Ultimate Organization: Ruin and Creation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Sep 8, 2007.

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  1. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Camexorn walked up to the others. "Whats going on?" he asked.
  2. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    "Shouldn't we get more people to help us first?" Vexneah yawned.
  3. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
  4. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl charged a dark sword in his hand. Well I'm ready. geryl said smiling.
  5. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Camexorn looked around at evey body, confused, and the sat down on the ground. "Inform me when we move out." he said.
  6. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Did somebody say that they were making a Funny thinger about meh? =D

    BIC: "So... Shouldnt we do something about that?" He said pointing to the UPA ship still in the air.
  7. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl then pointed his hand to the ship charging a dark blast. Want me to shoot it?
  8. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: Join the Ultimate Organized Law Firm! It's amazingly amazing!

    BIC: "Yeah! Shoot it!" Xane said.
  9. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl fired a barrage of shots at teh ship. THis is fun!
  10. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Ok." Xegreny said, right arm crackeling with power. "You dont mind if I join in the fun do you?" He added after aiming at the ship.

    OOC: LMAO! Wait... wut? Why wouldnt I just blow up the ForkLift? XD

    ;-; @ you portraying Xegreny as a pansie. D:

    You deleted the post?
  11. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: Wow... like nothings happen, and yes Xegreny I did.


    !!!The Sad Little Adventures of Supreme Captain Rentu Skinnar's Ship!!!

    Xegreny Speical!!!

    It was a happy day in the Castle of Ultimate things. The bunk beds were neatly made. The desk of Xegreny's was free of all the useless maps and papers. The floor had been swept. And lastly, the boxes had been stacked neatly along the walls once they had been sorted through. Yes, it was beautiful…

    And all Xegreny could think about, as he examined the beauty of his “house”, was that nothing, could ruin this day of happy, cleanliness.

    “PAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY!!!!!!!” Skinnar thundered as he threw the underground door off its frame and stampeded down the stairs like an elephant on drugs.

    “What the hell are you doing here?!” Xegreny spat as he took a hold of the broom, which was leaning against a wall behind him.

    “PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY!!! Ing…” Skinnar roared as he jumped about, arms high in the air.

    “Oh no you’re not! It’s bad enough having Xardius and his knitting group in here! Let alone you trying to have a party!” Xegreny spat as he advanced on Skinnar, broom getting prepared as a weapon of “mass destruction”.

    “Buuut Xegreny…” Skinnar moaned with disapproval, as he slumped his shoulders.

    “No buts tubby! NOW GET THE HELL OUT!!” Xegreny hissed as he pointed the broom at the door way. Skinnar gave Xegreny the puppy dog pout (looks sad and sorry for self), before turning around and sulking off, pretending to cry.

    Xegreny then went back to his daily doings of Xegreny.

    “PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZAAAAAAAAAA!!” Xardius roared as he stampeded down the stairs just like Skinnar had done moments beforehand. Xardius had a pizza box in his hands, a big slice hanging from his mouth.

    “Oh no you pizza eater 3000! You ain’t bringing that thing anywhere closer to that ceiling fan!” Xegreny roared at Xardius, as he pointed accusingly at a ceiling fan. The fan was rotating on high speed. Xardius looked at Xegreny with a puzzled gaze. What harm could pizza do to a ceiling fan.

    “But Xeg…what the heck is pizza gonna do to your damn ceiling fan?!” Nulix yelled as he walked in, grabbed the box from Xardius and headed towards the round desk in the center of the room.

    “Get away from here with that pizza!!” Xegreny screamed as he blocked the walk way to the desk. Nulix let out an irritated sigh before rolling his eyes and throwing the pizza behind his back. Xardius caught the pizza and marveled at his workings.

    “Don’t you see the dangers?! If you tripped on something and that pizza flew out of your grasp…” Xegreny said, a clutching his head in fear.

    Xardius and Nulix gave it other a confused glance, but Xegreny wasn’t finished there…

    “It would go hurdling at the ceiling! The pizza would fly out the damn box, and it would go colliding with the fan! Then it would rotate for 5 hell forsaken seconds, before spattering all over the place! It would be hell!!” Xegreny was screaming and panting, half in tears for some strange reason. Xegreny barged past Nulix and snatched the pizza away from Xardius and wandered over to the main desk.

