TSSSAFWAKTC ~Chapter Five~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Dec 8, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    Bwahahaha. Theres a big surprise In this one ;D

    Oh and, this one Isn't very long xD

    Kairi (Lipz)

    ~Long Live The Spirit~
    The whole team of Staff, and the other Twelve surrounded CFF "This Is It....We've finally caught CFF.." Darky whispered to himself. Suddenly DS walked up to CFF. This was It, no more monsters, no more danger...no more CFF.
    DS picked up his sword and pierced It In CFF's heart...

    And that was The End...


    Now, If that would of happened, Darky would of been so happy. But It was just his Imagination getting to him. Instead, before DS pierced the sword In CFF's heart, CFF rolled from under the sword, and looked at the people In a circle, all surrounding him. He laughed "You think you can beat ME?! Ha Ha Ha, nice joke. This reminds me of when I got banned, eh? But I came back, bigger and stronger. You haven't heard the last of me!" Kitty went to whip CFF with her whip, but Instead It rebounded off something around CFF and hit her. She winced and covered the bloody gash on her arm. He laughed once more, and In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
    DS was frowning That wasn't CFF.... he thought. He knew this because DS had left a scar on CFF's neck for when they battled It out, but the scar wasn't on that CFF "Great..." he said, not overly happy. Sara looked at him and replied "Whats the matter?" DS began walking Into the forest "That wasn't CFF" and then he was gone. Sara shook her head and turned to RvR "Look after these guys, split them up Into two groups and come Into the forest as soon as you can. I'm following DS to make sure nothing happens" Sara ran off towards the direction DS went.

    RvR sighed and looked at the members. Leave him to do something like this, It was hard enough trying to get everyone to listen to you, then try to split them up Into two groups. Okay, so, what does Sara do to get everyone to listen to her...err...shout! "OKAY EVERYONE!" everything went silent and everyone looked at him, some trying not to laugh and others with the 'What the...' look on their faces. RvR hesitated "Uhh...Err..right. Umm, We need to split up Into two groups?" Kairi (Changing her name back to Kairi because the 'SIIIIIIIIITAS' broke up. Was once Lipz) laughed "Let me do this the easy way" she stood next to RvR and put her hand Infront of her "That group," she pointed to the left "Go with RvR" next, she pointed to the right group "You guys, are going with Xaldin" Xaldin seemed shocked "Err, why me?" Kairi laughed "Because your Admin, now, I'm going with RvR...Kitty, keep Xaldin on his feet" RvR's group went Into one part of the forest, Xaldin's went Into the other.

    Xaldin had no Idea where he was going, Kitty seemed to though. The group stopped as Kitty saw something In the distance, they both weren't too sure what It was, but Jordie ran pat them towards It. They saw what It was now, a girl..."ROSEY!!" Jordie shouted. Was she really alive? Was she really here? Would her fellow 'Super Villain' reunite with her? Jordie went to hug her fellow 'Super Villain' but went through her and fell on the ground...she realized what Rosey was, a ghost. Tears filled up In her eyes "R-rosey.." Rosey looked at her and sighed "I'm still dead Jordie. I'm nothing more then a spirit now" Jordie got up, wiping her eyes.
    Kitty, Xaldin and the rest of the group ran over "Rosey?!" Kitty looked amazed "H-how?" Rosey smiled "Its a long story, see, we're still dead, but our spirits are alive. CFF wanted to possess our spirits and use us, Fortunately I escaped, but the rest..." she looked away. Vivi spoke up "So they're alive as well?! Well, spirits anyway" Rosey nodded. The rest were still trapped, Rosey told them. She told them the whole story, CFF's plans...everything.
    After she had finished, everyone was In thought. Rosey had said she wanted to free the others, but needed help. It looked like another adventure was ahead of them.

    To Be Continued...
  2. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky

    That's so funny.

    LOL I just love it.

    "Tears filled up In her eyes "R-rosey.." Rosey looked at her and sighed "I'm still dead Jordie. I'm nothing more then a spirit now."


  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Captured CFF perfectly.

    Really annoying and impossible to catch........

    Unless he gives up.
  4. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Hah, I feel like I purposely didn't put myself in Xaldin's group xD

    Awesome Jordie ;D

    Poor Rosey ;.;
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Ooh, that's good...it was so unpredictable...awesome job! :) Can't wait to see what happens next!
  6. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    awesome that means i can still be there 8D
  7. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Aww...... Rosey........ ;.;

    *awaits next part, this is getting exciting!*
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