Truth or DARE!!!!!

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by jackdaniel0, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Zter? But I cannot really see him doing it. Depends on the old person.

    Where did you learn to write?

    Truth or dare?*
  2. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I'll take a truth.

    ToD to the person below me?
  3. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    A lightsaber is but an extension of oneself, therefore I deem it to be my fist, thus allowing it.

    I despise his existence already.

    Truth or Dare?

    EDIT: Truth, please.
  4. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    lol, well, I'm fine with that. I already make my sister attack me with her lightsaber while I'm unarmed, so I can work on reflexes and build up intolerance to pain when I get hit.

    lol, but I say the same things, and you don't despise me.

    EDIT: Okay, for your truth...

    Would you buy a fast-food meal for a homeless person?
  5. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I will take whatever you give me. I'm too bored to care, but expect minimum effort.

    Cop-out. He does not have the authority to end my discussions for me.

    How can you devalue a life when you cannot prove that it exists to be devalued?

    Why do you believe that other people (your parents, your friends, et cetera) exist? (Or that evidence is inherently valid, if you prefer.)

    That is what you think. Might change now that you have said it outright.

    Truth or dare?*
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Nope. I have no evidence that they are truly homeless, and if they are then they would likely still find such an act condescending.

    Truth then.
    What is/has been your favourite debate subject?

    My opinion of her won't change, because of the way she goes about it. She believes it, but she doesn't protest it constantly. That said, I still believe that she's entirely wrong.
  7. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    I'm sorry for asking, but are you talking to me, or someone else?

    EDIT: nevermind.

    lol, dude, he respectfully asked us to stop talking about something that is relatively personal to him. I don't consider the action to be wrong in any way. In fact, I find your response to his request to be very rude, actually.

    Well, there is the slight chance (and I know, this is hard to believe,) there is the slight chance that other people actually exist. So if, like I say, people exist, than every person is alive. So any time a person is treated as less important than another person, their life is devalued. And even if they aren't really there, even if they don't really exist, their "life", meaning, their existance in your mind, still is devalued if another is held as "more important" than them. Also, if people do exist, as I believe, than their lives are devalued merely by your supposition that they are no more than a figment of your imagination.

    Well, first off, I'll take the sentance "I think, therefore, I am!" If, the abilty to think proves our own existance, then the presence of this same thoughtfulness in others should prove their existence to me as well as them. If none exist exept what you, Makaze, think exist, then wouldn't everybody think the way you do? You do not think the way I do, almost every time you and I talk, we display this to ourselves. It is foreign for you to think the way I think, so just by talking to me, someone who thinks differently than you, should prove to you that I exist. This is one reason why I know that you exist, because I woud never have come up with you on my own. lol, I'm actually pretty selfish like that. If everyone and everything were only a figment of my imagination, than you can bet that I would imagine a cleaner, nicer, less violent world. But the world is bigger than me, and I am not the only living thing in the universe, I would not be able to imagine something like that up anyway. I can barely understand it as it is, how am I supposed to have thought it to existence?

    Another thing is pregnancy. Every person in the world was born. I'm sure you will agree to that. If a woman has a baby, even if she firmly believes that she is the only real person in the universe, she now realizes that there is another life inside her. Ask any mother, even if their child was aborted, and I'm sure they will agree that the baby was real, the morning sickness was real, the cravings were real, the way the baby kicked their stomach so bad it hurt was real. If that baby is born, the mother knows that that baby exists. So every person in the world can ask their mother, and she will attest to the fact that yes, you are real.

    And then for the third reason: I see these people. I talk to these people. I hear these people when I walk down the street. To try and convince myself that every single one of these people are only in my head would not only be silly, but arrogant as well. I pride myself on being able to make up characters on the spot, but really, there are like, billions of people on planet earth. There is no way possible that I could think up all these people. I don't have the imagination for it. And it is silly to say that these people don't exist. To do so would be like saying your computer doesn't exist. You are probably sitting in front of it right now, you are looking at the screen, reading the words that I typed, and you just finished typing something on the keyboard. You've seen it, felt it, used it, to say that it isn't real is foolish.

