riskown: TRESS HATE YOU riskown: TREES* Mechmer: D: Mechmer: why riskown: idk Mechmer: D: ask them riskown: trees cant talk riskown: D: Mechmer: '- Mechmer: then how do you know they hate me? riskown: they told me Mechmer: but they cant talk '-' riskown: i know riskown: of course they cant Mechmer: o.o riskown: silly Mechmer: but Mechmer: how do you know they hate me then D: riskown: they told me Mechmer: how D: riskown: with words riskown: =| Mechmer: '-' Mechmer: how did they get the words to you? riskown: they told me them riskown: >:| Mechmer: how '-' riskown: with words Mechmer: TREES LOVE ME D:< riskown: TREES HATE YOU Mechmer: NO THEY LOVE ME >:C riskown: TREES HATE YOU Mechmer: FINE D:< riskown: *whispers* riskown: *trees* riskown: *hate* riskown: *jellyfish* Mechmer: o.o Mechmer: what Mechmer: what Mechmer: has riskown: jellyfish Mechmer: jellyfish Mechmer: ever riskown: jelly fish Mechmer: done Mechmer: to Mechmer: trees Mechmer: '-' riskown: they electrocute them riskown: and if they eat them they DIE Mechmer: trees cant eat '-' riskown: ... riskown: jellyfish riskown: jelly fish riskown: jelly fish riskown: jellyfish riskown: TREES HATE YOU Mechmer: D:< Mechmer: NO riskown: i forgot what I was going to say Mechmer: :D riskown: So allow it to suffice that I am a giant cheese taco Mechmer: YOU ARE? :O riskown: yes riskown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iubJ-XSL9go riskown: jellyfish riskown: jelly fis riskown: h riskown: CURSES riskown: FOILED AGAIN Mechmer: you cant be a fish and a giant cheese taco'-' riskown: thhats the the trees WANT you to think Mechmer: '-' Mechmer: Oo riskown: a ghost? riskown: D: Mechmer: o.o riskown: well Mechmer: no. riskown: ghosts go OOOoOOOoOOOOooooOO
I thought the video was going to explain the giant cheese taco thing. I should have known better. But now I've got a proper lesson in enunciation.