Kingdom Hearts II Ultima Weapon ????

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Help' started by tidusyunapaine, Jul 14, 2009.

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  1. tidusyunapaine Moogle Assistant

    Apr 18, 2008
    UGH! I feel really stupid about not being able to get all 7 of the orichalum+s

    I've cleared Atlantica and 100 Acre Wood, been to TWTNW, Space Paranoids and sunset terrace and got them all from the chests and cleared the Goddess of Fate cup and got all of the materials for synthesis... I've actually only just cleared 100 Acre Wood =/ but i'm not getting the last Orichalum+

    Does anyone know why I'm not obtaining it? ANY help would be greatly appreciated :3

    I really want that keyblade >.<

    knowing me I've gone wrong somewhere in the game D;

    Please help? :3

    uhm yeah I really am stupid turns out I had missed out a treasure chest ^^"

    OH YEAH! the keyblade rocks! XD
  2. Jⱥy King's Apprentice

    Jul 7, 2009
    lol, yeh the keyblade is pretty cool, but the Kingdom key rules all Keyblades
  3. ReebokR32 Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2008
    you know that little voice in your head.... go fig
    I haven't played KH1 in a long time but here is a suggestion... if you have codebreaker you can get all keyblades. and if you don't have it its only $20 and it's at gamestop.
  4. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Well don't use codebreaker to get a keyblade.

    Here's the requirments to get the Ultima Weapon.

    Ultimate Recipe

    Go to the mansion in Twilight Town. This is towards the end of the game when you go with Sora. Once the machine is up and running to go to Roxas's Twilight Town, do not enter it. Instead, go through the other room where you went to fight Axel with Roxas at the start of the game. Then, go into the next room with the hallway with the pods where Goofy and Donald were found. There are a few chests in there; the Ultimate Recipe is the in the chest next to Donald and Goofy's pod.

    Seven Orichalcum+

    1. Clear Atlantica.

    2. Clear 100 Acre Wood.

    3. Find the chest in The World That Never Was at the Brink Of Despair just before you go into the castle. There will be a big chest next to the save point. This is not the Orichalcum+. Turn around at this location and follow the short path across from the save point with the Orichalcum+ chest.

    4. Clear Goddess Of Fate Cup in the Underworld Coliseum.

    5. Chest in Twilight Town, in Sunset Terrace where you went earlier in the game for the Seven Wonders. Jump on top of the train and you will see a chest on the roof of the big building (the one closest to to the sunset station).

    6. Chest in Space Paranoids during the second visit there, just before you fight Commander Sark and the MCP.

    7. Collect all Material in the game and give it to the Synthesis Moogle. He will give you an Orichalcum+. You need every single Material (shards, stones, gems, and crystals, including a regular Orichalcum).

    Other ingredients

    Energy Crystal: Required to halve the amount of Orichalcum+s you need. Dropped by Bookmasters in Radiant Gardens (Hollow Bastion) near Merlin's house. These are the characters that float with green hats and books.

    Twilight and Dense Crystals: Nobodies on Naught's Skyway. Go to naught's skyway just after the Hall Of Empty Melodies. Fight the Nobodies there and they will drop Twilight and Dense items.

    Serenity Crystals: You can get these from the Moogles for giving them complete sets of Materials.

    Mythril Crystals: Found in random item chests.
  5. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    A few of things. First, he edited his first post before there was any response saying that he got it. Second, he included all of the locations in his post so going through them again wouldn't help. Third, you can get dense crystals from naughts skyway (dropped by berserkers) but not twilight crystals (dropped by sorcerers).
  6. Mimiru Banned

    Jul 15, 2009
    The World, Japan
    Here are some things you may have not done.

    1. Been to 100acre wood (help pooh with the pot on his head.

    2. gotten all the treasure chests in that world.
    Material obtaining
    Use the abiity lucky lucky for materials like dense crystal.
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