Twilight Series [General Discussion Thread]

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Garxena, Jul 13, 2008.


Favorite Twilight Series Book?

  1. Twilight

    21 vote(s)
  2. New Moon

    15 vote(s)
  3. Eclipse

    20 vote(s)
  4. Breaking Dawn

    15 vote(s)
  5. None of them

    33 vote(s)
  1. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    I thought Twilight was so-so. I mean, I've read better vamp stories than that series.
    For example, the "House of Night" series is a lot better, (in my opinion) than Twilight.
  2. Keyblade_Smokey Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 8, 2007
    TWTNW Where else?
    Horrible movie, Belle.... yeah not going to talk about her acting. I do like how they got basically no name actors to play the parts and not some huge star. However Bella could not act, brown hair... i think green eyes (some die hard fan can correct me on the character's description) they aren't rare. I have brown hair and green eyes! I find it hard to believe that she is the best they could find.

    I have read all of them and enjoyed them, but I will agree that the writing style isn't amazing. Sparkling Vampires..... yeah more like Faeries (sorry fan girls). I personally couldn't stand Edward, Jacob was tolerable, but i prefer Werewolves anyway. I liked the concept of the werewolves changing at will (Native American and loup garou aka French werewolf. I might be wrong about changing at will for the French Werewolf). But other then the Vampires skin being ice cold and heighten senses I didn't care for the other characteristics. After about the time Belle jumped off the cliff I gave up all hope for her sanity and just got sick of her whining and complaining and 'woe to me' attitude. She used Edward to become a Vampire and wouldn't leave him alone about it, by the end of the second book I was just sick of the 'make me a vampire' crap. and when she got pregnant I laughed for a good straight hour just because I thought it was ironic as hell. Braking Dawn was a let down, I refuse to acknowledge that as a piece of Literature. The only good part was when Bella was dieing from her half breed kid because at least then there was some poetic justice to all of her *****ing the reader had to put up with since Edward left. And when Jacob imprinted "Nessie" that was very ironic. but other then that the book was a let down. So yeah I liked it but I can see where people have issues with it and as you can see I have my own. I probably wont read it again but it was ok for a one time read.

    Who made this book popular? Little middle school girls who have no concept of quality writing. The only reason they read this is because Edward would do anything for Bella and they have it stuck in their puny minds that that is how the world works. It's a modern day Romeo and Juliet. There's even a chapter dedicated to Romeo and Juliet referances, New Moon I believe.
  3. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Um... I have a concept of quality writing. And I'm not little xD But I've nearly finished middle-school, so...
    I suppose it's about opinions, right? It is teenage horror/thriller. so I suppose has to be a little simpler than some big-selling horror novels such as stephen king.
    As for the sparkling, I thought it was quite clever. Stephenie took a whole new angle on vampires, and I suppose she was aiming it for open-minded people and not people who have their mind set on Vampires = KIlling machines who sleep in coffins and have heart etc etc etc
    She made that specific twist for a reason, and you gotta listen to what edward quotes in the book to understand her decision to make the characters like that.
  4. Keyblade_Smokey Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 8, 2007
    TWTNW Where else?
    My opinion of Vampires is not all coffins and blood sucking, I just think sparkling vampires is a little out there. Interesting and original twist I agree. But one that the book could do without. I understand Edwards motives for protecting Bella. The concept of "Love at first sight" has little appeal to me, Romeo and Juliet, a great piece of work however it may be, my opinion of them is impulsive and just outright stupid. That was my main issue with the Twilight series, they were very impulsive characters who circled around Bella who cause most of her own problems because shes was just stupid in her actions. I will give it to Meyer for her descriptions of how people interacted with one another, I did like that aspect of the book, probably the Communications Major part of me. In general it is the middle school /early high school girls that made the book so popular.
  5. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'm typing it down but it's not finished yet. I'm not posting it in pieces either because I tend to make (drastic) changes to previous chapters often.

    The content of the excerpts themselves were very similar.

    There's some truth in that but not entirely. There are such a thing as literary mishaps that cannot be pardoned by saying it's the author's style imo.
    Therefore, comparing writers and stories is perfectly possible.
  6. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Personally, I prefer Brondsningham. I like reading a long description pointing out every detail with extrememly descriptive words that captivate my imagination. Meyers didn't describe things well enough. Yeah it was easy to picture, but at the same time, it wasn't captivating. It reminded me of something someone in my third grade class could've written if they knew about spell check. Also, she uses way too many hypens. It breaks what little flow the sentence has.

    I'd have to read an intense scene with Bella and Edward before I finalize my desicion never to read Twilight. Since I'm used to reading (and writing) intense, emotional fantasy scenes, I'm able to tell what's good and what's not.