    No, he already knows that I say that. I told him so in one of the first conversations we had, and he accepted that I believe that. It's not like I tried to hide it or anything.
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Objective truth and philosophy. Like I am debating now.


    If you argue that, then I should value all hypothetical people, because they may exist.

    Do you see the problem?

    Wait, what? You are getting ahead of yourself. You have to prove they exist before you can validate the presence of thoughtfulness.

    People in dreams show the same thoughtfulness. You must prove that they exist before such 'thoughts' can be called such. You cannot assume that they exist as a means of proving that they do; that is a paradox.

    Subconscious. Imagine a dream. All of those things come from somewhere in your mind. Many people would refuse to believe that the things they dream of come from themselves, but are forced to believe it when they have them.

    The same is true of reality.

    I believe you mean 'believe the same things' and not 'think the same way'.

    I have believed as you do, when I was a child. Logic had me grow out of faiths.

    Again with the 'that couldn't have come from me!' If you created this world, then it did come from you, so you should consider the possibility.

    Also, if the world is your dream, then it does not exist outside of your sphere of experience. The world only exists as far as you can see, hear, taste, smell or touch it. When you move, the world moves with you; you could say that you do not move at all, but stay in place.

    So, when you do not understand something, remember that it does not exist anyway, so understanding it is a moot point until it enters your sphere of experience.

    Again, you may well be listening to yourself instead of me right now. Do not sell yourself short, Marushi. At the very least, here is some logic.

    The world only exists to you according to your ability to perceive it. To a blind man, the world has no appearance; colors do not exist. To a deaf man, it has no sound. To those who cannot feel, it has no texture, no temperature. Nothing you do can convince them otherwise. If the world exists according to your ability to perceive it, then how can you separate the world from your perception of the world?

    You cannot.

    Have fun.

    Not quite, no. As a solipsist, I believe that there is one mind, that being my own, and that I was not born, I simply have always been dreaming, moving from one dream to the next. In this dream, the notion of being born is where the dream started. That is all.

    This relies on the premise that her body exists and is real. The only thing that she knows to exist are her senses. If you touch a table with your hand, does that validate the existence of the table? You might ask me to touch the table and say that because I felt it, the table is there.

    Now, what validates the existence of your hand? You might ask me to touch the same table and say that because I felt it, my hand is there.

    This is a circular argument. The table is validated by the hand and the hand is validated by the table. In the same way, a child is validated by the sensation or feeling that a child is there. But how can you prove that you have a womb to have a child in? All you have is the feeling. And that does not prove anything.

    My mother said the same thing.ïve_realism

    These are all the same reason.

    "Because I feel it is so."

    Please review the above link and review why it is faulty to assume that a thing exists simply because you feel that it does.

    Indeed, this computer does not exist. It would work the same way in a dream as it does now and it has done so when I have dreamed of it, so I have little to no reason to separate its 'existence' from that dreaming experience. And neither do you.

    Also see: hallucinations, delusions, and why they are the same as reality.

    I am bisexual. How do you feel about this? Am I going to hell? Do I deserve it?

    Truth or dare to the below?*
  9. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Alright, Makaze, this is not the right place for a debate, so I'm going to continue this via VM so I can address what you are saying without taking up space in the ToD thread.

    Responding now, might take awhile.
  10. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Aw. But I prefer an audience...

    Oh, well.

    Truth or dare to the below?*
  11. i didnt i just startsd typeing one dau when i was like 1n a half and here we are serious also im not gonna be on this page myself i kinda need to stop getting a ToD every 3 min
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Truth or dare the below? We cannot let this die.
  13. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Dare .
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I dare you to... I have no idea. Oh, I know. Watch a movie with me. That will do.

    Truth or dare to the below?*
  15. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    That's it? I thought you'd make me do something embarrassing like declare my love for you in a recording and post it for everyone to hear. You're soft.

    Dare, again.

    Truth or dare?
  16. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Truth, please~

    Truth or dare below? <3
  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Truth I suppose
  18. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Fine. I dare you to tell me some nice things about Makaze in audible format and post it here for everyone to hear. Happy?

    Truth or dare?*
  19. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Here's the recording.
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Aww. Thank you.

    Truth or dare to the below?*