Hmm, sounds cool. Might consider it if these are released, needing a new Xbox anyhow. I also like the sound of Kinect being improved, will make for more interesting ways to play and things to do.
I saw the banner for it in the Movie "Real Steel". I thought it was a joke. Apparently I was disproved.
Not to say that I'm not interested, but really, and XBox 720? Seriously? Are they running out of names or something? Thouught the prospect of Kinnect being improved [though I've always been against it] sounds pretty great.
Meh, sounds cool I guess. I like the idea of Kinect being updated though, sounds nice and will make it more interesting to play. Unsure about the name of it for some reason.
I think they call it 720 for consistency. I mean, 720 makes sense, since the previous was named 360, wouldn't you agree? And I thought they weren't going to make a new one in a couple more years. I'll probably get it though, hah ^^,
'll just see how things go first before making a judgement. I hope they make some type of mark up from the 360 since I can't see where they might go, but it seems they will be supporting their casual market with Kinect and all. Wait and see tactics for me.