    EDIT: Then again, I have a higher reading level than most kids my age. Not that I'm bragging or anything, I'm just saying that I'm in ninth grade, but I've had a college reading level since fourth grade. What is interesting to most ninth graders, would probably seem poorly written to me.
  7. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    And, just out of curiousity, why is that a problem that the audience it was intended to be popular with, making it popular?
    I agree, and I think Rosalie was the only vamp I liked. she was the typical one who didn't center herself over a clumsy human who 'smelt good.' xD
  8. Keyblade_Smokey Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 8, 2007
    TWTNW Where else?
    I'm not saying it is a problem, I just think there are plenty of books out there that deserve hype that they don't get. Twilight didn't deserve all the hype that it got. I'm not saying that it doesn't deserve any hype whatsoever I just think it was too much hype for the book.

    No offense to anyone here but....
    going to see Twilight in Theaters and having some little girl squeal every time Edward showed his face kinda ruins the movie.
  9. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Ah. yes. agreed. My friend screeched when edward came on screen.
    she soon got out of the habit when I slapped her and told her to 'shut the hell up.'

    Other books deserve hype too, and twilight was, if you get what I mean.
  10. Keyblade_Smokey Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 8, 2007
    TWTNW Where else?
    I would recommend this book to anyone who likes the tragic heroine stuff. Me however, I'm not a fan. I don't want to read about "my life sucks because Edward left me" I don't think I would have minded the Vampires as much if there were some remnants of the old legends. The werewolves follow the loup garou (French werewolf) aspects such as mind over matter, or the shape shifting or skinwalkers had the same aspect. If the sunlight made the vampires sparkle then oh I don't know...actually hurt them then I wouldn't mind it so much. I'm not saying have him burst into flames but maybe just slightly burn him, depending on how long he was in the sun. I'm not a fan of Bella, ever since New Moon was over I had had enough of her. The jumping off a cliff was a face palm moment followed by "Your a effing idiot". Bella isn't mature at all. I cant think of one rational decision she has made, at least one that hasn't just flat out annoyed me. As I said before, if you like the 'Love at first sight" or "Romeo and Juliet" types of litarture then you will probably like the series but other then that, stop at Eclipse. Breaking Dawn....... no just no.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    well if you ask me, I'd say to remove the romance, add a few guns and nukes, and then blow everything up. that way, It wouldn't be even remotely recognizable to the original story. But that's only if you ask me, though.
  12. Saxibelle Moogle Assistant

    Apr 30, 2009
    In the dark waiting.
    Oh god I hate twilight all my friends love it I mean guys that sparkle that's gay they hardley talk to each other and they start dating that is stupid my dad even agrees with me he saw the movie and said "This is so dumb their dad's a doctor and he can't be near the light"
  13. Johnny Stooge Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 5, 2009
    The statement in the title of this thread is like dividing by zero. It simply can't be done.
    You can't make Twilight better.

    Because it's just that ****.

    No real guy would do any of the **** Edward Cullen does, so this gives girls something to masturbate over.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I agree. Vampires... Do... Not... Sparkle! I mean, I'm not even a fan of the whole "vampire" genre, but I at least have a respect for something well-made. This is not well-made.******.jpg

    Sorry for the crude language, but I feel it really does apply.
  15. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    I congratulate you, my friend. What vampire doesn't suffer from photosensitivety? BURST INTO FLAMES, DAMN YOU! DO NOT WEAR CRAFT HERPES! :yelling:
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I remember when I first read Twilight.
    My aunt called me and said she wants to send me a gift and remember I liked to read. I couldn't think of a book I was interested in, so she requested this "nice vampire book" my cousin was reading. Took me a whole page to realize the main character was a girl..
    It was just unexpected for some reason.

    What I disliked most was Bella. I liked the idea Stephanie Meyer had for her character, but, in my opinion, she could've made Bella a lot more interesting. Bella was a really great character at the beginning of the first book, she was still alright when she first met Edward, but after she admitted she was in love, her character went downhill fast. She became too needy for Edward.

    I understand she was in love, but in order to make that kind of love work in a story, that story take place in nonmodern times. That's why the love aspect didn't work for me.
    I understood Edward's personality because he was from a different time but Bella? She needs to get with the times.

    People are too narrow-minded on the sparkling skin. You have to remember that Meyer made a creature from scratch. In the Twilight universe, the vampires legend evolved from the creatures that the Cullens were. I thought the sparkling skin was creative as a weakness. Vampires are hunters. They were designed to be able to hunt humans. How can you fight something you can't outrun or overpower? They were made to be appealing to the humans (the good looks). Their only weakness was humans can easily spot them in the sunlight because of the sparkles. And even then, the vampire could kill the human in a second.
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Wow. Lolz. You have a very good point though. And the guys who do try to act that way never get laid. lolz. Kind of ironic.
  18. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    It could have been better by not sucking. The writing style was really annoying, despite my initial enjoyment reading the books. It got tedious and annoying 10 pages into the fourth book. I probably won't read them again. lol
  19. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Let's start with the simplest:

    General logic=suck
    hell, the whole book=SUCK

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Breaking Dawn was actually the most easiest to read for me, cause i was laughing my ass off on how dumb it was