She's starting to show an interest in writing. So she needs a little advice every now and again. Sis: "I need a cool name for a director." Me: "Fury." Sis: *rolls eyes* "Something else." Me: "Brown. As in Charlie Brown. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO YOUR DIRECTOR!!!" Sis: "Not that kind of director. A director like Fury, but not that name." Me: "Vance. Shepherd." Sis: "I need a serious name." Me: "Black." Geddit? Sirius Black? No? Not working for ya? Hmm. Sis: *laughs and shakes her head. Stops asking me* Other sister comes into the room. Sis 1: "Hey, I need a name for a director." Sis 2: "Fury. Vance. Shepherd." XD
I've tried trolling my brother but he takes it waaay to seriously, and then he gets offended, and then it's not fun anymore because I feel guilty.