I sketched this a few days ago and not that bad. ^^ Here: http://player49.deviantart.com/art/X-Mas-Me-under-a-Mistletoe-105921398 Back to business to my problems of my art. I have sketched another artwork and need CnC on it. Here: http://player49.deviantart.com/art/Cap-I-105920514
See, you do the shading perfectly, but the facial expressions and head are the only problems that you seem to have. You don't need color with these either. Well done I must say. 8/10
Ah. Well yea that's my problem. XD I studied too much on shadows and body shapes. It's just the head I don't like drawing. Although my head in the Xmas pic is how I really look like... I think . XD Thanks. ^^