Ultimate Organization: Ruin and Creation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DarKnight36, Sep 8, 2007.

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  1. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Nulixaje muttered something that 4Kids wouldn't like, before showing then inside...
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Because the staff is corrupt. Check the Introduce Yourself! Forum in the Departure Lobby sub-forum.

    BIC: "Nice house!" Xegreny commented.
  3. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl stood inside the room and looked around.
  4. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "Don't touch anything with your filth." Nulixaje replied at Xegreny's comment "So what the hell do you heartless people want with me?! Do you want me to rejoin you or something?"
  5. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl shot a look at Nulix. Heartless? Ba! I kill heartlesses. I never used them that much.
  6. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    "That's a little harsh..." Vexneah muttered, speaking as if she'd just been shot.
  7. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl looked away and then thought for a moment.
  8. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Here's a little something to warm your brains...


    “There has been a tale passed down for generations about a mysterious young man who wielded an even more mysterious weapon...

    “It is said, though generally not believed, that this boy saved the worlds from destruction almost single-handedly...

    “It is also said that he destroyed the worlds...

    “Many do not believe either tale, as the worlds are still standing as they have been for quite some time, and many believe it will continue to go on as it were...

    “However, there are some points to which I’d like to disclose to you. If you would care to sit down and listen to the tale, I will spin it with all the skill I possess, like a weaver and her carpet...

    “To start off, I’d like to go over some rather large flaws in the story that many use as undeniable proof that the tale is false. First, two tales that merge almost perfectly, spinning off in different directions, yet holding to the truth within both. One tale says that the boy saved the worlds by locking their keyholes with a mysterious weapon known as the keyblade. The other tale suggests rather firmly that the boy attempted to destroy the worlds with the same weapon. To clear this up, you must go to the second flaw: the tale of two boys. Both seem to be one and the same, but in fact, the tale of two boys is of deep concern. One boy was the chosen wielder, while the other, a trickster, a lost child that stole the keyblade from the first and used it to bring himself glory. I would like to suggest that all four of these tales are true. Quite simply, both boys had a keyblade, and both lived on the same island chain. Both were destined to have a keyblade, but not one and the same. Even the lightest philosopher knows of the dark side of the worlds, hidden away from us so as to prevent damage in the fabric of existence. The time-space continuum must be preserved. It is highly likely, and evidenced many times by several rather obscure tales of the keyblade itself, that there are two, if not more, sides to a keyblade. One of light, and one of darkness. Keep that in mind while I spin the tale. The third and final flaw is again about more than one boy. This one leaves no doubt that the two were one and the same. However, they were different in vital ways. The tale spins that one of the boys was false, non-existent, while the other was only half of what he was. Both boys wielded a keyblade, but only one had the light within him. The other was darkness. Both boys were one and the same...How is this possible? Perhaps you will come to learn when I spin the tale...

    “Recently, I have uncovered a new tale, brought from within Kingdom Hearts itself. For you see, Kingdom Hearts remembers all...And it remembers this tale most of all.â€

    The man paused to sip a glass of water before leaning back in his chair. His audience consisted of mainly older men, though a few only a few years older than himself were sprinkled through the audience.

    Sadoc smiled. As the youngest there, many believed he was stupid and rash. But they could no longer deny the truth of this tale...

    “You claim you garnished this tale from within Kingdom Hearts?†an older man asked. Sadoc’s mouth twisted into a grimace. Old Doc Brine was always getting in his way. The man peered at him around his large, hawk-like nose. “Would you care to shed some light on how you actually got in?â€

    “I did not go in,†Sadoc said irritably. “To do so is to call death upon yourself. But I know this tale came from Kingdom Hearts itself.â€

    “How?†Brine said, leaning forward, his eyes sharp. “Leave nothing out.â€

    Sadoc sighed. This was going to take longer than perhaps they thought. “To do so, I must spin another tale, perhaps after the first, or perhaps it is the first. It isn’t that important in the timing, as it is in the telling. If you will permit, I will tell the first first, and the second second.â€

    “But you will tell it,†Brine said, and it was not a question.

    Sadoc nodded hesitantly. “But do not expect to like it.â€

    Brine laughed reedily. “When have we ever liked your addictions boy?â€

    Sadoc matched his laugh. “When have you ever not listened?â€

    Brine’s eyes bulged, but Sadoc didn’t care.

    He opened the first page, then flipped to the second.

    "This book is almost bizarre in its writings..." Sadoc whispered.

    "What do you mean?" Brine jumped in hastily.

    "I mean that it's almost as if it's a guide, and the tale is an example..." Sadoc said, rubbing his chin.

    "Huh?" one of the elders grunted.

    "Take a look." Sadoc twisted the book around so it was facing the elders. "This first page details the beginning of the tale for the keyblade wielder, whose name is Sora. But that's to the side."

