TSSSAFWAKTC ~Chapter Four~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 6, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    I went to my schools Christmas Carols last night, I had to go because I'm part of the Culture Committee, so I had to wear a Santa hat and help out xD Not fun when little kids are chasing you saying "Santa!!"

    Anywho, thats why I didn't have this up last night. Enjoy!

    Amber (amberdslovick)
    Rosey (Gets Mentioned)
    TCO (Gets Mentioned)

    I think thats all ^^

    ~Save and Safe~
    RRMS, OWH, Roxma, Amber (amberdslovick) and Nymph were all at the back of the plane "Hehehe....They'll never find us here" RRMS giggled at OWH's comment. The four heard about The Staff's mission, and they didn't want to miss out In the fun, so they snuck on the back of the plane. Although, It was all Nymph's, RRMS' and OWH's Idea, Roxma got pulled Into It somehow, he reminded himself about how good RRMS was at convincing.
    Amber was at look out, staring Into the slightly open door that lead to the kitchen. She sighed and winced at her growling stomach, looking out of the door once more, her face lit up. On the little green table (It was a blinding green) was a pale pink jar with the label on It saying 'Cookies'. Amber started giggling Insanely "Cookies! Cookies!!!!!!!" She looked back to see the other four looking the other way, then opened the door wide enough to slide through. Amber slipped through the door then got on her knee's, crawling to the green table as quiet as she could, It seemed as though It took forever to crawl to the table. Finally she reached the table and slowly reached her hand to the top of It, making sure she wasn't seen. Her hand crawled across the table, until she reached the cookie jar and just got a finger on it...
    Suddenly another hand grabbed hers "Got ya" said a mans voice, she realized who it was, DS. Amber winced "Eepp".

    OWH sighed, how long would this take? He looked around and realized that Amber wasn't anywhere to be seen "Hey guys...Wheres Amber?" The four looked around until they heard voices, the sound of Ambers and DS'.
    "Well...Errr...Its a long story" said the voice of Amber
    "I have time" DS replied, not sounding angry at all
    "Uhh....Are you sure? I mean, we could just skip the details and like...get on with the mission"
    DS laughed "Don't try and Ignore It, I caught you so now I need to know the details"
    "R-really, Its nothing!"
    "Who else Is here with you?"
    The four at the back looked at each other "Uh Oh..." RRMS shook her head "I bet It was the cookies" Nymph whispered. All of a sudden they heard Amber call out "No One Else Is Here! Even If They Were, They Would Probably BE RUNNING RIGHT ABOUT NOW!" The four nodded "Lets go" Roxma said, but looked at the hesitating Nymph "What about Amber?" This time, OWH replied to her "We'll have to leave her, she'll be okay, DS wont eat her" Maybe that wasn't the right thing to say...but the four ran to the back back of the plane

    DS gave Amber a frown "Why are you yelling? Ah, I see, You were signaling them to run, wern't you?" Amber was shaking He'll eat me.. She thought "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I SHOUT A LOT!" she tried to cover up, but DS didn't look convinced. Misty came In the room just as DS was about to speak "DS, we're nearly here" she looked at Amber and shook her head. DS nodded "You stay here" he ordered Amber, and went off. Misty came up to Amber and whispered In her ear "I'll open the back way when we land, you and whoever else Is with you have to run out before you get caught by DS again, okay? Just don't kill yourselfs" Misty walked away as Amber smiled.

    Madi, Jordie, Darky, Vivi, Angel and NRA were all weak. The six had tried to fight them back as much as they could, but the monsters wouldn't stop fighting. Jordie looked away, were they going to die like Rosey, TCO and the rest did? She shook her head No! I'll fight for them, I'll fight until I collapse, I wont forgive those monsters for what they did! She got her metal stick again, and started fighting again. Vivi sighed "Jordie, Stop! Theres too many!" But she kept fighting. All of a sudden, they saw something come up from behind the monsters, something black...no...not something...Someone! CFF laughed "Ignorant little girl, you think you can fight my Army? Do as your friend said, run away like a coward!!" he laughed again, and the six all frowned. CFF pointed at them "GO MONSTERS! ATTACK AND KILL!" Time seemed to slow down once more, the monsters all jumped or charged at them. They were really going to die...This was It. They failed the forum, they failed their friends...they failed the world.
    The six suddenly heard a noise from behind the monsters "ROAR!!!!" RRMS shouted, and the monsters turned to face six more people. RRMS, Roxma, Amber, Nymph, OWH and they had found Forsaken along the way.
    CFF frowned "Looks like we're going to have a feast tonight" he laughed "Kill them all.." the monsters charged both ways and the, first six, now twelve, fought them off.
    NRA couldn't help but wonder how the other six came, looks like they had a lot of explaining to do. NRA ran as 3 monsters came to chase him, but he tripped over a rock "Great..." he got up but heard something falling from the sky. Kitty, Lipz and CtR Landed on the 3 monsters chasing him, they all stabbed the monsters In the back with, Kitty with a whip, Lipz with a quarter staff and CtR with a short sword. NRA was surprised "Where did you all come from?!?" he asked, Lipz replied with a laugh "We couldn't miss out In all the fun, y'know" NRA saw the KHV staff, the six that saved them, and the first six all winning against the monsters. He grinned "Awesome..."

    To Be Continued....
  2. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky

    You are so hilarious.

    I love all of these.

    GREAT job.


    That was an EPIC cover up.

    Greatttt job.

  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Haha, these are all so funny...great job...oh and I'm glad you had fun yesterday, I think? :glomp:
  4. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    It depends If you think little kids chasing you Is fun xD

    And Thanks Orange 8D
  5. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    YAY i was mentioned 8D
    lol CFF is way to clever >_>
  6. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I like where this is going.. :3 What will CFF do now?
  7. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    We all die from exhaustion! :P

    Keep it up Jordier!
  8. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007

    I really liked it a lot.

    And my last line in the chapter I thank you for xP
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