    “O…Kay…” Xardius nervously muttered as he and Nul backed out the door slowly, never letting Xegreny leave the eye gazes.

    “What the hell was that?!” Nulix boomed from outside, Xardius was still looked through the door and at Xegreny. Xegreny held the pizza above a bin and began to shoot the living daylights out of it.

    Xardius screamed like a little girl, catching Nulix’s attention. Nulix spotted Xegreny’s doing and screamed as well.

    “Okay…now it’s personal…sure when he shot at my knitting group…but this…this is just disgusting…” Xardius hissed as he glared at Xegreny, who had begun to dust off his hands, and walk away from the scene of the crime.

    Xardius growled before stomping off towards the city.

    (Some time later…)

    “OKAY PEOPLE! EMERGENCY MEETING!!” Xardius screamed as he stomped into the hang out.

    “What is…?” Vecked sighed as he approached.

    “It’s Xeg…reny” Xardius hissed as he glared straight ahead of him.

    “HA! What? Did he ruin your party too…?” Skinnar boomed from his seat at the counter. He had a beer in one hand and Maxilo’s hand in the other.

    “Um…sir…do I have to be here…? It smells funny…” Maxilo was whimpering from his stool next to Skinnar.

    Skinnar began to break out in tears. Maxilo rolled his eyes before taking back his job of comforting Skinnar from his party loss.

    “No…no it’s much worse than a party…” Xardius mumbled as he walked towards Skinnar. The Captain lifted his tear stained face and looked at Xardius with a brow raised.

    “What the hell is worse than a party ruiner?!!” Skinnar spat as he got to his feet aggressively, Maxilo’s hand was getting crushed inside Skinnar’s as he dangled a couple of feet from the floor.

    “Xeg…reny....destroyed my Pizza!” Xardius hissed as he glared at Skinnar. Everyone in the room screamed, gasped or cried.

    “HE MUST BE STOPPED!” Saak called as he jumped up from his seat; he slammed his walking stick into the floor with disapproval.

    “OH MY GOD!! There is no god…” Skinnar sat back down and started to whimper as he buried his face into Maxilo’s chest and cried. Maxilo gave a disgusted glare towards Skinnar.

    “Let’s get him!!” Heaven chanted from behind the counter, probably trying to get more high than PAYING customers.

    “HERE! HERE!!” Saak agreed as he again hit the end of his stick against the floor, his fist clenched.

    And so the following idiots disappeared out the hang out and into the distance to find weapons of “Mass Destruction”: Saak, Steve the Money, Nulix, Heaven, Xardius, Xane, Maxilo, Vecked, Skinnar, Secretery Lex, Orb, and Darxess. Yes, they all headed into the distance like the idiots they are.

    (Sometime later)

    “DIE ORGI!!” Skinnar called from his tank, his body couldn’t manage to fit into the tank so his chest and head were visible out of the top hole thingy.

    Nulix was driving his lift thingy (ya know that thing and it levitates so he can get to the higher monitors and stuff?), although he’d attached a massive turret to the front of it. Heaven had attached two round tables together (at the legs) and was rolling about town with them on their sides. She was sitting where the legs of the tables joined together. Saak was driving a lawn mower, he was screaming out extremely offensive words at people, not to mention hitting them over their heads with his walking stick.

    Xardius was riding a hummer, while shooting stuff with a machine gun, for no apparent reason.

    Lex had found two Barbie cars and had put his feet in them, for the use of Rollerblades. Speaking of blades, he was wielding a chainsaw about, screaming like Xena herself.

    Vecked was riding a vacuum cleaner, the chord disappearing through the city and ending somewhere in Skinnars Ship.
    Darxess had found a sleigh and had attached your child to the front to pull it. Darxess was screaming like imitation Xena, due to fact he’d seen Lex doing it, and must’ve decided it was another way to try and be cool. Darxess had a whip prepared in case your child messed up or disobeyed.

    Maxilo was riding what looked like a bazooka on bicycle wheels, with bicycle handle bars and brakes attached to it.

    All these idiots headed straight for the Castle.

