
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Knightshade, Feb 23, 2008.

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  1. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Just yesterday I finished this series and so I came up with the idea of making an rp out of it.
    Now everything isn't going to be exactly the same as the book. I would like people to come up with their on characters and such. Nevertheless it will run run along the same story but changed a bit. As you can tell I named it Uglies so hopefully if it gets popular enough I intend to have 2 sequals to this. Okay now if you haven't read the story that's okay. Heres pretty much an outline of what it's about though.
    In a future where all war and fighting is stopped a new beautiful world is created. Thousands of years earlier a people called the rusties began to destroy the world as they fought their pointless wars. But now in the future the rusties have died out and now this new generation of humans have set up a community that can only be described as perfect. Well once you reach the age of 16 when you take the surgey to become perfect and move to pretty town. But untill then everyone who has not taken the surgey to become beautiful is considered an ugly. Although life is not perfect the still have a happy life on the ugly side of the city. Although the pretty city and the ugly city are seperated by a large river and any ugly who crosses may get in big trouble. So untill they are old enough they live on their side of the city waiting for that one fatefull day when they become pretty.
    So pretty much your just in the city for now but as the rp continues on more secrets will be found out how this perfect community might not be so perfect.
    Rules: No godmodding the people here are just normal....for the moment anyways.
    -Please try to keep all romance and everything else pg-13 at the most
    -As for cussing...well try not to cuss too much and when you do use these ***
    -No yaoi/yuri
    That shoul be good for rules
    -Okay so heres the format for characters.
    User name:
    Character name:
    Age: must be at least...13-15
    Also everyone may have up to three characters

    User name:Knightshade
    Character name: Ella
    Personality: She has a very calm and thinks through everything very thoroghly. Can become angry very quickly and will do anything she needs to do to get what she wants
    Appereance [​IMG]
    User name:Knightshade
    Character name: Ryan
    Personality: Ryan is very uncertain about himself and gets nervous very easily.
    Age: 14
    User name: Knightshade
    Character name: Fayte
    Personality: Fayte has an upbeat personality but lately the agony of wait for the last few months till the surgery is making him become restless
    User name:XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Character name: Joshua(Josh for short)
    Personality: calm and collected, he enjoys the quiet and the moon
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Name: Horatio Smatimoff-Chan
    Age: 15
    Bio: Horatio was born during the middle of the great war and lived through the final remnants of fighting before the glorious peace came to his country. In this great time of peace Horatio has opened up a friendly noodle and hamburger bar, where his customers enjoy their variety. one day however, Horatio was assaulted by a bunch of hooligans from the Ugly side of the city. Among the money that was stolen, Horatio also lost his mother's priceless antique locket which tactfully doubled as a nice skillet. He now ventures into the ugly side of town to take the locket back.
  2. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Okay your added but in the beggining and for a bit after I want to keep the uglies pretty cluless about all the secrets that are kept hidden from them, okay?
  3. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    User name:XxRukiaKuchikixX
    Character name: Joshua(Josh for short)
    Personality: calm and collected, he enjoys the quiet and the moon
    Appearance: [​IMG]
  4. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    Okay your added. Oh and I forgot to mention everyone is an ugly right now
  5. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    .....All of the rusties are dead though.....but if you are a smokie that would be fine. But if you are like I said before wait a while to join in.
    ....oh yeah another thing (as you can tell this is my first rp lol)
    Everyone can have up to 3 characters so if you want to make a regular person that would be fine
  6. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

  7. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: Sure i'll start it then.
    *Fayte tubbed his hair as he yawned tiredley*
    "Only a few more months..." He thought to himself miserabley as he seemed so sure of himself that each day was becoming slower.
    "Then I can be a pretty and everything will be perfect" He thought to himself cheerfully as he go out of his bed.
    "I'll have a hot coffee please" He muttered to the room as his coffee machine started running.
    A few minutes later he walked outside holding his hot coffee.
    "It never really is perfect though" He thought to himself a few minutes later as he took a sip out of his coffee.
    "Only a few more months...and i'll be pretty though and everything will be perfect" He thought to himself as he looked out toward pretty town.
  8. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Josh sat in a coffee shop, sipping a drink and reading a small book.
  9. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *A few minuted later after he had finished his coffee he walked out into ugly town looking for something fun to do*
    "If I was a pretty now I would probably be having lots of fun....but i'm just an ugly now" He thoguht to himself fealing completely bored out of his mind.
  10. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Josh tore himself away from his book and paid for his coffee. "Thanks," he mumbled and walked out. What to do...
  11. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    *Fayte slowly let out a slow sigh*
    "I'm the only one left. I just had to be the youngest didn't I" He thought to himself as he accidently bumbed into Josh.
    "Oh, i'm sorry about that" He told him as he was sucked back into reality
  12. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Josh smiled and waved it off. "S'ok," he said," No big deal."
  13. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "Still....." He muttered still a little tired.
    "Do you mind if I hang out with you....?" He asked him happy to make a new friend.
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    2 others?

