Transmutation of Alchemy - A fight between ZotT and twilightsown

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Dec 13, 2006.

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  1. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    It's a regular day in the land of Atermis, an increasing number of State Alchemists are joining the military and the Philosopher's Stone is all but forgotten. Today is the day that the State Alchemist Renewal Exam takes place for two young men. One shall receive the honer of being the better, while the other shall face humiliation of defeat. Which shall rise, and which will fall?

    No one but me and twilightsown can join in, however, judges are needed
    No spamming
    No god-moding (It's alchemy, so you kinda have to, just a little)
    No powerplay (Definently)


    ~State Alchemist Profile~
    Specialty Alchemy:
    Other Alchemy:
    Weapon Transmutation:
    Main Weapon:
    Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove)
  2. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Name: Arkane
    Title: The Bleeding Heart Alchemist
    Age: 21
    Specialty Alchemy: Transmute blood into different forms
    Other Alchemy: manipulation of blood from enemies or himself, uses transmutation circle carved into his chest
    Weapon Transmutation: Sword made from blood
    Main Weapon: Transmuted weapons
    Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove)
    Biography: A new alchemist, Arkane has a troubled past. Beaten as a child, he eventually would kill his parents once he learned how to harness Alchemy. All of this is unknown to the Military, as he appears as a normal man aside from the large transmutation circle he has carved into his chest to manipulate blood.
  3. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Name: Zeruel Rockbell
    Title: The Smithing Alchemist
    Age: 13
    Specialty Alchemy: Transmuting various objects
    Other Alchemy: Fire Manipulation, tampering with his automail, stone manipulation, and shattering objects.
    Weapon Transmutation: Various, almost anything he can imagine.
    Main Weapon: Custom manually-made dual pairs of guns
    Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove), automail, pyrotex gloves with transmutation circles on palms,
    Biography: Zeruel is the grandson of Winry Rockbell, and was one of the youngest to make it to the rank of State Alchemist (second only to Ed). He is a prodigy, also with quick reflexes and a sharp mind. He lost his left leg and right arm (ironically, because he looks similar to Edward as well) due to a train accident. His goal is to become the greatest alchemist in the world.
  4. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (IF he's Winry's grandson...and Ed and Winry get together...wouldn't his last name be Ed's?)
  5. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    OOC- Erm, I dunno if you realized, but Ed never gets to return to Atermis.
  6. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (Winry's last name still wouldn't be Rockbell though...if she got married...unless she kept her name the same?)
  7. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    OOc- Erm, yeah. Something like that.............. I guess?
  8. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (Who cares? Let's begin the exam XD start us off!)
  9. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Zeruel walks into the parade grounds, everyone in the east headquarters gathered around. "Alright, dang drawing system. Oh well, they'll all wish that they got this test!" The announcer walks into the center, just talking and talking. "Geez, when will this guy shut his trap?" The announcer finally brings out Zeruel opponent. "Meet Arkane, the Bleeding Heart Alchemist!" The audience gasps and muders. Zeruel dransmutes a handblade onto his automail. "Arkane?! The infamous Bleeding Heart Alchemist?! Oh, what luck this is today."
  10. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Arkane walks out onto the field. He isn't wearing a shirt so that his hand carved transmutation circle is showing. Taking a drag off his cigarette, he throws it to the ground, and puls out a small knife. Cutting a small wound into his hand, he transmutes a sword from his own blood. "You ready for this kid?"
  11. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    The audience turns away in disgust. Zeruel groans. "Oh man, that's sickening!" The announcer runs away in fear of getting sliced and diced. "Ready, FIGHT!" Zeruel snaps his fingers, an explosion happens right in front of Arkane, knocking his blood sword away. "Taste cold stone!" He claps and transmutes a stone fist. It is sent straight to Arkane, which can subdue normal foes.
  12. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Creating a second sword from new blood, Arkane summons the blood that got knocked out of his hand back as a whip and split the fist in two. "You're gonna have to be craftier than that kid." Arkane says smiling. Dashing to the left, he picks up the blood off of the stone fist and sends it in a stream straight for Zereul, trying to send him flying backward from the shear force.
  13. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    OOC- Zexion?

    Zeruel quickly transmutes a reinforced rockboulder, which blockes the spray of blood. "God, that's gross." He runs up to Arkane and clashes his handblade with Arkane's bloodblade. "Dude, crystalizing one's own blood is pure insanity. How'd you even get into the military with such a criminal record?!"
  14. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    (OOC: Edited, and no one knows about it...supposedly XD)
    "What are you talking about boy? Just because you transmute like the late Edward Eldric doesn't mean your near as good. Turning the blood into a whip, he slashes Zereul across the face, then uses it to trip him up, jumping back out of his range for when he tries to get up. He crystallizes the blood back into a sword and awaits his move.
  15. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    "I'm better then the late Edward Elric!" Zeruel snaps his fingers continuously, creating multiple explosions at Arkane. "Fullmetal this!" He knocks the whip out of Arkane's hands and knees him with his automail leg. "Feel the pain?"
  16. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Eh, you kind of dull out pain after slicing your own body up umpteenmillion times." Arkane says smiling and grabbing his leg, spinning Zereul around and tossing him into the crowd. Pulling off the blood on Zeruel's face, he creates a new sword. "Thanks for the weapon kiddo."
  17. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Zeruel grows impatiant with Arkane. "Alright, blood is what you need, blood you shall get!" He shatters the ground below Arkane, he falls into the sewers. "This'll stop you!" Zeruel drops into the sewers. He quickly jumps and freezes the water before landing, making Arkane left to struggle to break the ice arounds his entire body.
  18. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    "Looks like I'm going to have to get a bit more serious...this kid means bussiness." Smiling wickedly, Arkane Pulls out some more blood from his hand, and start sending the blood rapidly through the ice, carving himself out of it expertly, all the ice coming off of him without touching himself. jumping up from the sewers, he charged Zereul, slashing at him rapidly with the blood, landing a few blows as the boy tried to dodge him. Leeching more and more blood as he continued his attack, his whip began to grow in size, but not slow in speed.
  19. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Zeruel catches the whip witgh his automail arm and transmutes it into extra metal. "Thanks for the gift, now let me RETURN THE FAVOR!" He makes the ice revert to water and boils it, focusing all the heat below Arkane. It blasts Arkane back up where he crashed down like a gyser. Zeruel follows up and transmutes four stone arms, each grabbing a limb. "That should restrain you, but just in case......." He transmutes a stone coating around Arkane's hands. "Now you can't transmute!"
  20. twilightsown King's Apprentice

    Sep 30, 2006
    The outskirts of the Sahara desert.
    Arkane starts laughing. "Kid, you really need to get over yourself." Grunting, Arkane made blood start to seep from the wound in his chest. Laughing, lthe blood gushed off of him and covered Zereul's body and throwing him off if Arkane. Rubbing his wrists, Arkane begins back into an attack, this time keeping up a shield of blood as he shot random bursts from the wall as he pushes Zeruel back.
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