    Xegreny was happily plotting ways to keep the place clean when he was interrupted by…

    “I’m not a girl…not yet a woman…” The music was coming from somewhere outside and was getting closer by the minute. Xegreny remembered the time that Skinnar was listening to that music, whilst rampaging through the castle. Xegreny hoped with all his might that this wasn’t an instant reply of that…

    “THIS IS FOR THE PIZZA XEG...reny!!!!!!” Xegreny heard Xardius screams coming from outside.

    “Oh god no…” Xegreny looked horrified as Skinnar and Vecked smashed the walls of the Castle down. This assault was closely followed by the other morons rampaging into the falling apart Organization Headquarters. The walls had soon begun to cave in and the ceiling was gradually falling down.

    Xegreny screamed before running out the building, and through a large hole (located in the security walls) that SKinnar and co. had made with their super vehicles.

    It wasn’t long before everyone had beaten half of it to a pile of rubble. Saak drove past on his lawn mower. He shook his fist threateningly at the pile of rubble and destruction, once known as the Organizations Castle.

    “Let the Earth’s wrathful soil kill and burn you to hell!!” Saak screamed as he disappeared off a cliff with the others.

    “THIS IS FOR BEING A FUN EATER!!” Xardius screamed as he took out his money and used it to catapult Hojan at Xegreny’s head.

    Hojan collided with Xegreny’s already sore head. He fell to the ground and landed on some underground rubble.

    “Who else wants to volunteer to be catapulted at Xegreny?!” Xardius called out to the others. Saak soon appeared flying through the air towards Xegreny’s head. Saak was laughing like a lunatic as he flew into Xeg...reny.

    Vecked was a bit slower than the others and appeared on his vacuum cleaner soon after. The cord got too strained so it pulled half the ships kitchen wall out and was dangling behind Vecked who was using the vac as it was some for of skateboard.

    “DIE PIZZA KILLER!!” Vecked hissed as he swung the vac’s chord above his head. He threw the chord out towards Xegreny, the wall hit Xegreny’s head.

    “AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!” Vecked laughed as he disappeared into the distance with the others. The others were high fiving each other and celebrating in the distance. A champagne bottle’s cork even flew high into the air as they drove along cheering.

    2 days later

    Xegreny had been wondering the streets for some time now…due to the fact that a bunch of idiots had rampaged through the hideout…leaving nothing but rubble. But now Xegreny had bigger things to worry about…for the past two and a half days the same idiots had been following him around town, throwing objects and insults at him.

    Xegreny stopped and turned around as he growled. Everyone else stopped in their places and glared at Xegreny. Xegreny rolled his eyes before turning around and continuing along the path to nowhere.

    Xegreny was really getting sick of this. He sighed with an angry manner before turning around to face the idiots again.

    “Hey look everyone! Free carpet samples!!” Xegreny called out as he pointed to a turn off next to him. Down the turn off there was a corner. A bit before the corner a sign hung from the wall, it read “Hell” and had an arrow pointing around the corner.

    “Oooooo!!” The crowd said as they disappeared on their vehicles, around the corner.

    Xegreny sighed with relief before going to find a place to stay while he rebuilt the Castle.

    And so, they were never seen again…(some random guy: But they like…appeared 5 minutes later…harassing Xegreny again…)…oh… well that's just alright then, ain't it?

  12. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I don't mind.geryl said still shooting barrages of shots at teh ship.
  13. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: 7.5/10

    BIC: "Goooooo!" Xane said.
  14. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: I have to say, I give that a 1.8/10 because of your inaccurate portrayal of Xardius. Sorry. AND JOIN THE COMEDIC LAW FIRM! So says Pirate. It's for the UO.

    BIC: Xardius gaped with his mouth open.
  15. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: *dies* ROFLMFAO!! *tears* Im repping you for that. =D

    New Funny thing about me > Old funny thing about me.
  16. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Camexorn pulled out his bow and started to shoot energy arows at the ship.
  17. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    "Aww what the heck?" Xane said as he blasted the ship.
  18. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Good target practice day isn't it? geryl said to Xane
  19. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Whee!" Xegreny laughed as he hit the ship with his own blasts.
  20. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Xane nodded as Stitch hit the ship with a huge cannon.
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