i love this sketch i just donno why l l l v http://www.kh-vids.net/album.php?albumid=102&pictureid=1905
Well, its a good start, but I would like to see more of the actual fairy type thing. All I can see is her hand.
my point in this picture is that shes waking up from inside the tulip... probably i will draw her next time :)!
I think you really capture a feeling of mystery by only showing the hand. I like the how the flower suits the mystery, so awesome drawing!!!
That is a really cool sketch! Reminds me of my childhood when I thought fairies were inside flower buds. Nice job!
Thank you ^^! as a matter of fact i am entering this sketch and another "Water Butterfly" in a contest at school =] first i need to draw them more bigger then i will add color XD!