Okay, I saw this on YouTube, and it interested me. I'd like to see other people's opinions and responses to these questions. Question Numero Uno: Say you die. As you go up to judged, you notice something... you were wrong. Your God is false, and another God is true. I'll use God/Allah as an example to make things easier. God/Allah says to you, "Well, you lived a good life. Helped out a lot of people. Oh! But you rejected My existence! How did you do that? You saw the Bible/Quran at the bookstore and the library. You had people tell you that you were going to Hell if you didn't believe in Me. So, why did you reject Me? Oh, it doesn't matter! Guilty on charges of rejection! Sentence: eternity in Hell, no bail or parole. NEXT" You: "Wait a sec- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!" Now, do you see that as fair? Does a God deserve worship if he condemns others merely for rejection of him? Question Numero Dos: If you were God, would you do the same things that He supposedly did? Y'know, Adan & Eve, Noah, Moses, Jesus/Mohamed, Sodom & Gamorrah and all that? What about the Sin system? DISCLAIMER: Mods, if you feel that this disclaimer is mini-modding, do with it what you will. I do not support flaming in any way. However, flaming is not disagreeing. Flaming is insulting. Disagreeing is what is part of a debate. If you don't want people to disagree and attack your viewpoints, DON'T POST HERE. Ready. Set. DEBATE!
Well, to be honest, if it says in the Bible/Quran that God/Allah will send you to hell for rejecting him, and if you reject him, well then you go to hell. Although, nobody would like to go to Hell for a stupid reason like that, it is a reason, and one that is clearly laid out to you. It's not fair, but God/Allah certainly gave you a chance. As for question two: I would definitely decide on their sins. I would consider a sin something major, like a crime, or stealing, or murder. Lying and such although bad, isn't really that serious.
(I'm Muslim btw...) 1. I've studied the muslim culture, the religion, etc. In my family it is very important. And the Quran is flawless in my opinion. It states everything without mistakes, and it was the only holy book that was not changed, ever. I have huge faith in the Quran and Allah and I could never think that it was all just a lie. It can't be just a lie. There should be some reason we are on this planet, and as the Quran says, the reason we are here is to test ourselves and see if we are worthy to be part of heaven-a good afterlife. No, I don't go around day to day converting. And to the fair question. We don't even know how strict God will be. His rules are so simple and if we just followed them, we will all be able to go to Heaven. So there isn't anything fair about it, its just straight through, just do it, its simple. 2. Hmm, I'm not good enough to be God. But, yes I would do all those things. There are many prophets in the Quran, the last being Mohammed. If we did not have these prophets, God's message would not have been sent. Btw, Jesus was Issa in the Muslim Faith, and Mohommed was a prophet...if you meant that dash to be stating they are the same people...
1. Well, hypothetically, if you died and found out that you were wasting your time worshiping Allah, would you find it fair that you would burn in all eternity for being raised in the wrong family? 2. Really? 3. Jesus is in Islam? O_O Shira-nakatta-no-da-yo. But, I do know that they were completely different. Jesus was the Messiah. Mohamed was a prophet. Completely different myths (no offense)
1.That's what I'm learning about now. I'm seeing my god/allah is real or not. If not, I'll look for the real god. If he is, I'll believe in him. Plus I heard he's a jealous god but at the same time a caring god who cares. I thought he was a god who forgives any sin against but to those who believe in him. Me, I'm going to find out in the future. 2. I wouldn't be that kind of a god and neither am I good to be one.
Allah and the Christians God are the same entity, both religions are simply branches of Judiasm, and all share the same God, he is simply called a different name for each. Or am I misunderstanding the question? Your wording is a little confusing, it seems to me that the implication here is that you're asking Muslims and Christians seperately; what if your God is wrong and the opposite's religion was the correct one?
Read my edited post, your first post is worded confusingly and could be interpreted as 2 completely different questions, you should edit and make the question more clear.
I'm not asking them separately. I'm asking all religious people, "What if you're wasting your time?" The identity of the God is not important. Perhaps I should change the God/Allah thing to Jesus/Mohamed? Or Jesus/Allah, since Mohamed is not in the same position as Jesus.
Side Note: I was Muslim. Well first of all, I'd like to say that in the Quran, it is said that God will embrace you no matter what God you worshiped, as long as your faith was true and pure and you were truly devoted (I'm not too sure on the Christian views on this), but that is definitely in the Quran. But pertaining to the question, why would God reject you if you were just as devoted to the religion you followed? God is God, one true being and only one being, either you believe him as a Christian, or as a Muslim, he is still the same God. It's a little inane to think that God will reject you on the mere fact that you did not follow the so called one TRUE religion. If that is the case, then that God is in no way a loving God, nor an understanding God fort that matter. It was also God's will to send the prophets (or the messiahs) to this world to spread the many branches of religions (the main ones for the most part), I'm sure he had a purpose in creating the religions. I honestly don't believe that the idea that God will reject and banish you from paradise just because you didn't follow the correct religion, when you clearly led your life accordingly, to the life your religion specified for you. If the question of rejection comes, then it is foolish to punish one just for having another religion. A place in paradise is rewarded to those who were devoted to their God, to their religion, and to their beliefs, no matter what religion it was. Punishment and banishment from heaven should be based on wether the being actually believed in God or not. If one is to reject God, and deny his existence, then that would be a sin, and not having another religion. Second question, I stand my ground. I am no God, but if the power was granted to me, then I'd not condemn anyone to purgatory for having a different religion. I'd weigh the fact whether the being had believed in Me (since I'm supposedly God for the moment). Whatever religion the being may have followed, I'd look to see how devoted he was, what and how were his deeds... sins, virtues would be weighed, fairly and equally.... and based on that, I'd decide whether that person would be either condemned to an eternity of suffering or reach eternal salvation. Yes, Jesus is in the Islam religion. As Nailpolish <3, has said, he is referred to as Issa and Muslims view him as a prophet just like Mohammad. In Islam, Jesus was just as human as Muhammad was, or Moses, or Noah... It can be said that Christianity and Islam has a lot in common.... and I mean A LOT, but yet, they are both different in the most fascinatingly unique way. The only difference I can see between the two religions' myths is the fact whether Jesus was really the son of God or just another prophet like Mohammed, otherwise, they are alike.... well except the rules and regulations on how one should their lives. Haha... ironic that I'm talking about religion and God. <_<
Why can't people let others believe what they want? If somebody has different beliefs you shouldn't give a damn. Just leave them be.