I've been with my boy friend for a few months now.... we're pretty sad and have our own song and everything. It's a song by a furry band called Man With A Mission, the problem is them and our song are in Japanise..... For a gift I hope one of you guys could translate our song, or find a stie with the transaltion.... The song is titeled Moratorium from Man With A Mission.... Please ^.=.^
well, it's not on metrolyrics, so I can't help you. Usually it has a english version as well as the other version when it's in another language, but there's no band by that name on the site
They don't seem to be popular enough for written lyrics.... any possibility anyone could translate by ear?
well, if I knew a site that translate japanese to english, I could give it a try. Oh wait... I do. I forgot about that.
http://en.dilandau.eu/download_music/man-with-a-mission-1.html look for the title i gave you on the site, it shouldn't be to far down the page. Moritorium man with a mission is the song you be looking for ^.=.^
I'm bumping this old thread coz guess what I found a written version of the lyrics they're here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...88920244.51313.100002196744138&type=3&theater so again I ask if anyone can translate I would be very grateful