    OOC: I can be two others? Cool, I guess I'll be a machine that Sebax has that runs all of the programs in the underground hut. And the other person? I dunno... Maybe the evil guy who will try and make sure Sebax is found and killed. So I'll be against myslef.....odd.....


    I love solitude, it is the only thing that calms me... Is what passed through the mind of an unknown hermit deep below the two city's of pretty and ugly.

    "Computer! Send me the access codes to get into the police security main-frame!"

    "I don't feel like it"

    "You insolate machine! Do it!" Sebax, the hermit, who lived beneath the river of seperation, barked.

    Getting into the mainframe, Sebax could see both towns, in all points of views.

    "Ooh look, surprise! Little Perfect town is.....PERFECT!" Sebax yelled, pretending to be happy at first.

    Then he zaps to a camera in the Ugly side to see two Uglies drinking coffee.

    "Leave it to the pretties to be perfect, and the Uglies to be just plain out boring and Emo.." Sebax trailed on, turning off the screen.

    Sebax quickly ran to the kitchen and sat down at the surpringly large and luxorious table. Seated for one.

    "Am I eating because I'm bored?" Sebax asked himself, slumping his head into on hand on the table.

    OOC: I hope you guys like my characters intro! I know it was long but come on, a character like Sebax cannot be introduced by a couple of words. If you noticed, I used a line from "How the Grinch stole christmas". I have to admit, just think of everything Sebax does, and compare it to The Grinch whenever your lost. Trust me, you'll laugh much more fluently! Or not...
  15. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    He broke into a smile. "Yeah, sure," he said.
  16. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    "Cool. Because all of my friends have already gone to pretty side and well....I still have a few months till I go to" He told him happy that he would have someone to hang out with untill then.

    *Ella glanced down at her computer*
    "Now who might be doing this" She thought to herself as she tapped her finger on her desk inpatiently.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I waited so don't flame me for posting again.

    I don't think I'm going to stir anything up in either city today......." Sebax started, an innocent look on his face. Which turned grimmer. "That is, with just those stupid security cameras!" He finished off.

    Leaping to the console once more, he pressed a series of buttons while chuckling to himself.

    On the topside of both towns, pure mayhem was begining to pour out.

    Toilets flushing themselves, sewages getting plugged up, and coffee machines going crazy.

    Down Below, Sebax controlled everything electronical the City's used.

    Watching small mayhem out in the streets of the pretty side of the city, Officer Downes just sat behind his desk. Going through papers about hacked into security cameras,minor chaos, and even robbery. All coming from one direct source... the river...

    Wheeling about at his desk, Downes, with his surgical face and reformed body, looked more like an ugly due to all the donouts he had consumed on the force.

    Accodring to the sources, he had to check the rivers, and that's what he was going to do...maybe....tomorrow.....?
  18. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: woah that's kinda godmodding a load....having a computer that can hack the city and everything else is a bit much if you know what I mean. So try to tone it down a bit,kay?

    bic: *Ella could help but chuckle quitely as she tryped in a few things into the computer*
    "Password please" The computer asked her it's voice completely emotionless.
    "SC" She told her computer a wide grin on her face.
    "Password accepted" The computer told her as a new file opened on her computer.
    "Fun,fun" She muttered to herself softly as she pressed a few things on the computer and suddenly all of the electronics in the city became normal again. A second later she brought up a walkie talkie to her face.
    "I want this fixed up quick. Esspecially in pretty town you know what effect this might have" She said into the walkie talkie.
    "Of course" A voice answered a moment later.

    *Fayte looked around worridley as everything seemed to stop*
    "Are you....okay?" He asked Josh as he looked around confused at what had happened.
  19. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Oh," he nodded. He lowered his head for a moment and his voice was softer."My mom was killed when she had me and my dad...well," a hint of bitterness came into his voice,"I don't know where he is."
  20. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ooc: umm....please read the last 2 posts...
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