TSSSAFWAKTC ~Chapter Seven~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    Thank You RRMS for giving me Ideas ^^



    ~Forget Your Name, Forget Your Past~
    Silence Is all Sara had heard since she had fell down that hole. Silence and the tapping of her feet on the dirt and grass ground. Where was she? Where was that turn off, where she had to go Left, not right? Where was DS? Wait..Wasn't It Right, not left? No, I'm was pretty sure It was Left, not right. "Bah.." Sara sat down on the dirt ground "Ive been saying It over and over again In my head...Its left, not right..." She looked at the lamp In her hand, It was slowly dimming down, she would have to get out of here soon or else she would be stuck In darkness. Darkness...She had heard that somewhere before..this guy named Sora was trying to stay In light, not dark. But who was Sora? What was she going on about, there was no guy named Sora, and who was this DS guy she kept talking about? Sara shook her head "Silly Sally...Wait..I'm Sally, aren't I? Yeah, I'm Sally" Sara got up "Sara...Why does that name sound familiar?" Sara kept walking until she came to a wall with red writing on It...Blood? Sara read It:

    Forget Your Name, Forget Your Past,
    Try And Make The Moment Last.

    "Forget my Name? My past? What was my past? Make the moment last...Silly kids, graffiti on the walls, Wait, I'm a kid aren't I? Yeah, I'm a kid"
    Sara Continued walking the tunnel until she came to a dead end, there were two path ways "Left not right...Right not left...Left, Right...Left, Right...Left" Sara began to walk the left path way until a person jumped In front of her "Uh...You don't want to go that way" DS turned her around "Who are you?" Sara asked the strange man "You don't remember me? Oh, Thats no fair" Suddenly Sara saw a light...No...A way out.

    Xaldin's group was In a dark gray room with a sign at the door. They all got up after falling down from that hole In the wall and RRMS went to check out what the sign said.

    Welcome to the 'Bridge of the Broken'. As soon as you open this door, the game will start and you will not be able to come back.
    This game Is about strength, mental use and trust. Different activitys will occur while you are playing, and the only way to escape and reach 'The Room Of Hallow Souls' Is to cross this bridge, once you reach the platform and turn the door handle the right way, then the game will stop. There are no rules for this game except to reach the other side of the bridge If you want to live.
    Have A Nice Day.

    Once RRMS had stopped reading, other members had already started to read the sign "So...Remind me why we are doing this again.." Madi looked at the other members "I already told you," Rosey replied "You see this?" she put out her hand and showed a small star In a circle "Everyone who died that night got a mark on their hand, when we put our hands together In a circle, a bigger star will appear and then CFF's base will come to view. Unless you want to keep fighting endless monsters, then we better finish this 'Game'" Once Rosey finished, all of Xaldin's group were silent "I guess we better go then" Madi looked at the door.
    Xaldin reached for the handle "Everyone ready?" The members got ready, then Xaldin opened the door.

    Nah, this bit Is too good for It to be 'Continued'

    The group were all on a platform, where the room used to be. Ahead of them was a unstable bridge, quite wide In size and had no bars to hold onto, but down below was nothing but sky. They were In the sky, and they had to walk across that bridge? Oh well, at least Xaldin could see the other platform. So much for a 'Game' all they had to do was walk across a bridge, that wasn't hard...right?
    So the group began walking across the bridge, some members scared of heights and some were absolutely fine, but what came In front of them was the most frightening. A swarm of giant wasps with their stingers ready were In front of them, flying this way "Get ready!" Xaldin shouted and the members got their weapons ready...
    But the main thought In Xaldin's head right then was "I hope we don't get killed..."

    To Be Continued...
  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ooh...very intriguing...I can't wait to see what happens next!!​
  3. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I bet at least one person dies in this situation... If not by a fall then by allergies. o:
  4. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    meh i bet i'll save them somehow =O
  5. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007

    It's so exciting! :0 Hurry, hurry make the next chapter! :33
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