    He pointed at the script crammed into a corner. "The rest of the page is covered in descriptive works on how to bring about this...Awakening."

    Brine gasped and Sadoc nodded.

    "It's as if this book were forged by the creators of the world. Here," he said, pointing to the top of the page, "it explains the necessary ingredients...a keyblade, Kingdom Hearts, and several other things, such as a strong-hearted person. Here, it begins listing the ingredients for the ingredients for the Awakening. It details here how to forge a keyblade, and here how to create the paradox of Kingdom Hearts so that the keyblade wielder will be tested. Here it tells how to find a strong-hearted being...Here it shows how to forge the attributes into weapons, the door, and...the Enemies...the Heartless."

    Brine shuddered. "Dark arts."

    "At first, that's what I believed, but..." He flipped back a page. "In the introduction, it clearly warns against those who would use this as dark arts. This book is for holy arts..."

    Brine hesitated, then nodded. "As the gatherers of knowledge, we must fulfill the entire contract in these pages...forge a keyblade, and create a keyblade wielder...This is our cause...to gain knowledge. For this purpose, we will do this.
    All in favor say aye..."

    The room instantly reverberated in ayes, but Sadoc didn't say anything. Brine's eyes narrowed. "You would deny yourself your research?"

    "At least it's research now," Sadoc said dryly. "Read the last sentence."

    Brine leaned forward, and gasped. "It can't be!"

    "Yes," Sadoc said. "We cannot continue until we have the other."

    "The other?" an elder asked.

    "Remember, forger, that for every action there is a reaction; for every light, there is a darkness; to create a light, one must create a darkness, or chaos will rule supreme, and the void will swallow the worlds," Sadoc recited. "This, of course, rules out any chance of forging a keyblade of light without forging a keyblade of darkness...and of course, we don't know how. The making is different, as it says in the book."

    Brine pounded a fist into the chair. "We must gain more knowledge! How are we to without fulfilling this contract?"

    Sadoc leaned forward. "I believe there is another book, one that details the dark side of this light."

    Brine leaned forward hungrily. "You know where this is?"

    Sadoc smiled. "I have my suspicions...the dark side of Kingdom Hearts."

    Brine roared in fury. "We cannot go there!"

    Sadoc shrugged. "I've already sent someone. Whether or not they die, our knowledge must be fulfilled. I expect they'll be arriving shortly...with the book in tow."

    "Good, good," Brine said. "I like your style, Master Sadoc."

    "For the first time, Master Brine."
  9. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "Hph... well you can screw off kid" Nulixaje shot at Vexneah "You filthy freak's may not have a life, but I do. I'm rich, I'm engaged, I'm at peace! You people have no parts in my life anymore, so **** off *****'s"

    OOC: Darknight... although it was long, it was not your best work, no where close...
    it was a bit too choppy, and almost all of it was rushed dialogue. A 3.25/10.
  10. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl shot another glance at Nulix.
  11. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Well, I don't know about rushed dialogue (I was trying to hurry so it wouldn't log me off), but I wrote it in two parts. I started off with him telling a story, then I cut the end part off I wrote a while ago, didn't bother editing the first part, and then pasted in the new end part that I'd wrote without bothering to match the two. So yeah, it's choppy.

    But, hey, I'm going to implement it into the UO, so keep it in mind.
    And you realize that 3.25 is like the best rating you've ever given me...
  12. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    "Nulix...aje! Why are you being so mean? What happened?" Vexneah frowned miserably.
  13. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl scoffed and sensed around him.
  14. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Nulixaje looked at Vexneah with a heartless expression "Sorry, you see the thing Is I've changed from some useless guy who just flew a ship or went shopping to a corporate bad-***! You people make me sick!" He yelled, before talking a deep breath.

    After a few seconds of silence he realised "...Sorry, but I'm not with you people anymore. I'll help you where I can, but I don't want to know you" He said, as some guards came from outside and dragged them away.


    "Who was that?" Zanya asked as she emerged from the bathroom, Nulixaje looked at her and smiled "No one"
  15. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Geryl growled at teh guards. I'll leave myself. He said before leaving. WHat a waste of time.He muttered.
  16. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    "Now, is that anyway to describe an old friend?" Xardius said, dropping out of nowhere. "Nulixaje, I am here to inscribe your justice!"
  17. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "God.. another ****er?... your the angry one with no brain, right?" Nulixaje asked, as Zanya in fear slowly walked towards the bedroom "Peh... whatever" He muttered, pulling out a long knife...
  18. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    "Before you slaughter me," Xardius said dryly, "answer one question first...

    What made you give up on us?"
  19. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    Vexneah let the guards take her. She hadn't felt this hurt in the longest time... If Nul didn't want to see her, then the least she could do was get out of his sight...
  20. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
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