I play it, but I don't enjoy it, and here's the URL http://www.tricksteronline.com/. Can someone please play this game with me so I can better enjoy it? My username is Kinonitsu, (obviously) and I'm a Racoon.
i play it add me i always play on pearl server so go there mand add me my user name is jacqueline10 yay another friend ^ ^ i'm a bunny
I'll judge this game once I watch a couple video clips and if it looks interesting, then I may just try it, maybe.....
yea but i guessed we're all intrested in different things but i think the game is good that's just my opinion though.
I lost interest because i played kingdom hearts too long (again) so jacquelinenguyen1067541 what time do you go online in trickster?
I've heard of it but i've never bothered to download it. I'll have to try it sometime, see if it's any good.
Jewelia - Pearl Island Character - "Dinotime" lvl 32 1441 Sheep Fire/Lightning (later on xD) Planning on making a pure DA fox if Darky ever decides to play with me =/ Me and trigger are on like every night playing O_O
You should probably play it instead of deciding things from videos lol. It's alright though, the skills are pretty fun to use. I prefer digging though. It gets me a ton of money and still levels me up =D