I'm genuinely shocked. After searching, i didn't find a thread about this game. It's a kingdom hearts online multiplayer game! It uses classic RPG sprites. You can fight the heartless! IT LOOKS DAMN AWESOME! Link to the game is as follows: Spoiler http://tsgame.tk/
This is the first I'm hearing of it, but it looks like it could be an interesting game to play. There was certainly a lot of work put into it. Though I'm wondering what they do to make it ongoing. Obviously there are events and friends to talk with, but at a glance I don't see much to make you actually keep playing for that long. Kingdom Hearts doesn't exactly provide a lot of skills to grind with or anything like that.
I don't really like the fact that I have to join to test the game. I may not even like the game so I don't want to sign up for something that I'm not sure I'll even like. I like the idea of it but I still want to be able to test it.
So there's a KH MMO now? I know Square didn't make it but huh. I'm not going to join before learning about it though. What's the combat like? Generic RPG or what? Actually after reading the rules I actually had to laugh. Type with decent grammar. No spamming. No cheating. No AFK killing. If you were jailed/muted/kicked, don't complain. No talking while in jail. No impersonating other moderators. No spoiling or revealing in-game secrets. Don't disrespect other moderators. Advertising a game/site/etc. you or someone else made is a ban. Don't argue on global chat. Don't ask to join the staff. No abusing glitches. No double posting on the forum. A mod will NEVER ask for your password. (Not really a rule, but a warning.) Forum signatures are only allowed to have one image. They're asking for people to have decent grammar on a MMO. That's the most crazy thing I have ever heard.