Bottom one is old. Supposed to be the Bat symbol. Meant to look like it was fading. Top one might look tough around the edges, I might work on that later.
Both are way too red. Add more of a variety of colors (this could help: They're both also very simplistic with few effects. Look up some tutorials flow and depth, they help a lot.
Sorry about the to much Red thing. The one on top was meant to have equal Red and Black. The render on the top was Red, and I was hoping to add more Black in, though it seems it got lost in the process. Thanks for the link to the guide, I've been trying to blend colors, so that should help. Thanks. I'll go see if I can find some tutorials flow and depth. Making/adding stocks is not a speciality for me, so I'll look at some of those. What version of Gimp is best to use, in your opinion?
I never use GIMP, I only use Photoshop, sorry. I would assume the newest version is best, but I'm not sure. Ask Misty, she would know.
o: wat. I don't use Gimp anymore. But yeah, the newer version is always the best. Also, I've posted a stock placement tutorial on here that you might want to check out, but right now your focal points are either in dead center or too far off to one side -- it's a common issue in signature making. For Gimp tips, I'd definitely try Gimptalk. They have some of the best tutorials I've ever seen.