At least from the channels I watch, Nickelodeon and Disney Channel won't have any new episodes showing next week/weekend (Friday, July 3, 2015 - Sunday, July 5, 2013). Nickelodeon airs new episodes on Saturdays and Disney Channel airs new episodes on Fridays and Sundays. They do the same thing on other holidays like Christmas, which is weird because Jessie once had two new episodes on July 5, 2013. Just because it's a holiday or holiday weekend doesn't mean they can't air new episodes. Regardless of what holidays you get off depending on your job, it has no effect on TV programming as they have programs scheduled in advanced to air. Otherwise we'd have no TV to watch on holidays.
'Everyone should have to work during holidays because I need my shows!' Sounds exactly like 'Everyone should work during holidays because I need my stuff!' /bitter retail employee hoping to soon be a bitter ex-retail employee
It still comes off as hugely entitled. You're complaining/posting a thread about missing a show for one week. I'm not sure how big of a deal this to you but it's kind of low on my list of priorities. Since a week kind of passes by in the blink of an eye. I have work and other stuff going on that makes things fly by. But then again, the majority of tv these days is crap. But YMMV I suppose.
Never said it was a big deal to me, just saying that because schedules are set in advance, there's no reason why new episodes can't air on holidays. If they weren't set in advance, again, we'd have no TV to watch at all on holidays.
The fact that a lot of season finales are happening, I'm not surprised. Depending on the channel, it's possible to go a week without showing anything new. It's just life. A lot of the time, people spend time with family and friends on holidays. Not just creators, but viewers as well. 4th of July is coming up, which calls for cookouts, fireworks, memorial visits, and a lot of travelling. Disney and Nickelodeon's main demographic is family and very very young children (most of the time), and that demographic will not be in front of the television at this time, so it's not beneficial for them to premiere anything. They don't care for the few consumers that are not in their demographic and staying home at that time. They care about the bigger picture.