TSSSAFWAKTC ~Chapter Three~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 5, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    I had High School Orientation Day today =3 T'was fun, I found out what class I'm In for next year *YAY!* Except our teacher Is really loud o.o;

    Hey, looke here, I'm rambling on about my day again =O
    xD Anyways, heres Chapter Three, not much to say for this one, just read 8D

    Sara (Mentioned)
    Xaldin (Mentioned)
    RvR (Mentioned)
    DA (Mentioned)

    ~Dying or Fighting?~
    The staff of KHV watched DS as he paced up and down the room, the tapping of his feet matching the tic of the clock. Finally he stopped and faced the staff, frowning "Kitty, can you check If the 6 are there yet? I haven't heard any sign of them" Kitty nodded, got up and walked out of the room. DS let go of his frown and looked at the staff members "Well, If the 6 succeed then It will be time for us to take action, we'll see If they are there, then we'll start heading to them" Lipz frowned "What IS this mission, exactly?" DS smiled "Only for me and the Admins to know" Lipz thought over what it could be, when Kitty walked In the room "They're nearly there, should we get heading then?" DS nodded then called for the Admins "Sara, DA, Xaldin, RVR, come" the five walked out of the room, leaving the other staff to get ready.
    CtR looked at the others "They are hiding something from us....I don't think Its something good either" and with that, the staff walked out of the room, leaving only the fire and the clock to make noise.

    Madi sighed In relief "We're nearly there" Darky frowned at the window, wondering what those tiny brown dots In the clouds were. He was just about to ask the others when Vivi distracted him "We better get ready, this misson sounds hard and we don't want to get killed" Darky nodded and went to look out the window again, but nothing was there. He shrugged and walked with Vivi to get ready.
    Jordie and Angel had already gotten their stuff ready, and was with Madi and NRA at the piolets area. Suddenly NRA spotted something on the map, three red dots were moving to their blue dot (Their plane) and frowned "Hey Madi...If there are red dots on the map, does that mean the plane Is broken?" Madi laughed "What are you talking about? Red dots are enemy ships" she kept on flying as NRA nodded "Oh Okay...Well uh...FLY MADI FLY!!" Madi frowned and looked at the map to the Red dots "****!!!" She shouted as the Red dots came closer to the Blue one. Madi got the gears ready "Hold On Everyone!" she shouted as Vivi and Darky ran In the room at the sound of her swearing. The plane started moving In Incredible speed and the 5 fell or grabbed onto something to stop falling. Suddenly Madi screamed again and Vivi went to have a look, only to see a huge Red dot Infront of them, and It was shooting something...a missle. Time seemed to slow down at that very moment, screams from Angel and Madi could be heard, Jordie tried not to scream, but she couldn't help it. Darky, Vivi and NRA were shouting...but It was all too late.


    I bet you thought they were dead, didn't you?
    NRA got up In pain, out of the wreckage and looked around. Smoke and fire surrounded the place, and a lot of broken pieces. He was surprised that he was still alive and had his daggers on his belt. Then a dreaded thought came to him "DARKY?! VIVI?! ANGEL?!? JORDIE?!?! MADI?!?!??!" He shouted, scared for his friends' lifes. Suddenly he heard a noise from behind him and turned around. Angel was getting up from out of the wreckage "You okay?" he asked as calmly as he could "Yeah.." Angel said, obviously hurt. Then he heard another noise, behind him, Madi and Darky came from behind a mountain of wreak, Madi supporting Darky, his leg was covered In blood. Vivi came up, not hurt but with cuts all over him, behind Darky and Madi. NRA smiled "Well thats everyone...Wait...Wheres Jordie?†The five looked around, only to see Jordie trying to defend herself against a monster “Ah darn...†Darky went to help her, but fell down, Madi catching him before he fell onto the ground. NRA pulled his daggers out of his belt and started charging at the monster “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!†and of course, there had to be a battle cry. Before NRA reached the monster, the monster picked NRA up “...H-HEY! Put me down! THING! Put me DOWN!!†NRA could hear Jordie giggling “Don’t you start giggling...AH!†the monster pierced his claws Into NRA “Oh No!†Jordie picked up a metal stick and started whacking the monster, then Madi came along and stabbed the monster In the back. NRA fell down and looked at his bloody holes In his arms “****! Theres green In them†Angel rushed over and frowned “What the...?†a shout could be heard from behind, so the six turned around and saw that they were surrounded at monsters “Ah ****...†Darky swore, still trying to regain his balance.
    The 6 sighed “This Isn’t good...†Madi said, looking around.

    They didn’t die In the plane crash, but would of It have been better dying In a plane crash then fighting for your life?

    To Be Continued....
  2. Valium Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 11, 2007
    The front row
    LOL so this is wat you was workin on
  3. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    My short attention span is preventing me from reading this...

    I need to get eye contacts
  4. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    This part makes me laugh.... XD It just does, in the middle of a battle and everything!
  5. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Nicely written as always :3 (Thanks for putting me in btw =3)

    I lol'ed at Nra xD
  6. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Someone rep this girl for me =]
  7. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Luverlyjuvely Jordie.

    Oh lol at NrA and his battle cry. XD
  8. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    I assume I use the mages quarter staff as a weapon? I'm actually pretty skilled with on e of them IRL.
  9. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    These are all incredibly epic.

    Great jobzz

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