Trash' written in bad handwriting. They walked in to find many failed Maxilo model's. They then walked up to one, a Maxilo 9-10 model that looked fine "This is yours..." The U.P.A. agent said, pointing to it. Skinnar raised an eyebrow "It looks fine, why is it here?" He asked. The Agent sighed "A first attempt at a Maxilo with a personality, failed horrible though, it cant even turn on any more..." He said, handing the Maxilo to them "Great, the U.P.A. gives us one model, and they chose the defective one..." Lex grumbled...

    Soon, Skinnar, Lex, and the broken Maxilo where in a new Gummi Ship known as the Inter. It was some what large, yet compact. It had all the latest U.P.A. tech, and was fat and fast as lightning. The Ship flew off, Skinnar laughed at the controls, look out world, he was not beaten yet. He thought, as he started playing his favorite song, 'Go for Soda'...
  20. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: I dunno. *Is only a S.Mod* Ask one of the Admins. XD

    (By the way the Admins are Nulix, Jaxed, and DarKnight >_>)

    BIC: "Well we coul-" Xegreny began as he was interupted by a blare of beeping coming from the ship. "We just picked up a ship moving.. pretty dang fast. Ive never seen anything that fast, except maybe the Katanarma." He reported

    OOC: >D

    P.S. I hope thats how you spell it. Ive forgotten. ._.
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