Lol he just broke up with her. And then out of no where- UMBRIDGE. That would just make this movie ten times better.
IMO New Moon is the worst one by far, lol. In fact I liked Eclipse the best. I was in hysterics in the theater watching New Moon which was really awkward since I was surrounded by twitards (including my mom who dragged me there in the first place ;~; ) but I won't lie, I thought the script really sucked. Badly.
Oh god he's teaching her to ride a motorcyle. Can you say ******s on motorcycles? EDIT: Yea, we just... cannot get through this movie. We turned it off.
"For a laugh"? I tried watching the JB movie for a laugh. The moral of the story? Doing these kindove things will always result in bleeding. And not in a good way. (Wait, what?)