My sister: "Hey, do you have black leather gloves?" Me: "I have black leather fingerless gloves that are kinda torn up." My sister: "Yeah, that's what I thought." Me: "Yep, they're in my accessories drawer upstairs." My sister: "...You know, you don't ever wear those gloves anymore-" Me: "I'm not giving them to you." My sister: "Drat."
Haha, yeah, they're pretty 80's. I actually wore them to an 80's party, over my neon pink fishnet gloves that go up to my elbow, which I bought specifiaclly for the occasion and haven't worn once since. I'd give her those if she asked for them.
Yeah, but then they wouldn't be any use to me either. I like to wear them on the rare occasion when I get to go rollerskating. XD