TSSSAFWAKTC ~Starting Part Two Again xD~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 3, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    ~The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing~

    Okay well, the other part two was an utter fail so I decided to write It on word then copy and paste It onto here. I WILL NOT FORGET TO WRITE IT Promise xD

    And yes, there Is two more letters on the title =O What do they stand for? The Continuing. It only sounds right xD

    "You have arrived..." Said the voice, sounding a bit like Xemnas'. "Who Are You?" The words on the screen read. numerous people surrounded the television screen, watching as If they had never even heard of the game, but of course, everyone In this place knew about the game, It wasn't called kh-vids for nothing. It was Xaldin's turn to take the controller and play the game, so L (Used to be Rat) passed him the controller. CtR shook her head "Look at them....All playing a game when we should be working out a plan" Sara just laughed "Well this IS a video game site...But you have a point" Sara, CtR (Now a Moderator) and Lipz (Old name: K a i r i) sat around a round table, all looking bluntly at the people staring at the television screen. Ah, It was good to be home, well...as close as home as the people from KHV would be. They were all fighting for freedom, fighting to get rid of CFF and the monsters, fighting for the world. It sounded like a big job, but really, flying to a different country each day was a normal thing now. Sara drummed her fingers on the table "Do you think we should check up on KHV? I don't think leaving Ducky to take care of the forums was a good Idea..." Lipz smiled "Well, DS said It would be fine..?" Sara and CtR laughed "Do you really think we should trust DS?" The three girls turned to a man coming up to them, It was DS. "Glad to hear you talking about me, girls" The three girls looked at eachother nervously then back at DS "It doesn't matter," he laughed "We have bigger problems...CFF was found In Canada last night, 11:15PM Milton. Except when I went to check, the place was In a wreak with monsters crowding the whole town. The world Is getting worse, we'll have to do something soon, and fast" Sara was frowning "But what? If we cant find CFF's base, or CFF himself we have no hope" DA must have heard the conversation, because he too joined In "What exactly is CFF after, anyway?" Of course, no one exactly knew.
    The monsters came back, 2 years after no problems and all silence but a sighting was found, DS went to check It out and DS and CFF battled It out. CFF called on his monsters and they attacked DS, leaving no sign of CFF. The world was getting worse, and DS was right, the KHV Army would have to take action soon or else CFF would rule the world.
    Suddenly a shout came from behind DS and the five turned to look, It was the KHV members shouting at the Television screen and barking at Xaldin to battle It out as Sora and defeat a heartless Boss Battle. Lipz looked In disbelief "We're supposed to be fighting for the world, and they are sitting around a T.V, playing a game" CtR burst out In laughter. DS shook his head, smiling, then turned around to the group around the table "Lets hope Forsaken comes back with some news, eh?" DA sighed. They had sent Forsaken out on numerous adventures and receiving nothing but news of monsters. They sent Forsaken out once more....He hadn't been back for 4 days and DA could tell everyone, even DS, were getting worried.

    Forsaken sighed and looked around In the dark chamber,only one window showing moon light, there was no escaping this one. "Sorry KHV....You'll have to wait a while" he sighed as he heard a flock of crows flying outside from the trees blowing In the dark wind.

    To Be Continued....
  2. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Wow, I think this chapter was awsome :3

    And you made Forsaken sound so emo when he was sitting in that cell all alone xD
  3. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    lol, nice nice

    Psshhhhhhhhh |<
  4. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    wow nice ;D
    please let me be in .... again T.T
  5. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I'm paying attention.... :3
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