Twililight Guadians ~ Role Play

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by darkriku, May 11, 2007.

  1. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    A small, sleak silver gumi ship zoomed through space traveling faster than the eye could see. The gumi ship aproached the Planet of Destiny Islands, entering the attmosphere silently a moltened colored dome apeared around the Ship as it hearted up traveling down through the air the gumiship landed on a small island in the middle of a large ocean. The island was covered by large wooden structures like forts made for children. Xainkar walked out of the ship smelling the ocean breeze as his coat flaped around in the wind. After a couple of minutes he turned around and said to himself, "She is here." Xainkar had been having strange dreams lately almost visions of people that he did not know. But he did know that they were nobodies and were nessicary for the worlds survival.
  2. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Alexa walked down to the beach with her basket as she did most nights. She would collect shells to make gifts to sell to tourists across the island. She smiled as she began to search the sand. The younger ones were asleep. She looked after them and made sure they were safe, Even here trouble was beginning to seep in. She walked slowly loving the feeling of sand between her toes.
  3. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    "It wasn't a dream," Xainkar said aproaching Alexa "You are not the same... And they will come and destroy everything you once held dear" Xainkar looked out over the water to the bright Moon
  4. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Hello. Do I know you? If you are lost you are welcome to stay with us. There have been a few attacks here lately. I was attacked but I'm ok."

    Alexa held out her hand to the stranger. He looked as if he was lost, and she felt she had to protect him along with all the other lost souls that she protected.
  5. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Xainkar smiles from underneath his hood "You think nothing has happened that everything thing is the same when you know the truth deep down in your mind" Xainkar lifted out his armored hand to Alexa "I have come to warn you... that your family is no longer safe" a light started to glow out of Xainkar's hand spreading into Alexa's then a second point apeared on Xainkar's crown.
  6. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "I know things are getting worse but I was only mugged. I am still alive. If what you say is true then I must become stronger to protect my family. They need me, I am the only one who cares for them. How can I get stronger?"

    She watched the light and the crown, scared. Who was this stranger? How had she changed? Things were confusing. Destiny Islands was peaceful and safe. What did he know that they did not? He seemed wise. She held his hand and smiled.
  7. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Xainkar let go of Alexa's hand and saw a circle of heartless forming around them into shadows. One of the shadows jumped and exended its claws ready to attack Alexa but Xainkar stepped in front of it summoning his scythem, swinging it down cuting the shadow in half and then swung the wieght killing three more heartless. He yelled out "Alexa stay close."
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Alexa did as she was told. She was truly frightened. These strange creatures had attacked her before. Who was her mysterious hero? He seemed totally in control of the situation. She hit by him. Swinging her basket as it was the only thing she had to protect them with.
  9. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Xainkar swung his scythe again for another 10 minutes they battled the heartless until they were all defeated. A thick black haze hung in the air from the heartless attack. "You did well. But you must learn to become stronger if you wish to learn how to fight them. Soon you must come with me and stay close I will teach you things that if I told you know you would think are immpossible but I most go for now tell your family that you will be leaving and pack your clothing and belongings"
  10. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Alexa smiled at him

    "I will be ready when you want me to come with you. I would not tell the others anyway. They would only worry. What are those things and what did they do to me? Please tell me, I need to know."
  11. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    "In every persons heart lurks darkness" Xainkar said walking back toward the beach "They are heartless monsters that have came into existance by hearts falling into darkness. They want nothing more than to rip out the heart of others they meet and make them heartless as well" Xainkar pressed a switch on a control in his pocket and the gumi ship became visible "as for what they did to you, I think you will find that out soon enough." The roof of the gumi ship began to rise and Xainkar stepped into the seat. "here" he said handing Alexa a black cell phone with the Nobody sign ingraved on it. "I will call you when I am ready to pick you up"
  12. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    "Thank you for the phone. I will wait for you. I....I am a heartless then? But I am not evil."

    Alexa began to cry. She had tried to do the right thing and it seemed that she was now tainted by evil. She would fight this and become a good person again. These creatures would not destroy her family or her home. She would get stronger and protect them all.
  13. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    The dark haze that had been around Xainkar's face faded so Alexa could see him from under his hood. He took off his guantlet and wiped a tear off of Alexa's face, smiling "You are not evil, just different, changed, and soon to be stronger"
  14. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Alexa smiled and touched his hand. She could see his face at last.

    "Are you heartless as well? You are not evil. You saved my life. My life now should belong to you."
  15. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Xainkar smiled "That really isn't nessicary. No I am not a heartless neither are you but I guess I am nobody really. But remember even though I saved your life you should not be so quick to judge people I am sure I could find dozens of people that think I am evil. Remember every person has a motive behind there action. But I am not good or evil I am just me, Xainkar" he then fliped a switch lowering the hood of the ship and then pressed a button. An engine turned on humming softingly as it propelled the gumi ship into the air. With one hand hand Xainkar waved and then the ship shot off into the air when it reached a high altatude a light flashed and the ship was gone.
  16. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Alexa watched the ship go. She thought about what Xainkar had said. He had saved her life. If people saw him as evil perhaps they did not see what he had done. Everyone had a motive for every action, that was true. She also knew that he had offered to help her become stronger. He could not be totally evil. Perhaps he had been in the past and was serving penance. She would have faith in him. He had not harmed her and had shown trust. She would not let him down.
  17. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    Xainkar put the ship on auto pilot and leaned back in his seat. "This game is going to get very interesting soon. The pieces are set on the board and the pawns are starting to move. The only differeance is my pawns will turn into knights in good time." Xainkar pushed a button on the navagation system and the ship started to move towards Twilight town.
  18. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    "Grrr......What's Wrong with this place!" Zaxen yelled as people looked at him He just got out of the bench and walked away from the sandlot. "I don't know how long people intend to steer clear of me but they don't care for me... I'm alone in this world, more alone than any other person who is in love, apart, seperated by distance into the sun, and yet.... things can never be the same way I used to think." Zexan mumbled as he sighed, then walked back to the sandlot "Is anyone wanting a battle?! 'Cause I've got power in the palm of my hand!" Zexan yelled as he picked up a struggle sword. "Who wants some?!" Zexan question as he was looking for a challenge.
  19. darkriku Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 13, 2006
    middle of nowhere
    The gumi ship landed in a forest outside of town. Xainkar got out and decided that he would attract too much attention in his organization coat and armor so he changed into a faded pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt. As Xainkar entered the town through Market street he said to himself softly, "Twilight town has barely changed at all except it looks bigger," Xainkar then started hearing shouting voices coming from the direction of the sand lot and then Xainkar felt a small presence that way. He walked into the sand lot in time to hear a man's challege to a struggle battle. "I will fight you" he said steping onto the struggle ring.
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Zexan looked at the person "You must be kidding me.... you a struggler?" Zexan started to crack and threw the man a struggle sword. "Lets see how well you fight." Zexan said as he jumped three feet into the air, then threw himself into the man, with his blade behind his head, as he was in mid-air.