Twilight Series [General Discussion Thread]

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Garxena, Jul 13, 2008.


Favorite Twilight Series Book?

  1. Twilight

    21 vote(s)
  2. New Moon

    15 vote(s)
  3. Eclipse

    20 vote(s)
  4. Breaking Dawn

    15 vote(s)
  5. None of them

    33 vote(s)
  1. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    Ugh.. I really hate Twilight ¬.¬

    I mean..
    Stephanie Meyer took 200+ years of Mythology and ****ed it up grandly.
    Sparkling vegitarian vampires?
    Spontaneous Werewolf change?

    The main character did my head in as well.
    Bella was an idiot mary sue and a total Author's Darling.

    1. Despite the fact that on her very first day at a brand new school, half the people wanted to be her best friend and she gets chatted up by like 3 boys and the ''hawt'' one who isn't interested in anyone suddenly takes a shine to her she STILL insists she's ''Plain'' and ''Uninteresting'' etc...

    2. Only SHE isn't affected by the pedo-ish powers of the gaylord shiny vampires and SHE has the nicest smelling blood and the ''hawt'' ''monster'' guys only ever take a shine to HER.. not to mention the other countless characters who all either adore her, are jealous of her.. or want her blood cos she's so ''remarkable''... Authors' Darling Much?

    3. She has VERY few flaws, and these are designed to make her cuter (her lack of balance)

    4. She continually fishes for compliments.. (''Ohh I'm so plain'') only to reminded by the countless characters who love her how wrong she is.

    I could go on all day about this but you guys get my point.

    Twilight is bullshit.. the end.
  2. shurik Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 22, 2009
    On twilight beach , listning to the waves
    This person speaks the truth and they are making trading cards and action figures!?! Seriosly there juicen it whay to much
  3. Kyubi the Keyblade Master Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 11, 2008
    No disrespect for Stephanie Meyer or her novels. I really think she could have done better, though. So far, the only real Twilight "fans" I've seen were teenage/young adult girls fantasizing over Edward, Jacob, and James. My impression is this: It's not so much a story as it is a bad fanfiction.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I'm loving the long posts ;3

    Stephenie Meyer is an average writer who just happened to write about an already popular myth: vampires. Next she changed them them around to make them more original, and finally put it in a setting most teenage girls can understand.

    I liked the books, originally. They were simple to read, had some good emotion behind the words, and were worth talking about; for about five minutes. Then it started becoming this huge fan base. At first, I was excited for the movies, because it had been a good book. But the movie sucked, and made me hate the books. The effects were terrible, especially when Edward was "speedrunning", you could totally see through it. The sparkles looked like stick on glitter. Once you hate the movie, it gives you a ton of insight into the books.

    Spoilers for those who haven't read the books.

    Bella is a girl who moved to a town, and doesn't mind being alone. She's generally average, except for her blood. The gorgeous vampire falls in love with her, struggling not to suck her dry every second, while she's clinging to him. It's the basic sappy love story, except apparently Bella's blood is more appealing then her sex.

    The second movie was much better, but both the movie and the oook showed how obsessed Bella really became. If it made so much sense how Edward woudlnt want her, then why was she so hurt when he left? Everyone gets their heart broken, and you just have to get past it. Bella didn't get past, so she's clingy. She makes friends with the Native American kid, and then he stops talking to her. If he wanted to talk, he would call. I can understand her need for closure, though ;3

    All in all, while the vampires were neat, they killed the story. Not one Twilight movie has been nominated for anything for the Grammies or Oscars. Unless things drastically change, I can't imagine the series will get anything better.

    And the people who obsess with it had no life in the first place. Anyone dumb enough to go after a fictional character wasn't very well placed in society to begin with.
  5. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    Well to make a long story short: I hate it, but it gave me more adventure in life, now I need to dodge every single fangirl who knows I hate it.

    But come on the fangirlism is a bit to freaked out if you ask me, maybe about a band or a moviestar, but not some 'sparkly' vampire.
  6. shurik Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 22, 2009
    On twilight beach , listning to the waves
    Fangirls are the worst I mean the second movie was kinda good cause tayler lautner was in it and he's plain awesome I had almost every girl in my scool after me cause I yelled TWIGHLIGHT SUCKKKKKSSSSSSSSS. Not doing that again.
  7. Lovely Phantasmagoria Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 10, 2009
    crappp. ; w ;
    It doesn't have the right to be called a book at all... It's just so full of fail! D: I only liked the movie because of Taylor Lautner and Cedric Diggory. . . D: I prefer Twilight's rival, Harry Potter.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Twilight haters are just as bad as Twitards.
    Hating on Meyer's vampires because they sparkle is redundant. it's not like it played a big part in the story.
    How are they rivals? You can't compare Rowling's years of experience, 7 book series, and a whole contrived universe with Meyer's lack of experience, 4 books that seemed rushed, and a smaller universe.
    She said it herself, she didn't research Vampire mythos.
    But she did put her own spin on vampires, just like EVERY other author.
  9. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008
    I didn't really like any of the books ,the only reason i kept reading after twilight was because i was bored to death and didn't really have any other book that I haven't read (maybe one but it didn't look interesting) But I like Alice.
  10. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥


