wanted to do something sort of retro. so I did. cmy of course. certain parts are incredibly sharp and certain parts are incredibly blurry on purpose. ...yeah, but god only knows why I did that. tried to make it similar to a sig I made earlier, which turned out just as poorly (as you can imagine): http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j107/mgfxn/spidey.png agh, it's just been SO LONG.
You need to tone down the light and work a bit on your colors, the depth created from the sharpening and bluring is alright, but without proper lighting to support it, this falls into a 2-D, Blaring, Overly colorful sig catagory. Also, I like the stock's hair, maybe try and use it to make some affects in different parts of the sig, this'll add depth if done correctly and will also create a better theme for the sig rather then "I'M A LOUD SIG...LOOK AT ME." Also, I'd suggest working on WHERE it's sharpened/blurred. Like the face for instance, is very bright and it's a fiery color, so the eye is naturally drawn to it first, however the face is blurry and the depth created from it is illogcal, as the left shoulder wouldn't be more in focus then the face, when you're naturally drawn to the face and the face is closer. Like everything else in the sig, the border is alright, but could use work. Keept at it man.