TSSSAFWAK Part 2 -Chapter 1-

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Nov 10, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    The Slightly Strange Story About a Forum We All Know

    Jeez, now that I read It, the title looks like an error code O_O;
    Yeah, couldn't be stuffed writing the whole title In the title box, so I just wrote It here xDD

    Because my story was such a hit, I thought, because CFF Is still alive, that I would make Part 2!
    Part two will be longer (If I'm not a lazy bum), more tense and more epic then last time. So be prepared!!!

    Ya...So enough of me rambling on about how much better Its gonna be then the last one...(In The Words Of Ben Dunn) LETS WRITE!!

    (P.S The First Chapter Is Always The Shortest, In My Opinion)

    ~Conflict Plans~
    The shadows consumed the walls of the dark chamber, as the only light was the one of the fire place, but even then, the flames were small. As the last man in a dark cloak sat down, there were nervous looks around the room coming from the 20 members sitting at the long wooden table, polished and dark.
    The man at the far corner at the right of the table, eyed the room carefully, taking in every detail there was. He was exceptionally good at remembering, always having to remember everything for his s-
    No, Better not think of that The man thought suspiciously. He had heard the people around this place, could read thoughts. It may be a myth, but he dare not take the risk. A girl with black and yellow clothes on, obviously a servant, came up to him, holding a tray with three goblets of wine on it. He looked up at the girl, and widened his eyes as he saw the girls eyes. They were gray eyes, dead eyes. The man shivered as he took the goblet, but not planning on drinking the wine, it may be poisoned.
    The girl looked at him with a fake smile, and dead eyes until finally, he realized what she wanted "Thanks.." he muttered, and the girl turned away. Weird.. he shook his head at the people drinking the wine Stupid.... Suddenly, the big doors swooped open and wind gushed in the room. A man, fully in black, came in, obviously in anger and late. He sat in the big chair at the front of the room and drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, thinking.
    A girl, three people down from the man in the chair, coughed, and the man looked up "Huh? Oh, Uh...Right...Thank you Alana.." Alana... he thought Must remember that name. The man at the front of the room looked around "I suppose you all know why your here? Well...If you don't," he looked at the people who had confused looks on their faces "We are here to start a war.." numerous shouts came from the outraged members
    "That wasn't part of the deal!!"
    "This is an outrage!!!"
    The man just laughed "There was no deal...In the note I sent, I said we would talk about conflict, and that..." The man looked at everyone, standing up "..Is what we are doing"
    The man at the far right corner of the table frowned "And why war? We have no army's...20 people cant just fight a whole nation!" he looked at The Man "Well, Forsaken, I am 'The Man' I can think of anything" The Man grinned, as Forsaken frowned "This Is wrong....CFF" Forsaken hoped he could go back to the KHV Head Quarters soon...If CFF was going to start a war, then they would have to stop It. It was hard enough trying to pretend you were on the dark side, let-a-loan stop a war.

    The man pulled his brown cloak over him more, trying to stay dry, but It was no use because the rain kept getting at him, anywhere he went. All of a sudden he heard a shout from the distance "DA!! DA Wait Up!!" Kitty ran to DA, puffing when she stopped "Shh Kitty, we cant let anyone know where our base is.." he said, pulling Kitty to a wall, then pushing a brick just out of the wall, into the wall. The wall slowly moved aside, without a sound, as the two walked Into the base. DA took off his cloak as Kitty took off hers. "Why were you out there?" she asked, curiously "Doing a job..." he answered back "What about you?" Kitty grinned "Just going for a walk!" That was Kitty alright, always confident but unaware of her surroundings. The two walked into the main room, where they found numbers of KHV members, talking, playing games, or doing something else if they wernt on a mission. Kitty ran off to see Mish, as DA went to another room, The Computer Room. He sighed as Sara and DS were leaning over a computer, frowning "Whats wrong?" DA asked. Sara span around "Heard anything from Forsaken?" he looked at Sara's worried face.
    Forsaken was the forums Number One Spy. Along with other members, but they were on other missions. Forsaken had to act like he was on the dark side, to collect Information for the site. As for the others, numerous attacks from strange monsters were all around the nation, so half of them went to sort things out. The other half was still here.
    Sara sighed "Forsaken...Has disappeared...His dot is not on the computer screen! We don't know where he is..." DA looked at Sara, then at the computer screen "It should be there" DS pointed at a spot on the computer screen "But Its not.." Sara replied "I think we might have to go and find him?" DS nodded "I think so too..." The three walked out of the computer room, going to tell the KHV members the news

    To Be Continued...
  2. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    am i in this?
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Ya....Your gonna be In either Chapter 2 or 3
  4. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    wow i like the begigning 8D very nice jordie ^^
    is boris one of these men ?
  5. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Last one was more epic XD
  6. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    lol...Cool I'm a spy 8D
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I hate to ask the question but...

    Am I in this?
  8. The Great Gatz Chaser

    Apr 5, 2007
    Nice Jordie! ;D Can't wait to see where the story goes from here.
  9. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Sounds interesting so far...! Oh, but I think you meant "Sara spun around" instead of "span around"...Although I do wonder...why don't you put this in the Creativity Corner...?
  10. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Because you get more people commenting on them 8D
  11. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    Only one symbol is needed to describe this

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