    This so very hard.
  11. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Twilight so far-but Edward is a bit of a whiny b!tch at times! xD
  12. P E A N U T ~*~Never Surrender~*~

    Apr 25, 2008
    I'm going to say New Moon. Why? Because I love Jacob in that book. xD The rest of the books I actually didn't enjoy, like, at all. New Moon was the most exciting one for me, and my favorite because it didn't have Edward in it. Sorry Edward fans, but he kinda creeps me out!
  13. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Twilight Haters....

    Okay-Simple question-Why do Twilight haters actually hate Twilight? I read the book and im currently reading New Moon-The only things I can complain about is how Bella under-reacts to Edward being a vampire.

    Okay-If anything I can understand how much the media made such a big deal of it but what is so hate-able about it? I think Stephanie Meyer did a good job of the book,Id probably go so far as to say it was genius!

    So why do Twilight haters hate Twilight? And Were talking about the actul book here-NOT the movie ^^

    So opinion away people-What are your views?
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Search threads before making a new one >>

    But yeah, imho, it's easy to see in that thread that the majority of Twilight haters hate Twilight for one good reason: haters gonna hate.

    I mean, the book was nowhere near genius, but it wasn't that bad.
    So many people complain about sparkling vampires, completely ignoring the fact that every author and movie director/write etc adds something new to the vampire mythos, but apparently (and this is my favorite quote because of the stupidity of it): "real vampires don't sparkle."

    And also, most of the time, they're not hating on Twilight, but the fanbase, which is just...well stupid.
    J.K. Rowling made a great series with Harry Potter, I'd call that genius, but I could also pick the flaws in her writing and how she portrayed certain creatures, but that won't matter to people. It's very unfair to compare Meyer to Rowling.
    If you look in that thread, I actually typed down my analysis on the Twilight and no one responded :/
    It just goes to show that the majority of Twilight haters are the same as "Twitards"
  15. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    xD I found the sparkley part ridiculous-I forgot about that!

    But honestly-Have you ever heard of a story such as this one-The uniqueness gives it a certain charm ^^
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I didn't find it as ridiculous, I thought it was a good twist to be honest (Although it was hard for me to see in the film, but that may have been the low quality of my computer >>)
    I mean, Meyer made the perfect predator for human. Everything about them attracts you, their smell, their appearance, their voice and they can outpower you in everything: speed, strength, probably intelligence, they can track you easily. And their only weakness? All it did was make them stand out, and even that was appealing to humans.

    And the story itself could have been better, if you ask me. Well, not so much the story as the characters, especially Bella. I thought Bella was great at first, but then she met Edward and her personality went downhill. Not to mention that Breaking Dawn seemed extremely rushed and she could have done so much more with all those characters. Stories aren't meant to end with a happy ending for everybody, she wanted a drama, but she made a children's story in that regard.
    But in all honesty, it was a good read. Interesting cast of characters, nice fictional subculture, good amount of suspense, etc.
  17. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    hnnnn i think it's because some are just ew vampires and then there r the 1's who r like they don't sparkle! and stuff.

    wen the movie came out my debate 2 class got into a BIG debate about it. Personally it's just a book in a series on people's views on things that could be or could be not true.

    But that doesn't mean it should be taken seriously.

    There's a reason they call it 'Fiction/non fiction'. (dead serious)
    it's proven to be true of a vampire in the 1600's although thats the only information.

    Plus it was an idea to make a story. And that idea is now making money.
    Creative authors get ideas and publish them so us the consumers debate and get people interest,etc.
  18. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Merged the new thread with an existing one. You can continue to discuss the series here.
  19. Phazeun Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 13, 2010
    From all the opinions that have been stated and most of them are the haters... I shouldn't be doing thins... ;)

    Okay, I am one of those who enjoy the Book. It is one of those books (For Me :woohoo: ) that lets the imagination flow more freely. I think the Storyline is uh... okay. But the characters are... ehh okay too. ^_^

    Both Anne Rice's Books + Twilight = Lots o vampire drama. But being old school I am, I like Anne Rice's books better.
  20. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    mylifeistwilight ....the number one reason why I don't like Twilight

    The whole sparkly and necrophilia stuff come right after.